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Mass Customization of eLearning Standards: Oxymoron or Secret to Meeting European and Global Needs & Diversities? February 16, 2004 SRI – Learning on Demand.

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Presentation on theme: "Mass Customization of eLearning Standards: Oxymoron or Secret to Meeting European and Global Needs & Diversities? February 16, 2004 SRI – Learning on Demand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mass Customization of eLearning Standards: Oxymoron or Secret to Meeting European and Global Needs & Diversities? February 16, 2004 SRI – Learning on Demand 2004 ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland Wayne Hodgins

2 Strategic Futurist Director Worldwide Learning Strategies Autodesk Inc. President & Co-Founder Chair, IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee Learning Object Metadata Past President Strategic Advisor C omputer Ed ucation M anagers A ssociation

3 February 16, 2004 Attribution. The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work. In return, licensees must give the original author credit. Share Alike. The licensor permits others to distribute derivative works under a license identical to the one that governs the licensor's work. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

4 February 16, 2004 Usage Agreement 1. They are correctly attributed and the user sends Wayne Hodgins ( email describing where and how they are to be used. 2. If any modifications or corrections or additions are made to these slides, the user agrees to send these changes to Wayne Hodgins with full permission to use them. It is hoped that these slides are of value and benefit to many others. As such, they may be downloaded and used under the following conditions:

5 February 16, 2004 Future Vision Statement READINESS to RESPOND to the UNEXPECTED!! (in unique ways)

6 February 16, 2004 Into the Future with Standards Standards??!! Surely you are joking Mr. Hodgins! The next BIG thing is getting really S M A L L

7 February 16, 2004 Standards Adoption at Tipping Points Inflection “tipping” point 0 Invention Adoption Pioneers Everyone EXAMPLES: Railroads Manufacturing Telecom Video Net/Web Learning?

8 February 16, 2004 Getting S M A L L Part IThe Vision me Learning! –Markets of one: Billions of Markets Personalized Learning Experiences for every person every day –all 6.2 billion of us -- every day!! Just for me and just right: –Time, place, amount, device, medium, way… –On demand, adaptive Learning in ALL forms: –Formal AND informal –not just online, on computer, on screen

9 February 16, 2004 The next BIG thing is getting really S M A L L VERY small standard components Dynamically assembled into “just the right” solutions “standardized uniqueness” Applies to: –Software Code –Equipment (Manufacturing overall) –Content –Human Competencies (eg. Testing & certification) Getting S M A L L Part IISmall Components

10 February 16, 2004 Principle Fact Process Overview Procedure Text Audio Summary Concept Principle Process Concept Procedure Fact Overview Summary Objective “Raw” Data & Media Elements Information Objects Application Objects (Learning Object, Support, Reference, Marketing) Aggregate Assemblies (Lessons, Support Solutions, etc) Collections (Courses, Stories,) Animation Simulation illustration Objective Theme Enabling Objective Terminal Objective Common ContentApplication Specific Profiles Content Object Model ©2001 Learnativity

11 February 16, 2004 Principle Fact Process Overview Procedure Text Audio Summary Concept Principle Process Concept Procedure Fact Overview Summary Objective “Raw” Data & Media Elements Information Objects Application Objects (Learning Object, Support, Reference, Marketing) Aggregate Assemblies (Lessons, Support Solutions, etc) Collections (Courses, Stories,) Animation Simulation illustration Objective Theme Enabling Objective Terminal Objective Common ContentApplication Specific Profiles Content Object Model ©2001 Learnativity CONTEXT ReUSABILITY

12 February 16, 2004 Each standard is small itself Each standard consists of small elements Getting S M A L L Part IIISmall Standards Think LEGO ™ blocks!

13 February 16, 2004 SCORM Bookshelf (2001) Course Packaging From IMS Metadata Dictionary From IEEE Metadata XML Binding Best Practice From IMS Content to RTS API From AICC Content to RTS Data Model From AICC RUN-TIME ENVIRONMENT Sequencing From IMS

14 SCORM Bookshelf (2004+) Slide courtesy CMU LSAL

15 February 16, 2004 Shifts in Standards 2004 Focus on implementation –Adoption & adaptation –Less on new specs and standards –Limiting “tweaking” SCORM v1.3 –Especially addition of Sequencing Implementations “at scale”

16 February 16, 2004 Examples of getting small Amazon “Inside the Book” TiVo NetFlix

17 February 16, 2004 Strategies for Success Standards iMOTO Decision Support –Recommender systems

18 February 16, 2004 Getting Started with Standards: Start with SCORM v1.3 add additional sources to meet specific needs –This too is the norm for standards evolution and development Check out the references from others –S3 industry Report @ –Carnegie Mellon LSAL @ –ADL site @ –Learnativity @

19 February 16, 2004 Bottom Line Questions Do you want e-learning standards? What standards do you need? What is your e-learning problem? Will standards solve your problem? Are you ready for standards? How do you ask for them? How do you know if you get them? What will you do if you get them? Slide courtesy CMU LSAL Back To Top

20 February 16, 2004 Related Standards to Watch XML –xml schema, xhtml, smil, svg, xpath, xmlquery, … Single Sign On (SSO) Metadata, Library –DCMI, METS, Z39-50 Content –MPEG7, MPEG 21 Rights Management –xDRL Directory –LDAP Web Services –SOAP/XMLP, WSDL, UDDI, WSI, WSCL, … Security –SAML, XACL, PKI, xmlsignature, SSL, xmlencryption Accessibility –WAI, 508 Collaboration RDF RSS Back To Top

21 February 16, 2004 “iMOTO” for all i dentifiers Globally unique, independent, persistent identifiers for every “thing” M etadata Subjective & Objective data about people, places & things O bjects Smallest unit of text, image, sound, video or data that is both useful and self- contained Conceptually includes people’s skills, competencies & knowledge T axonomies General principles of classifications O ntologies Relationships between items classified in taxonomy With thanks to David Moschella, “Customer Driven IT” For validation & references

22 Relevant IEEE Standards L earning T echnology S tandards C ommittee

23 February 16, 2004 IEEE LTSC (P1484) Working/Study Groups 1484.1 Architecture and Reference Model P1484.4 Digital Rights Expression Language P1484.11 Computer Managed Instruction P1411.2 ECMAScript API for Content to Runtime Services Communication. 1484.12 Metadata –P1484.12.3 XML binding** Currently in Ballot –P1484.12.4 RDF binding P1484.18 Platform and Media Profiles P1484.20 Competency Definitions Study group for –MASTAL (Modeling and Simulation in Training and Learning) See for documents, meeting notes, etc. =completed Standard

24 February 16, 2004 Standards Trends 1 st Generation: already delivered –Focus on data exchange and data interoperability 2 nd Generation: being developed –Focus on behavioral specifications How it should work Not just a data model –Focus on interoperable components (services) CURRENT Shift to IMPLEMENTATION! –Focus on SCORM v1.3 –Assisting with the implementation of current specs. Back To Top

25 February 16, 2004 Standards for Content (and “Quality of Learning”) THERE ARE NONE!!!! And this is a GOOD thing (no standards for this) This is the NORM for standards! –ie: standards such as HTTP, HTML, etc. do NOT dictate the content created with these, NOR ensure that it is “good” content! HOWEVER, means YOU have to put in place guidelines, process, practice and behaviors to ensure the QUALITY of content. Back To Top

26 February 16, 2004 SCORM v1.3 now available!

27 Questions, Critiques, Comments Or to book Speaking engagements Thank You!! More information and resources at:

28 Learnativity References & Resources 2003Wayne Hodgins

29 February 16, 2004 Collective Commons License This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution: –NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA.

30 February 16, 2004 Learning Objects Revisited: A research agenda by Wayne Hodgins & Erik Duval advanced & innovative interpretations of the basic concepts underlying the learning object (LO) paradigm. recommends new research cycle for: 1.a taxonomy of LOs and their components; 2.component architecture for structuring composite LOs, and enabling their components to interact; 3.processes of aggregation and disassembly to produce new or repurpose existing LOs; 4.determinants for the efficiency and effectiveness of LO repurposing 5.enable large scale share and reuse of multimedia content components 6.special emphasis on deployment in education and training.

31 February 16, 2004 "Innovation, Learning & Improvement: eLearning will be as big as it can get small” Recent article (Sept. 2003) for European Union Public Service Review journal "Innovation, Learning & Improvement: eLearning will be as big as it can get small”, by Wayne Hodgins _contents.asp

32 February 16, 2004 Future of Learning Objects Most recent version of “Future of Learning Objects” paper by Wayne Hodgins contains, amongst other things, a working model of a content taxonomy which defines Learning Objects.

33 February 16, 2004 S3: Making Sense of Standards & Specifications Industry Report: –“Making Sense of Standards and Specifications” –Masie Center eLearning Consortium –Job aid designed for “decision makers” –“just enough” and true “information” (informative) –Public domain document Full PDF file available at: ALL NEW & IMPROVED VERSION 2 as of November 20, 2003!!

34 February 16, 2004 Metadata Principles Extension of MoU between Dublin Core and IEEE LTSC Learning Object Metadata In collobaration with GEM, ARIADNE, IMS, EdNA Principles concepts common to all domains of metadata for the design of any metadata schema or application. Practicalities rules of thumb, constraints, and infrastructure issues bringing theory into practice via useful & sustainable systems. Available at D-Lib magazine:

35 February 16, 2004 Instructional Designer’s Guide How to use SCORM –What content objects are –What the content structure is –How to express sequencing –How to express navigation –What data is available –How to track the learner Available @ Thanks to Dan Rehak LSAL, Carnegie Mellon

36 February 16, 2004 ADL Resources: All available via –See especially the “Resource Center” tab where you can search by ADL Co-Lab, Plug Fests, etc. See resources from Plug Fest events for enormous amounts of content including slides, video, summaries of presentations, and MUCH more. See Academic Co-Lab resource section and their site @ See guidelines such as “The SCORM Implementation Guide: A Step by Step Approach “

37 February 16, 2004 CanCore: Canadian Core Learning Resource Metadata Application Profile Guidelines 1.9 written by Norm Friesen, Sue Fisher, Lori Tozer, Anthony Roberts, Susan Hesemeier, Scott Habkirk guidelines updated to reflect consultations with implementers undertaken between January and June, 2003. These guidelines are synchronized with the IEEE LOM standard, and include best practice recommendations for all LOM elements. They are also available online in a dynamic, searchable version that can be customized to meet the needs of different application profiles and implementations. A beta edition of this Web version is currently under development. These guidelines are also available in as PDF files

38 February 16, 2004 Additional Learning Object Resources Learning Objects Tutorial, by Robbie Robson, Eduworks A Primer on Learning Objects, by Warren Longmire, Learning Circuits Learning Object Pioneers, by Tom Barron, Learning Circuits Objects of Interest, by Clive Shepherd, Fastrack Consulting, Ltd. The Objects of Learning, Academic ADL Co-Lab The Instructional Use of Learning Objects (online version), by David Wiley The Future of Learning Objects, by Wayne Hodgins "Innovation, Learning & Improvement: eLearning will be as big as it can get small, by Wayne Hodgins Learning Objects Revisited: A Research Agenda, by Erik Duval and Wayne Hodgins "Innovation, Learning & Improvement: eLearning will be as big as it can get small. By Wayne Hodgins

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