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ASSIGNMENT : Describe legislative mandates and government regulation and their implications for technology in education. GROUP MEMBERS:  Shandia smith.

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2 ASSIGNMENT : Describe legislative mandates and government regulation and their implications for technology in education. GROUP MEMBERS:  Shandia smith  Sashaua wright  Shellrome Mcpherson  Treann Powell  Heather Sinclair

3 INTRODUCTION The responsibility of the government is to set laws as it relates to technology in education and ensue that these laws are adhere to. The government should also ensure that there are implications if these laws are not followed. We strongly believe that the Minister of Information Technology should formulate policies so that all school in Jamaica have access to educational technology. In addition the government should also provide contracts to service providers of internet services in order for then to provide quality service that benefits the consumers.

4 The Minister of Information Technology should also ensure that all teachers who are teaching educational technology in schools across the island is qualified and have the training and support they need in order to help to students learn from educational technology programme. Finally, to enable the empowerment and enrichment of our students, the Information Technology Minister should formulate policies so that all school in Jamaica have access to educational technology. This policy should ensure that internet is widely accessible and utilized by the all school population.

5 DEFINITION OF TERMS  Legislative is a branch of government who acquire the power to make laws and change them when necessary. (Oxford university press)  Mandate is an official order or commission to do something. (The oxford university press)  Implication is the action or state of being involved in something.  Technology education is an integrated, experience-based instructional program designed to prepare students to be knowledgeable about technology.

6 POINTS TO COVER Government should : Provide contracts to service providers Provide universal service Ensure that there are qualified teachers to teacher Technology Education

7 PROVIDE CONTRACTS TO SERVICE PROVIDERS  The legislative that the government should put in place is contracts for service providers in order for them to provide quality service that benefits to the consumers.  These contract will safeguard consumers when they are not provided with quality services.  The contract should outline appropriate sanctions to be applied where breaches occur and also where service providers are not sufficient in their responses to customer complaints.

8  When teacher are using the technology at different institutions to teach students different concepts; for example the teacher is showing children a science concept but the internet service is taking an hour to load a five minutes video, this can cause frustration for both teacher and students.  Students will lose interest in the class and they will also lose quality class time.  This can allow teachers to re- assign the class because the objective of the lesson was not achieved.

9  The contract will allow consumers to get the quality service that is paid for. If a school is paying for a high speed 4G internet service that it was they should get.  When all these policies are put in place this will allow the internet providers to be more responsibility and considerate with the services they provide, because they know that they will have to compensate when the contracts are breached

10 QUALIFIED TEACHERS  The Minister of Information and Technology should put in place a policy to ensure that all teachers who are teaching and using technology in the classroom are trained and qualified.  Qualified teachers to teach technology and for the integration of technology.  Minister of Information and Technology should invest in more teachers and more schools.

11  Minister of Education should cut down the teacher- student ratio so that these teachers will be better able to cater to the needs of their children.  When teachers are trained then they will be better able to develop lessons and integrate technology in their classroom environment.

12 IMPLICATIONS  Children will received limited information as it relates to a topic.  It can cause class disruption when teachers are unable to clarify questions asked.  It can pose problem to the technology department.  So implementing this policy will allow qualified teachers to impart the appropriate knowledge that children can benefit from as it relates to educational technology.

13 UNIVERSAL SERVICE FOR SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY  Universal service in the relevant to achieved effective technology education in school across Jamaica.  Efficient access through connectivity to local and regional areas (rural and urban)  High capacity networks are deployed to underserved areas.  The interest of the customers/consumers are considered at all times; keeping service rates at an affordable and maintain good service.

14  service providers maintain integrity and provide service that will enhance productivity and stimulate economic development.  community centers and public libraries are equip with computers and internet access, thus allowing students access information via the internet or other.

15 In conclusion, the use of technology at present is to enhance teaching and for lifelong learning. The general availability of good broadband access to the internet is essential if teachers are to participate in blended learning opportunities. The Information Minister need to issue contracts to internet providers so that they can face the consequences when they breach their agreements. The government must also ensure that the teachers that are teaching using technology in the teaching process are trained and well equipped with the knowledge necessary for educational technology.

16 Greater access to educational technology will provides more opportunities for students to learn what is essential. Approaches to teaching and learning must be transformed to allow the full realization of educational technologies to influence the students learning. When the government of Jamaica put these legislative in place the aim would be to facilitate a strong education technology system in schools which will in turn strengthen the education sector and create a knowledge-based society.


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