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Infinitive of Purpose Visage / Stockbyte / Getty Images / Universal Images Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Infinitive of Purpose Visage / Stockbyte / Getty Images / Universal Images Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Infinitive of Purpose Visage / Stockbyte / Getty Images / Universal Images Group

2 I just called to say I love you. Visage / Stockbyte / Getty Images / Universal Images Group

3 Every day at this time, the kids go outside in order to play soccer. Lawrence Migdale / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group

4 Sally is taking the subway so as to get to work on time. Johnny Green / PA Archive / Press Association Images / Universal Images Group

5 Expressing purpose Use to-infinitive to express purpose. We can use in order to and so as to for emphasis or in formal situations.

6 Leda left the party earlier so as not to meet her ex-boyfriend. Bethany Clarke / Getty Images News / Getty Images / Universal Images Group

7 In order not to fail the final exam, the students studied really hard. Will & Deni McIntyre / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group

8 Negative form To express a negative purpose use so as not to or in order not to.

9 My mother worked a lot so that her kids could have a better life. John Murray / Picture Post / Getty Images / Universal Images Group Direitos gerenciados / Educação apenas para uso

10 My mother worked a lot so that her kids could have a better life. If the subjects are different in the two clauses, use so + that-clause with the present simple tense or with the modal verbs may, can, will, might, could or would.

11 Study the pictures and make sentences expressing purpose. Ariel Skelley / Blend / Learning Pictures / Universal Images Group

12 EXAMPLES The mother is holding her daughter’s hand to / in order to / so as to protect her / help her cross the street.

13 Study the pictures and make sentences expressing purpose. Spencer Grant / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group

14 EXAMPLES Sugestão: The students are protesting to / in order to / so as to have a peaceful world / promote peace.

15 Study the pictures and make sentences expressing purpose. Andersen Ross / Blend / Learning Pictures / Universal Images Group

16 EXAMPLES Sugestão: The man is using the computer to / in order to / so as to send an email / chat to a friend / check his bank account.

17 CRÉDITOS Slides 1 e 2: W.jpg Slide 3: Slide 4: Slide 6: Slide 7: Slide 9: Slide 11: Slide 12: Slide 13: SWAN, Michael. Practical English Usage. 2nd ed. Oxford, UK: OUP, 1995.

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