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Stockport Self Directed Support Mental Health Project Evaluation David Coyle Senior Lecturer Department of Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Faculty.

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Presentation on theme: "Stockport Self Directed Support Mental Health Project Evaluation David Coyle Senior Lecturer Department of Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Faculty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stockport Self Directed Support Mental Health Project Evaluation David Coyle Senior Lecturer Department of Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Faculty of Health and Social Care University of Chester

2 The Umbrella term Personalisation Self Directed Support Individual Budgets Independent Living Fund Direct Payments Person Centred Approaches

3 Potential benefits of personalisation More flexibility (Leadbeatter et al 2008) More autonomy (Blumberg et al 2000) Recovery focused (MH coalition 2008) Address causes rather than symptoms (Bamber and Flanigan 2008) Increase social capital (Field 2008, Halpern 2006) Opportunity for public health rather than reactive approach Potential for increased job satisfaction (Beresford 2008)

4 The evaluation will be Mapping where and how users spend their resources? What are the characteristics of different brokerage systems? What are the processes of brokerage What are the experiences and satisfaction of staff and users accessing the IB pilot What are the indications for future IB implementation?

5 Data will be collected on Numbers accessing the IBs, Monies available to the recipients, via Resource Allocation Schedule (RAS) The items or services bought or accessed by the users Mapping of money spends to outcomes identified within support plans

6 The evaluation will ask recipients to maintain a diary Whether they feel they have real choice among service options; Whether they are satisfied with their broker; whether the goals they have for their lives, are accurately reflected in their plans, What do they think they have learned from the process What do they think they still have to do to grow (from Koyanagi et al, 2008).

7 If you have any questions: Contact Details Address Work: Room: CWE010 Westminster Building Department of Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Faculty of Health and Social Care University of Chester Daytime phone 01244 522652 e-mail address

8 References Bamber, C., Flanagan, P,. (2008) Mental Health and Self Directed Support Mental Health Care July/August 8 (6) p.26-28 Beresford, P., (2008) Time to get real about personalisation Journal of integrated care 16 (2) pp.2-4 Blumberg, E. R. Ferguson, P. M. Ferguson, D. L., (2000) Slidin' into home: supporting self-determination through personal support agents and service brokerage strategies Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 15 (2/3) p.111- 119 Field, J. (2008) Social Capital (second edition). London. Routledge Halpern D., (2006) Social Capital Polity Press London Koyanagi C, Alfano E, Carty L: (2008) In the driver’s seat: A guide to self- directed mental health care. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law & UPENN Collaborative on Consumer Integration, Leadbeater, C. Jamie, B. Gallagher, N. (2008) Making it Personal. Demos, 56.

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