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Part of the. “Our mission is to support self-sustaining improvement from within local government.” Improvement and Development AgencyE Government directorate.

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Presentation on theme: "Part of the. “Our mission is to support self-sustaining improvement from within local government.” Improvement and Development AgencyE Government directorate."— Presentation transcript:

1 part of the

2 “Our mission is to support self-sustaining improvement from within local government.” Improvement and Development AgencyE Government directorate “We aim to provide a focus for the implementation of local e government and enable local authorities to co-ordinate and share progress.” “We aim to provide a focus for the implementation of local e government and enable local authorities to co-ordinate and share progress.” Information House “Delivering national projects to improve services locally.”

3 2005 and beyond………..

4 r%ts: Roots  GWTF: Go with the flow – data flow process mapping project  Lead local authorities: process mapping, service trees, BVPI 157 data  LEAP: Life Episode Access Project  ESD Steering group ‘Local authorities want to understand, monitor and report on processes and progress.’

5 a solution:  Consistent methodology for the recording and reporting of BVPI 157 data  System for monitoring progress over time across the broad e government agenda  Continuous development environment, driven by users, funded by subscriptions  Flexibility to offer functionality beyond 2005  Enable participating LA’s to access ‘peer to peer’ communities and forums  Different levels of secure access according to LA needs  Resource effective  Give broad access to best practice and shared knowledge from key projects lead LA’s Toolkit: a solution

6 structure:  esd network: registered users – free  esd t%lkit: subscribed users – annual fee  t%lkit PLUS: higher subscription – greater functionality Generic process data download Mediated & ‘peer to peer’ forums Access to a range of best practice from many LA’s LA specific process data uploads Devolve t%lkit responsibilities across authority Mediated & ‘peer to peer’ forums Access to wide range of process maps Record comprehensive process & volumetric data in secure online database Drive future developments & functionality Report generation for BVPI 157 & IEG Next release developments Toolkit: the structure

7 Details Interactions Documents Barriers Delivery Responsible Partners Channels Officer Record process details, PID (unique ID) Generic name Local name Comments Interaction types relevant to process (BVPI 157) Delivered from Planned from Not applicable Link to any documents Such as process Maps that are associated with a process. Record any barriers to the E delivery of a process Record the channels by which a process is being delivered Record details of officer responsible for this process Record details of any partners in the delivery of a service data recording:

8 IEG2 Reporting Reporting: IEG2 compliant Date stamped

9 benefits:  Toolkit is designed by and for Local Authorities to help bring some consistency into the reporting of electronic service delivery within the UK.  Toolkit presents one list of broad based customer-facing processes derived from input by a wide range of UK local authorities  Toolkit offers a forum in which this generic UK process list may be discussed and refined  Toolkit sub-divides the list into service groups and sub-groups for easier control and navigation  Toolkit offers an interpretation of BVPI (best value performance indicator) 157 interaction types and indicates some which are appropriate to each process with a forum for discussion and refinement of interpretations  Toolkit enables monitoring & reporting of progress towards electronic service delivery targets  Toolkit is entirely Web based and requires only an internet connection with IE 5 or equivalent  Toolkit functionality will continue to be enhanced over time with developments being driven by users

10 smart working: T%lkit allows each local authority to see a view of it’s processes according to its own internal organisational structure BUT By maintaining a common set of unique process identities (PID’s) T%lkit constantly maps the local structure to the national generic process list WHICH MEANS National and local reporting, benchmarking and dialogue can take place using common process names – whatever they may be called within individual authorities Multi authority, cross cutting processes can easily be identified and referred to when planning for the implementation of shared systems and service delivery Groups of processes that share common characteristics, such as those needing an address, involving a financial transaction or the granting of a license, can be easily identified and compared locally or nationally.

11 2005 and beyond………..

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