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BTLEW Lesson 5 - Angels on a Pin Part One ENTER BTLEWWarm-up I. Picture GuessingPicture Guessing II. Story WritingStory Writing III.A Sweet Melody A.

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Presentation on theme: "BTLEW Lesson 5 - Angels on a Pin Part One ENTER BTLEWWarm-up I. Picture GuessingPicture Guessing II. Story WritingStory Writing III.A Sweet Melody A."— Presentation transcript:


2 BTLEW Lesson 5 - Angels on a Pin Part One ENTER

3 BTLEWWarm-up I. Picture GuessingPicture Guessing II. Story WritingStory Writing III.A Sweet Melody A Sweet Melody IV. ProverbProverb Lesson 5 - Angels on a Pin

4 BTLEW I. I. Picture Guessing Let your imagination fly freely, what can you think of at the sight of the following picture? Lesson 5 - Angels on a Pin The end of Picture Guessing.

5 BTLEW Lesson 5 - Angels on a Pin Clever Monkey Once upon a time there was a nice young man called Karim. He used to sell caps for a living, and roam around several villages. One day he would be in village A; the other day people would find him in village B. Write your own ending of the following story by using your creative imagination and wild guessing. II. Story Writing To be continued on the next page.

6 BTLEW Lesson 5 - Angels on a Pin It was an afternoon in summer and he was traversing the vast plains when he felt tired and wanted to have a nap. He found a nice mango tree with lots of branches and cool shades, placed his bag of caps beside him and went to sleep. Tired as he was, he fell quickly fast asleep. When he woke up after a refreshing little nap, he found that there weren’t any caps in this bag! II. Story Writing The end of Story Writing.

7 BTLEW Lesson 5 - Angels on a Pin Let's start At the very beginning A very good place to start When you read you begin with A-B-C; When you sing you begin with Do-Re-Mi, Do-Re-Mi III. III. A Sweet Melody To be continued on the next page.

8 BTLEW The first there notes Just happen to be Do-Re-Mi Do-Re-Mi Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti Doe — a deer, a female deer Ray — a drop of golden sun Me — a name, I call myself Far — a long long way to run Lesson 5 - Angels on a Pin III. III. A Sweet Melody To be continued on the next page.

9 BTLEW Sew — a needle pulling thread La — a note to follow "sew" Tea — a drink with jam and bread That will bring us Back to Do-oh-oh BTLEW Lesson 5 - Angels on a Pin III. III. A Sweet Melody The end of A Sweet Melody.

10 BTLEW IV. Proverb I.Creativity is so delicate a flower that praise tends to make it bloom, while discouragement often nips it in the bud. —Anonymous II.Every human being is intended to have a character of his own; to be what no others are, and to do what no others can do. —William Ellery Channing The end of Proverb. Lesson 5 - Angels on a Pin

11 BTLEW Part One This is the end of Part One. Please click HOME to visit other parts. HOME Lesson 5 - Angels on a Pin

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