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Searching Scholarly Literature The Google Scholar Approach Anurag Acharya

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1 Searching Scholarly Literature The Google Scholar Approach Anurag Acharya

2 Goal: Best possible scholarly search  Single place to find scholarly literature –All areas, all languages, all time  Include all research from everywhere –Provide worldwide visibility to all research  Index full articles, not just abstracts –Much of the magic in Science lies in serendipity  Free for all users!

3 Overview  How far have we come? –Largest scholarly search on the planet –The most used scholarly search by far –Worldwide cooperation with publishers/libraries –Citing articles, related, recent ranking, alerts  New direction –Google Scholar Citations

4 Coverage - sources  All major and mid-size publishers/societies –Elsevier, Springer, Wiley, Science, Nature, APS, ACS, IEEE, ACM, IOP, OUP, Sage, JSTOR, Taylor & Francis, Highwire, LWW, Wanfang Data, Chongqing VIP Info,…  Most smaller publishers & journals  All major public A&Is –PubMed, INIST, ADS, DTIC, ERIC, AGRIS, WHO,…  Google Books, US/CAN/EU/WO Patents  Repositories: arXiv, PubMed, RePec, SSRN,…

5 Coverage - languages  All major languages with scholarly content –Latin and Cyrillic languages –Simplified/Traditional Chinese –Japanese, Korean  All regions with significant num of articles –US, China, UK, Brazil, Germany, France, Japan, Korea, Australia, India, Italy, Spain, Canada, Turkey, Mexico, Netherlands, Latin America, Scandinavia, Africa,…  All indexing automated

6 Usage  Sustained growth – year over year  Source countries: –US, China, UK, Brazil, Australia, Germany, –Japan, Canada, Turkey, Netherlands, Taiwan, –India, South Korea, France, Spain, Italy, –Sweden, South Africa, Mexico, Thailand, –Malaysia, Indonesia, Switzerland, NZ, Columbia –…, Burundi, Djibouti, Albania, Barbados,… –…, Eritrea, Somalia, Niger, Laos, Congo, …

7 Cooperation with libraries  Library links –Direct access to library’s subscriptions –Additional links in results for affiliated users –Automated identification of user affiliation –Over 4000 libraries worldwide, 30 consortia  Library Search –Direct links to nearby library catalogs –25 national union catalogs

8 Google Scholar Citations  Simple way to track citations to author’s articles. –Compute citation metrics, citation graphs –Citation metrics for all articles in all journals  Create automatically maintained profile –Citation metrics are automatically updated  Public profiles can appear in Google Scholar results






14 How well does it work? Most users take about 10 mins to setup Automatically finds all of author’s papers –Sometimes, even ones forgotten by authors Citation metrics automatically updated As yet in limited release Planning to release to all users soon!

15 Finally…  Lucky to live in era of information plenty –Better information glut than information famine  Lucky to live in the era of connectivity –Everyone everywhere can help build the same cathedral of knowledge  Lucky to live in the era of rapid change –Opportunity to leave the world a little bit better

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