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9/8/15 EQ: How is the population distributed in United States and Canada?

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Presentation on theme: "9/8/15 EQ: How is the population distributed in United States and Canada?"— Presentation transcript:

1 9/8/15 EQ: How is the population distributed in United States and Canada?

2 The Population of the U.S. & Canada Native Americans first crossed to North America from Asia about 22,000 years ago. Since the 1500s, people from all over the world have migrated to North America for various reasons. – Religious, political, economic, educational, etc. What would make you move permanently to a new country? What challenges do you think immigrants to the US Face?

3 The Population of the U.S. & Canada Canada is bigger than America but has far fewer people. – 90% of Canadians live close to the U.S. border The most populated parts of America are the northeast, the Great Lakes, and the Pacific coast. Why do most people in Canada live close to the border?

4 Population Density and Distribution Since the 1970s the American South and Southwest, including California, have become the country's fastest growing areas Do you think the population in the region will be more evenly distributed one day in the future? Why or why not?

5 The Cities of the U.S. & Canada Most people live in urban areas (near or in cities). Many live near the coasts in large cities: – Miami – Houston – New Orleans – New York – San Francisco – Washington, D.C. Why are large cities usually near large bodies of water ?

6 The Cities of the U.S. & Canada Inland cities are located near river or train routes: – Atlanta – Quebec – Pittsburgh – Chicago – Montreal – Dallas – Denver Grew from agricultural or trading centers How did Atlanta grow?

7 The Cities of U.S. & Canada Future Trends: –Due to low birthrates in Canada and the United States most population growth comes from immigration –Immigration adds to diversity –Therefore living with cultural differences and managing urban congestion are ongoing challenges Why does Canada and the United States have low birthrates? What are some consequences of having the population grow from immigration?

8 Create a Tourism Commercial! In teams of Three, I will assign you a major city in North America Create a 1 minute commercial that encourages tourists to visit your city Your commercials should include interesting facts about the city’s physical and human characteristics (political, economic, social, and cultural) You may use your devices for some research. Each team member will have one responsibility: –1 researcher- in charge of getting facts for the commercial –1 screenwriter- to write the 1 minute script –1 facilitator- keeps the team on task AND helps with researching and writing Everyone MUST be involved with and act in the commercial in order to receive credit

9 Class Discussion How does a city’s character relate to its physical and cultural characteristics? How are the population patterns of Canada and the United States similar? How do they differ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a megalopolis (a major city)?

10 9/9/15 EQ: How does urban sprawl affect people and the planet? Warm-up: Grab a Green Geography Alive! Textbook, you will use this for Today’s lesson Open the book to page 79 Read Section 5.1 to answer the following: What are three details in the photograph of housing developments in Las Vegas that relate to what you just read? Look at the Essential Question and Graphic Organizer What do you see? What is the center of this area called? What types of buildings and facilities might you find if you visited the urban core? What is the area around the urban core called? What might you find if you visited the urban fringe? What is the area around the urban fringe called? What might you find if you visited the rural fringe? Which of these areas do you think has the greatest population?

11 Read Section 5.2 Work in Pairs to complete this Graphic Organizer in your notes Create a symbol or an illustration to represent each term Write a definition of each term in your own words Write a sentence that includes the term and the word City

12 Interest Group Policy Making Activity! Each student will represent an interest group with strong opinions about how to deal with urban sprawl During the activity, students from these various perspectives will meet in policy-planning groups to decide what to do about sprawl in this urban area: –Atlanta You will work in your policy-planning groups to make recommendations about how best to plan for growth in these three areas. Read section 5.3 and answer these two questions in your notes: What are some arguments in favor of urban sprawl? What are some arguments against urban sprawl?

13 Learn your Roles! You are now sitting in your policy-planning groups Each of you will have one roll: –Planning Commissioner –Citizens for Affordable Housing –Smart Growth Advocates –Environmentalists –Suburban Housing Developers You will represent one of these interest groups when you make the policy with your group. You have 3 minutes to familiarize yourself with the role sheet provided to you. In this activity students with the same role will meet to talk through their position on each case

14 Going Through the Procedures Step 1: Read Section 5.8. Record the three proposed policy options for dealing with urban sprawl Step 2: Meet with the rest of your interest groups at the designated stations around the room. They are posted on the wall. You will have 3 minutes to create an argument for which policy the city should choose based on what your interest group wants. Your argument must: –Explain your interest group’s position on urban sprawl –Explain the policy you think is best for this city –Give three reasons why it’s the best option You will then write this information down to bring to your policy making group. Step 3: You will then rejoin your original policy making groups and each student will have 30 seconds to state their position to the group Step 4: Once all members have shared, the policy-planning group will have 5 minutes to discuss and agree on a plan Step 5: The Planning Commissioner from each group will stand and explain that group’s decision and the reasons behind it. Step 6: Work with your group to read section 5.9 and write down what Portland decided to do, and the 3 results of that policy

15 Step 1: In your groups Read Section 5.8. Write down the three proposed Policy options for dealing with urban sprawl in Atlanta You have 3 minutes

16 Step 2: Meet with your interest groups at the signs posted around the room You have 3 minutes to construct your arguments Work with your interest groups to come up with: –Explain your interest group’s position on urban sprawl –Explain the policy you think is best for this city –Give three reasons why this is the best policy for the city to adopt Write down in your notes which policy your interest group believes would be the best for Atlanta, and the three reasons why this is the best policy to adopt You have 2 minutes to write this down.

17 Step 3: Meet back with your policy planning groups and make your argument representing your interest group Each person has 30 seconds to speak to the group. State which policy you think is the best and why

18 Step 4: Your group now has 5 minutes to agree on a plan to deal with urban sprawl in Atlanta The plan should satisfy as many members of your group as possible. It may be one of the three possible plans you read about or it may be a combination of ideas You may need to compromise or vote to come to an agreement

19 Step 5: The policy planning commissioner from each group will now present and explain the policy your group chose and why to the class Each policy planner will have 30 seconds to address the class

20 Step 6: Read section 5.9 on Atlanta’s solution to Urban Sprawl Write down in your notes: –What Atlanta choose to do: –Three Results of this policy: You have 3 minutes to complete this

21 Class Discussion: How did Atlanta’s decision differ from or was similar to what your group decided? Which interest group do you think had the largest influence on the decision making process for Atlanta? Which interest group’s ideas do you think are best for the environment? For homebuyers? For communities? Why do you think there are so many opinions on urban sprawl?

22 Read 5.10 and 5.11 Read section 5.10 and 5.11 Why do you think there are so many large cities in the world? Why do you think there are so many urban areas of more than 5 million people in Asia? What challenges do you think metropolitan areas face because of this growth?

23 9/10/15 EQ: What are the ethnic and religious groups in Canada and the United States?

24 The Cultures of Canada & America Most religious people are Christians. – Religious freedom is important in both countries. English and French are the official languages of Canada; the U.S. has no official language. – Tons of different languages are spoken Why does the United States not have an official language?

25 The Arts Music: America is the birthplace of jazz (early 1900s), rock and roll (1950s), and rap (1970s-80s). Jazz- mix of African and European musical ideas and born in New Orleans

26 The Arts American and Canadian painting and sculpting began to diverge from European traditions in the early 1900s Literature: Writers wrote about their home regions, and told stories about ordinary working men and women. America’s movie industry has enormously influenced world culture since the 1920s. Broadway is the birthplace of the Musical What connection do you see between history and the development of the arts in the United States and Canada?

27 Lifestyles of Canada & America Sports are huge in both countries. – Soccer (football) – Hockey – Baseball – American Football – Baseball

28 Lifestyles of Canada & America The government of Canada pays for healthcare for all Canadians. – America has a modified version of this. All children in Canada and America are required to attend to school. – Both countries are 95% literate …WHY?

29 Lifestyles of Canada & America People in the US and Canada celebrate many of the same religious holidays Secular holidays are similar but occur on different dates What is the relationship between the physical geography and the high standard of living enjoyed by most Americans and Canadians?

30 Web Quest! Go to this website: ties/presentations/immigration/index.html ties/presentations/immigration/index.html Use the timeline feature (looks like a clock) to answer this question: 1.Which three dates on the time line do you think were most significant in the history of immigration in the United States? Explain your choices Pick three immigrant groups from the square links on the left to answer the following questions: 1.What reasons motivated each of your chosen groups to come to the United States? 2.Where did each group initially settle? Do you see any patterns? Explain 3.Describe how each group was treated by people already living in the United States: Out of the Three Groups you choose, pick one to answer the following: 1.How has the group influenced United States culture and lifestyle? 2.What contributions has that group made in the arts? Food? Clothing? Celebrations? Religion? Language?

31 Today I Learned… I will call on you to tell me and the rest of the class one thing you learned today about the Culture of North America and immigration

32 9/11/15 EQ: How does Canada and the United States conserve their resources? Get out a sheet of paper to write down your answers for the Chapter 6 quiz! Reminder: Do not use electronic devices or talk during the quiz. Talking or using those devices will result in a Zero and you will be written up.

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