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Unit 1 – Improving Productivity Kieran smith Instructions ~ 100 words per box.

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1 Unit 1 – Improving Productivity Kieran smith Instructions ~ 100 words per box

2 1.1Why did you use a computer? What other systems / resources could you have used? a computer has better technology there's other way to present stuff such as leaflets posters flipcharts iPad blackboard or a white board or verbal or even a poster But there's disadvantage to all of them Poster- it don’t tell a lot of information to the audience IPad – waste of money to provide a prestations Verbal – people might get bored and not understand your point of explanation Blackboard - people cant see from far distance Leaflets – people wont be interested in the prestation

3 1.2What skills did you need to learn in order to use PowerPoint? The skills that you will need is ict skills good time management organisational skills and also creativity skills Ict skills - so you know the features and how the equipment is used also youll need to learn how to save your work and present it Organisational skills – you will need to organise your work like presenting it make sure your saving it or research as part as your planning Time management - meeting deadlines making sure you catch up with your prestation to present Creativities skills – making the presentation more attractive instead of dull and boring it should have colour so it makes people listen and watch your presatation

4 1.2What resources did you need to make the presentation successful? I used PowerPoint as a resource to keep my work up to date but I used the internet as well for abit of research towards my work to make my PowerPoint more interesting so the audience don’t get bored of it whilst they listen to what I have to share some people might know what I'm speaking about and people are not understanding the point of my prestation the resources help me layout my work easier and also not a load of information will be needed because the longer the writing the more people will get bored quick and easy and might fall asleep or not even be interested in the business

5 1.4What factors might have affected how well you completed the presentation? (e.g. time / attendance / knowledge of software) The timing of my prestation wasn’t that good because people in the class distract me and also most of the time I play games or something because either don’t get the work or it’s a bad day or either I play games because I do work but then get bored so I do abit of work then abit of games so the lesson is split into 2 halves the first half is by games and the second half is by doing my work and my antecedence is 100% unless I be sick or something in the future but times iv been in isolation for uniform or missing detentions Or may I don’t do work when I get sent out of the lesson

6 1.6Why did you use PowerPoint to make your presentation? What other software was available? Why did you choose not to use them? I used PowerPoint because its other slides and it better than word because word is pages and pages which is boring which in PowerPoint its more creative less information and it gets peoples attention more plus PowerPoint can help me present it in a order so I don’t get lost on the point I'm making or saying further on in the presentation the PowerPoint programme is used for presenting work and other things but stuff like word are programmed to write letters or something else

7 2.2Which tools within PowerPoint made it appropriate for your presentation? The design tools were helpful because it made my prestation more creative to the PowerPoint so more people wont really get bored and animations fitted in well as they where good based on time as it got introduce to the prestation by a click of a button its also easy because the slides are presented in the order you want it so the PowerPoint is the easy to display your work easier to other people

8 1.7Were there any legal constraints or local constraints that changed the way you created your presentation? (e.g. copyright, file sizes, AUP) You got copy right issues because you can not use pictures of the internet without saying where you got the pictures from so in other words you will need permission Of the picture to put it on your PowerPoint otherwise your going to get copy right problems/issues so you have to tell people you got support and permission on your PowerPoint with evidence

9 2.4What improvements do you think you could do to your presentation? I can improve my presentation by adding colour and better display to make it more colourful make the stuff better because the audience or people would be bored if it was plain with no pictures I will need more pictures and more colourful so it gets the audience interested and also animations with small amount of writing so it don’t get the audience to read amounts of work

10 3.2What improvements do you think you could have done to improve your work rate? (keyboard shortcuts, file names & locations, backups, work after school, templates, planning) The presentation would have been better if I didn’t play games or get distracted or I distracted other people so my PowerPoint was less interesting because I didn’t pay much attention to my work I was more interested in games then work plus I didn’t have a lot amount of time when I was making the PowerPoint because games became more interests to me I used the internet for games so when I was playing games I had less time to prove where I put my pictures from

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