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Drake University CREW SCHOLARS PROGRAM.  Attrition Data  See Appendices A-C  Campus Climate  Increase inclusion, reduce incidents  Increased Cultural.

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2  Attrition Data  See Appendices A-C  Campus Climate  Increase inclusion, reduce incidents  Increased Cultural Competency  Cross-racial interactions  Collective sense of concern CONTEXT/NEED

3 PROGRAM GOALS Increase recruitment and retention of domestic students of color Increase overall campus representational diversity (towards a “critical mass”) Positively impact campus learning and climate

4  Links a group of people together around a common activity  Creates community and solidarity  Provides support that is readily available to many other Drake students  Demonstrates Drake’s understanding of the cohort’s challenges & Drake’s confidence and institutional investment in the Crew’s success WHAT DOES A CREW DO?

5 Cohort of target demographic (local and non) Curricular connection Recruitment Team building and cohesion Orientation & Summer Building the Crew Culturally responsive mentoring Academic support Campus integration Throughout year Support and Development Continuing investment Mentors as campus leaders Building Mentors CREW SCHOLARS PROCESS

6  Quality Initiative  Increase racial and ethnic diversity  Build culture supportive of inclusion and diversity  Strategic Plan Goal I, Objective D  21st-century learners “Infusing global and multicultural understanding”  Goal III, Objective D  Improves accessibility and increases Drake’s attractiveness to all students  Goal IV  Local and regional communities  Mission Statement  Fostering responsible global citizenship, exceptional learning environment STRATEGIC PLAN AND QI

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