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Filling the Gaps in Online Development Tech Expo Presented by: Annette Czarnecki, WIDS Terri Johnson, WIDS Jeff Robshaw, GTC.

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Presentation on theme: "Filling the Gaps in Online Development Tech Expo Presented by: Annette Czarnecki, WIDS Terri Johnson, WIDS Jeff Robshaw, GTC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Filling the Gaps in Online Development Tech Expo Presented by: Annette Czarnecki, WIDS Terri Johnson, WIDS Jeff Robshaw, GTC

2 Today’s Session Agenda  Why Partner?  Case Study Examples  Questions

3 True or False “A Faculty Member Can Individually Develop and Deliver an Effective Online Course.”

4 True or False “Single Colleges Must Employ all of the Resources Needed to Develop and Deliver Effective Online Courses.”

5 What’s in an Online Course?  Handouts  PowerPoints  Videos  Learning Objects  CBT’s

6 Who’s Needed?  Project Managers  Instructional Designers  Content Experts  Videographers and Photographers  Designers and Programmers  Writers  Graphic Designers  Etc.

7 Where are the Gaps?  Planning  Design  Development  Delivery  Evaluation/Maintenance

8 Why?  Bring in new expertise?  “Borrow” external talent?  Build internal expertise?  Augment internal expertise?  You don’t have time to do the project?  You can’t complete the project fast enough on your own?  Save money? Too many hats to wear?

9 How Can You Fill the Gap? PARTNER WITH AN EXPERT  Facilitation Level  Collaborative Level  Comprehensive Level

10 Clarify the Level of Assistance Comprehensive Facilitation Level Collaborative We teach you to use our tools and methodology. We help you do the project. We do the work to your specifications; with your input

11 Facilitation Level  Train your in-house staff  Help get the project started and provide feedback Level of Services Facilitation Level You use WIDS tools to do the work.

12 WTCS System WHAT Online MLT Course for Statewide Curriculum HAVE Curriculum and Instructors GAP GAPVarying levels of expertise in online course development (0-10), project management

13 Partnering through Facilitation  Professional Development Workshop  Manage Project Completion  Teachers do all the “development work”

14 Clarify the Level of Consultant Intervention Comprehensive Level Facilitation Level Collaborative Level We teach you to use our tools and methodology. We help you do the project. We do the work to your specifications; with your input

15  Plan the project process  Define performance expectations (competency, performance standards, learning objectives  Develop detailed learning plans, teaching plans, and assessment tasks  Identify learning materials  Incorporate work already developed by teachers  Fill the gap for specialty work (flash, online modules, etc.)  Manage timeline and review Level of WIDS Services CollaborativeLevel We help you do the work! Collaborative Level

16 Gateway Technical College WHAT Biosafety Module HAVE Funding, Content Expertise and Some In-House Online Expertise GAP GAPProject Management, Online Module Developers

17 Gateway Biosafety Project Course Components  Breeze Session  Face-to-Face Lab Activities  Interactive CBT Interactive CBT  Pre-Assessment Activity

18 Gateway Biosafety Project Course component development process: Check Revise Develop

19 Gateway Biosafety Project Collaborating to Create Course Components Check Revise Develop First draft e-learning course First draft pre-assessment activity Final

20 Gateway Biosafety Project Collaboration and Communication  Keep everyone in the loop  Write it down!  Schedule next review / benchmark  Mutual respect of expertise

21 Clarify the Level of Assistance Comprehensive Level Facilitation Level Collaborative Level We teach you to use our tools and methodology. We help you do the project. We do the work to your specifications; with your input

22 Level of WIDS Services Comprehensive Level Level  Plan and manage project  Arrange for collaboration/feedback with SMEs  Develop performance expectations, learning plans, and assessment tasks  Create learning materials  Disseminate materials We do the work under your direction! Comprehensive Level

23 Midstate Technical College WHAT Online Emergency medical courses HAVE National curriculum outcomes, textbooks and SME GAP GAPLack time and instructor expertise to complete online program

24 “The reason we chose to go with WIDS was pretty simple; WIDS was able to develop a quality product. The courses were developed in WIDS. Then online course content was created and placed into our learning management system. The Instructional Design consultants were knowledgeable in course content development and were great to work with.” Vickkie Zietlow, MSTC


26 WTCS System - RBS WHAT A state-wide WIDS curriculum project updating an existing course HAVE Content from more than one tech college PowerPoints Word documents GAP GAP Create an interactive online module

27 Responsible Beverage Service Existing Content:  PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation  Manual Manual Check Revise Develop

28 Responsible Beverage Service Consider performance standards Revised Online Content

29 Partnering for Success  Choose a partner who shares your philosophy of learning and performance  Engage the team in the planning  Clarify the goals and the deliverables  Ensure that the right players are ready and present  Maintain open and on-going communication  Use the consultants’ time and talent effectively

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