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Young Children & Physical Development Dawnita Nilles Family Resource Coordinator NDSU Extension Service/CSCC, Region IV.

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Presentation on theme: "Young Children & Physical Development Dawnita Nilles Family Resource Coordinator NDSU Extension Service/CSCC, Region IV."— Presentation transcript:

1 Young Children & Physical Development Dawnita Nilles Family Resource Coordinator NDSU Extension Service/CSCC, Region IV

2 Concepts of Development Normative Probable range of what children can & can not be expected to do & learn at a given age Katz, 1999 Dynamic Sequence & changes that occur in all aspects of the child’s functioning with the passage of time & increasing experience

3 Physical Growth Principals 1) Directional Growth - Large to small muscle (gross to fine) development - Head to toe (top to bottom) - Inside to outside (proxmodental)

4 Physical Growth Principals 2) General to Specific Growth - infants movements of legs compared to a preschoolers 3) Differentiation/integration in growth - gaining specific control of specific parts of the body and head

5 Physical Growth Principals 6) Sequential growth - growth follows a predictable order of events 4) Variations in growth - different parts grow at different rates 5) Optimal tendency in growth - growth will fulfill its potential

6 Types of Physical Movement Locomotor movement takes you from place to place Non-locomotor movement leaves you in one spot Manipulative movement controlled movements

7 M O V E M otivation O pportunity V ariety E quipment, E ncouragement, E nthusiasm

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