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MAPLEWOOD SIXTH GRADE Welcome to Back to School night!

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Presentation on theme: "MAPLEWOOD SIXTH GRADE Welcome to Back to School night!"— Presentation transcript:

1 MAPLEWOOD SIXTH GRADE Welcome to Back to School night!

2 DAILY SCHEDULE 7:30-7:50Morning assembly in gym 7:50-8:00WOW (jog/walk the track) 8:00-9:50Period I 9:55-11:45Period II 11:45-12:10STAR (Study Tutor And Read) 12:10-12:30Recess 12:30-1:00Lunch 1:10-1:55Specials (PE, Music, Art) 1:55-2:40Band/Orchestra

3 TEXT BOOKS  Papers sent home to opt out of a hard copy of the textbooks.  Students will have text books checked out to them over the next week, unless we have received a form indicating that the student will use the online textbooks.  Math text books are used infrequently, but make a good resource at home if the online text book is inaccessible.  Literature textbooks  All other textbooks are class sets to be used in the classroom only (Health, Science, Social Studies, Writing)

4 SNACKS  A parent volunteer wanted to coordinate a snack sign-up.  Thanks to those who have already donated for their classes!  Snack donations are for homeroom classes only.  However, if a treat is sent with a student for a birthday (or other special occasion), please send enough for all of sixth grade.

5 EDMODO  Both teachers are using Edmodo regularly to post assignments, homework, and communicate with students, etc.Edmodo  Information was sent home in Wednesday folders on 9/11 containing codes for parent access.  Online planner included to help keep track of assignments.  Students go weekly to computer lab for an entire class period to practice, research, and create products (using a variety of online tools) to show their learning.  Class set (20) of netbooks for use in the classroom.  GoAnimate tool (?) GoAnimate

6 FIELD TRIPS / FUNDRAISING  Annual field trip to NASA Space Center in Houston late April or early May.  Cost is around $2000 ($1000 for the charter bus, $1000 for fees/food)  Fundraising events  Parents’ Night Out  Valentine’s flowers  Chocolate candy bars in the spring  Other possibilities: Cherrywood Art Fair, elections(?)  Information to come about other possible field trips.

7 NATIONAL BOARD  Mrs. Neal is participating in a voluntary national program that assesses and certifies outstanding teachers.  The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) conducts these assessments by requiring video recordings of teaching, and accompanying writing to describe and explain the activities in the videos.  Releases MUST be received from every student who might be on camera.  Videos become property of NBPTS upon submission.

8 MISS OLSON  Our student intern, Katie Olson, is in the classroom on Wednesdays and Thursdays.  She will teach a few math and science lessons (after planning with Mrs. Neal).  She is required to video one of her lessons, so she also has sent a release form home to students.

9 STEM CLUB  STEM Club meetings begin Thursday, September 26, 3:00-4:30.  Students will need a permission slip signed by October 3.  Fall semester competition is Monday, December 9 at UT.  Students participating in STEM Club are expected to follow the 6 th grade “R”s: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Ready to Work.  Students must have transportation home at 4:30pm.

10 AUSTIN CHILDREN’S THEATER (ACT)  ACT has been providing free of charge an after-school theater program for sixth graders only.  Students write, read, create, and perform.  Program is one day a week (Tuesdays in years past), 3:00-4:30.  More information will be provided as it becomes available.

11 PEACE BUNCH!  Students have decided to celebrate their great behavior weekly at recess/lunch time rather than once a month after school.  Students are responsible for planning their celebration.  Electronic devices are allowed during Peace Bunch.  Students may bring snacks to share at Peace Bunch.

12 END-OF-YEAR ACTIVITIES  Awards ceremony on last day of school.  Parent may plan/organize a dance/party for the students.  NASA trip late April or early May.  Other end-of-year celebrations may occur (dependent on student behavior and money available).

13 VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES  Room parent: point person for PTA and parent communications  Snack coordinator  Wednesday folder stuffer(s)  Field trip chaperones (as needed)  Parents’ Night Out sponsored by sixth grade  General fundraising ideas, planning, and execution  Campus Math fluency checker

14 WISH LIST  Dry Erase markers in a variety of colors  Colored computer paper  Extra 5-subject spirals  Gluesticks  AA re-chargeable and/or non-rechargeable batteries  AAA batteries for graphing calculators  GoAnimate license $79  Glogster license $39

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