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School Libraries Developing Information Literacy Skills.

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1 School Libraries Developing Information Literacy Skills

2 Development Evolved from individual ‘Competency Curriculum’ Days (2007 & 2008) Evolved from individual ‘Competency Curriculum’ Days (2007 & 2008) Used the RSA ‘Opening Minds’ Competences: Used the RSA ‘Opening Minds’ Competences: Citizenship, Learning, Managing Information, Managing Situations, Relating to People  Managing information: existence of aliens / creating a travel pack for a city break – partnership between teachers and librarian to plan and create lessons BUT – little evidence of pupils transferring skills or cross-curricular reinforcement – so…

3 2008-2009 Skills Curriculum: 6 departments – keen to work on Managing Information competence  English, Technology, History, Languages, Science & ICT Jointly planned lessons with Librarian ½ a term per department Each class to have 6 lessons Focus is development of information literacy skills ~ Process as important as outcome – integral part of the work Theme for 1 st term: Past, Present and Future Each of the competences revolves around this theme All planned by reps from each department, including Library

4 A Helping Hand with Research Based on John Cabot Academy ‘Hand-Up’ model

5 Illustration: Mr M. Owen

6 2009-2010 Skills Curriculum: Year 7 taught for 40% of timetable by their tutor Tutor team = volunteers ‘Skills teachers’ Rest of staff have to build on skills in lessons and have had to create lessons making the skills explicit Helping pupils to see themselves as learners Development of skills for learning  2009 & 2010: in Skills : Ready Steady Go! Intro module  2009 & 2010: in Technology: Timeline Inventions Project  New for 2010: in English: Mysteries fact file  New for 2010: in History: Olympics investigation  New for 2010: in Skills: Cross-curricular theme

7 Positive Impact… Library automatically integrated into the annual planning – better prepared and able to resource Library automatically integrated into the annual planning – better prepared and able to resource Librarian accepted as partner in learning process and participates in all planning and development meetings Librarian accepted as partner in learning process and participates in all planning and development meetings Librarian asked to do whole-school staff training Librarian asked to do whole-school staff training Information literacy skills on the whole school agenda Information literacy skills on the whole school agenda Skills reinforced in cross-curricular way Skills reinforced in cross-curricular way Skills taught in more structured way Skills taught in more structured way


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