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Berry Shoals Jr. National Beta Club Friday, April 18, 2014 Open your Agenda to page 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Berry Shoals Jr. National Beta Club Friday, April 18, 2014 Open your Agenda to page 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Berry Shoals Jr. National Beta Club Friday, April 18, 2014 Open your Agenda to page 8.


3 National Jr. Beta Club Pledge I hereby declare that I shall always strive To be honest and truthful at all times; To maintain a creditable scholastic record; To be of service to my teachers and fellowmen; To conduct myself in a manner to reflect credit Upon my school and community.

4 The reading of the minutes:

5 Beta Great Cam Newton





10 Service Points Everyone who was on time should have gotten their card initialed. If you are wearing your pin or t-shirt today, you should have received an extra signature. Only one extra signature…not one for each. How the points system works:

11 You will be responsible for remembering to bring your card to each meeting or activity. You will get your card initialed by an officer or an advisor each time you attend a club or committee meeting, participate in litter patrol pick up, or contribute to service projects.

12 If you misplace your card, you will have to ask for a new one, but you will not be given credit for any signatures on the old one. If you are not on time to the monthly meetings, you may quietly come in and join the group, but your card will not be initialed. You must maintain at least a 3.5 GPA (at least 2 As and 2 Bs) each nine weeks. If you do not you will receive a letter notifying you of your probation until the next nine weeks.

13 Your points will be recorded and a cumulative record will be kept. Members not in good standing at the end of the semester will be notified. This can be due to lack of participation, academics, or behavior, i.e. ISS.

14 Sixth graders must earn 15 service points this semester! Fifth graders must earn 8 service points this semester!

15 This month’s service opportunities:

16 “New or Gently Used” purses to be donated to the Middle Tyger Community Center Purse Sale. All donations are to be turned in to the Homework Help Center by Wednesday, April 23.

17 Homework Help Center Open Tues. – Fri. This Month’s Outstanding Helper: Thomas Neeser

18 Sign up for Homework Help Sixth grade members may sign up to work at the end of this meeting. You must be on time and in the Homework Help room by 7:10. You will earn one service point for each morning you work. Be sure to mark your calendar in your agenda. Homework Help will close May 2.

19 If you fail to show up three times, you will no longer be able to sign up to work until the next month. Be sure to bring materials to work on in the event you do not have anyone to tutor. You should always be a good role model and study while you are waiting on others to arrive for help.

20 Adopt-A- Road Our next pick up date is Saturday, May 17 at 9:00.

21 Officers Needed Do you think you’re up for the job? We will vote for new officers at the May meeting. Applications will be available today and will be due to Mrs. Phillips on May 1. You will need to prepare a speech for the May 9 th meeting.

22 The next meeting will be: Friday, May 9 @ 7:15 in the Gym Remember, the more you put into Beta, the more you get out of it!

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