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Marzano Strategies: Classroom Instruction That Works with Technology Created by Al Beamon TRT Portsmouth Public Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "Marzano Strategies: Classroom Instruction That Works with Technology Created by Al Beamon TRT Portsmouth Public Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marzano Strategies: Classroom Instruction That Works with Technology Created by Al Beamon TRT Portsmouth Public Schools

2 Identifying similarities and differences Summarizing and Note Taking Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition Homework and Practice Nonlinguistic Representation

3 Identifying similarities and differences exhibits a 45% gain on average in student achievement when used during instruction. It enhances student’s understanding of and ability to use knowledge by engaging them in mental processes that involve identifying ways items are alike and different. Identifying similarities and differences

4 Identifying similarities and differences exhibits a 45% gain on average in student achievement when used during instruction. It enhances student’s understanding of and ability to use knowledge by engaging them in mental processes that involve identifying ways items are alike and different.

5 Summarizing and note taking on average shows a 34% gain in student achievement when used. It enhances student’s ability to synthesize information and organize it in a way that captures the main idea and supporting details. Summarizing and Note Taking

6 Young students must follow these 4 rules –Take out material that is not important to understanding. –Take out words that repeat information. –Replace a list of things a word that describes that list. –Find a topic sentence. Summarizing and Note Taking

7 Older students must follow these 4 rules –Delete trivial material that is unnecessary to understanding. –Delete redundant material. –Substitute terms for more specific terms. –Select a topic sentence. Summarizing and Note Taking

8 Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition on average shows a 29% gain in student achievement when used. It enhances student’s understanding of the relationship between effort and achievement by addressing student’s attitudes and beliefs about learning. Provide students with rewards or praise for their accomplishments related to the attainment of a goal.

9 Homework and Practice Homework and Practice on average shows a 28% gain in student achievement when used. It extends the learning opportunities for students to practice, review, and apply knowledge. Enhance students’ ability to reach the expected level of proficiency for a skill or process.

10 Nonlinguistic Representation Homework and Practice on average shows a 27% gain in student achievement when used. It enhances students’ ability to represent and elaborate on knowledge using mental images.

11 Now it is your turn to create two activities that will be collected electronically.

12 Identifying similarities and differences Links Page On Template On Template

13 Summarizing and Note Taking Links Page On Template

14 Summarizing and Note Taking On Template

15 Reinforcing Effort & Providing Recognition Links Page

16 Homework and Practice Links Page

17 Nonlinguistic Representation Links Page On Template On Template

18 Go to Guest Access password is jhes Go to my portaportal as a jhes guest to view the websites that were use in this presentation.

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