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Airdrie Library Strategic Planning Session. Introductions and Expectations Tell us about yourself! Your name Groups you represent in the community / “hats”

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Presentation on theme: "Airdrie Library Strategic Planning Session. Introductions and Expectations Tell us about yourself! Your name Groups you represent in the community / “hats”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Airdrie Library Strategic Planning Session

2 Introductions and Expectations Tell us about yourself! Your name Groups you represent in the community / “hats” you wear Something about yourself Any expectations you have for the day

3 Why we’re here today One step in creating a Strategic Plan This is a community needs assessment

4 The library’s planning process “Strategic Planning for Results”  Start with community needs  Pick predefined “service responses” that fill community needs  Develop goals and objectives that put the service responses into action  Implement the plan

5 Where you fit in Planning CommitteeBoard and Staff Select Library Priorities Write Goals and Objectives Develop Action Plans Reallocate Resources Low Level of Involvement High Consider Local Community Define Community Needs

6 Today we will… 1.Think about the community as it is today and how it should be in the future. 2.Create a list of community needs. 3.Learn about the library as it is today. 4.Learn about services that libraries can deliver. 5.Link community needs to library service responses. 6.Create some preliminary recommendations.

7 Community Visioning What should the community be like 10 years from now?

8 The community today What internal and external forces will help the community get to its ideal future, or will hold it back?

9 Community Needs Given the conditions today, what does the community require to achieve the desired future?

10 Airdrie Library

11 A Library Service Response is what a library does for, or offers to, the public in an effort to meet a set of well- defined community needs. The Library Service Responses

12 PLA Service Responses BE AN INFORMED CITIZEN Local, National, and World Affairs

13 BUILD SUCCESSFUL ENTERPRISES Business and Non-Profit Support PLA Service Responses

14 CELEBRATE DIVERSITY Cultural Awareness PLA Service Responses

15 CONNECT TO THE ONLINE WORLD Public Internet Access PLA Service Responses

16 CREATE YOUNG READERS Early Literacy PLA Service Responses

17 DISCOVER YOUR ROOTS Genealogy and Local History PLA Service Responses

18 EXPRESS CREATIVITY Create and Share Content PLA Service Responses

19 GET FACTS FAST Ready Reference PLA Service Responses

20 KNOW YOUR COMMUNITY Community Resources and Services PLA Service Responses

21 LEARN TO READ AND WRITE Adult, Teen, and Family Literacy PLA Service Responses

22 MAKE CAREER CHOICES Job and Career Development PLA Service Responses

23 MAKE INFORMED DECISIONS Health, Wealth, and Other Life Choices PLA Service Responses

24 SATISFY CURIOSITY Lifelong Learning PLA Service Responses

25 STIMULATE IMAGINATION Reading, Viewing and Listening for Pleasure PLA Service Responses

26 SUCCEED IN SCHOOL Homework Help PLA Service Responses


28 VISIT A COMFORTABLE PLACE Physical and Virtual Spaces PLA Service Responses

29 WELCOME TO CANADA Services for New Immigrants PLA Service Responses

30 Which Service Responses?

31 Change = reallocated resources The plan will be implemented with new funding OR without it

32 Community Needs Library Priorities Library Goals Library Objectives The Plan will be a Guide…

33 Library Activities … for Reallocating Resources Staff Needed Collections Needed Facilities Needed Technology Needed

34 Be an Informed Citizen Celebrate Diversity Connect to the Online World Discover Your Roots Express Creativity Know Your Community Learn to Read and Write Make Career Choices Satisfy Curiosity Stimulate Imagination Succeed in School Information Fluency Visit a Comfortable Place Welcome to the US Get Facts Fast Create Young Readers Make informed Decisions Build Successful Enterprises Build Successful Enterprises Selected service responses will get more resources

35 Select Your Service Responses Based on Community Needs Community NeedService Response Children, Teens and Adults Will Have a Variety of Leisure Activities STIMULATE IMAGINATION

36 Decide What Needs the Library Could Address NEEDS DECISION TREE

37 Connecting needs to service responses What service responses will meet local needs?

38 Prioritizing service responses Which service responses are most important to local community needs?

39 Conclusion and Next Steps Information will go to library staff and board Board will respond to you You will have one more meeting to finalize your recommendations

40 Thank you for your time and effort.

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