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Constitution. Objects and Powers Membership Subscriptions Meetings AGM Officers and the Executive Misc.

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Presentation on theme: "Constitution. Objects and Powers Membership Subscriptions Meetings AGM Officers and the Executive Misc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Constitution

2 Objects and Powers Membership Subscriptions Meetings AGM Officers and the Executive Misc

3 Objects To agree the objects as they are given 2.1 -2.4 To agree the powers 3.1 through to 3.12 3.10 – 3.12 Some of these are about potential; provision of powers to deal with situations and opportunities.

4 Membership  Couples at same address  Junior  Corporate  Life  Single

5 Subscriptions and Voting Subscriptions – agreement to start somewhere nominally £5 year as determined by the Society at the AGM – payable February* meeting of the year?  Single members  Couples at same address  Junior  Corporate  Life Voting and membership rights are aligned to payment of subscriptions Membership lapses three months after subscriptions due.

6 Meetings One a Month (mondays) (*Combined of membership and Executive meetings until such a time as this is no longer practicable.) *Quorum: 5 members Facility to call a Special General Meeting (*5 members and 14 days notice) Sub-committees decided on by the *Society as and when required.

7 AGM AGM (Commence - January 2010) – 14 days notice Elect Officers/Executive committee (nominations *7 days in advance)  Chair  Vice Chair  Honorary Secretary  Honorary Treasurer  Honorary Auditor  No to President/Vice President facility Officer Reports Audited Accounts *Review Constitution

8 Misc *Sub-committees decided on as and when necessary by the Society *Investments decided on by Society *Trustees etc by Society Action/Moving Forward: Draft on basis of pointer from the meeting Bring back to January? Check with/invite the CSI

9 Area Action Plan Consultation

10 Tests of Soundness 1. The DPD (Development Plan Documents) has been prepared in accordance with the Local Development Scheme 2. The DPD has been prepared in compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI), or the minimum requirements set out in the regulations where no SCI exists 3. The plan and its policies have been subjected to Sustainability Appraisal 4. It is a spatial plan which is consistent with national planning policy and in general conformity with the RSS (Regional Spatial Strategy) for the region and it has properly had regard to any other relevant plans, policies and strategies relating to the area or to adjoining areas 5. It has had regard to the authority’s Community Strategy 6. The strategies/policies/allocations in the plan are coherent and consistent within and between Development Plan Documents prepared by the authority and by neighbouring authorities, where cross boundary issues are relevant 7. The strategies/policies/allocations represent the most appropriate in all the circumstances, having considered the relevant alternatives, and they are founded on a robust and credible evidence base 8. There are clear mechanisms for implementation and monitoring 9. It is reasonably flexible to enable it to deal with changing circumstances.

11 Discussion What are the key points members would like to make? Are they any concerns? Are there things we should be making representations on to position ourselves? Should be make a pre-submission? How do we make sure that our voice is heard?

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