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-Melinda,a 17-years old girl, received a heart transplantation six months ago -underwent immunosupression therapy all the time. -Be sensitive to penicillin,bee.

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Presentation on theme: "-Melinda,a 17-years old girl, received a heart transplantation six months ago -underwent immunosupression therapy all the time. -Be sensitive to penicillin,bee."— Presentation transcript:


2 -Melinda,a 17-years old girl, received a heart transplantation six months ago -underwent immunosupression therapy all the time. -Be sensitive to penicillin,bee stings and peanut. Case:


4 Symptoms: ●large hives on her skin, angioedema( 血管 性水肿 ) sets in ●Within seconds, she is wheezing and having difficulty breathing ●Spasm

5 penicilin allergy! 1.RIST test indicate the increase of lgE concentration in her serum. 2. Strongly positive lgE-specific Ab to penicillin were present on RAST test(allergic history: to penicillin, bee stings, and peanuts ) 3. CT test,myocardium biopsy,blood test exclude heart failure.

6 CT-----brain injury Cardiac biopsy-----rejection reaction Blood test -----infection MRI----- stroke ; aneurysmMRI Epinephrine can cure allergies.

7 Belong to type Ⅰ hypersensitivity A life-threatening allergic response that occurs within seconds to minutes of exposure to an antigen. early phase reaction, mainly caused by histamine Systemic anaphylaxis:

8 Mechanism of type I hypersensitivity 1. Allergy-induced period 2. allergy-stimulated period 3. effect period

9 Type Ⅰ hypersensitivity Type Ⅰ hypersensitivity

10 Therapy for allergy 1. Eliminate allergen (penicillin):stop using drug tie tourniquet on near heart direct. 2. reducing the quantity of IgE present :use anti-lgE antibody to prevent IgE binds to Fc  R I on mast cells and basophils. 超级连接prevent IgE binds to Fc  R 3. Epinephrine 4. Prevent mast cell degranulation Ca influx inhibitor (chromolyn sodium) Phosphodiesterase (theophylline)

11 anti-lgE antibody Mast cell anti-lgE antibody

12 Epinephrine : first choice! Mechanism: α receptor excitation: 收缩血管,血压升高, 保证重要脏器血液供应 β receptor excitation :Bronchodialat cAMP excitation :inhibit the release of mediators such as histamine.




16 plasma exchange



19 Find tick!!!






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