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SELF ESTEEM. TERMS 1.Self concept: total picture a person has of him/herself. 2. Self-esteem: feeling that you have something worthwhile to contribute.

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2 TERMS 1.Self concept: total picture a person has of him/herself. 2. Self-esteem: feeling that you have something worthwhile to contribute.

3 *Self concept is developed early in life. *Good self-concept leads to high self esteem.

4 *Children develop their self-concept from what they believe the important people in their lives feel about them.

5 Self Concept Cycle As I see myself Other’s reactions My actions To me As others see me

6 Practices Likely to Decrease Self Esteem *Negative Comments

7 *Comparing a child to other’s in a negative way.

8 *Overprotecting or over helping.

9 Practices Likely to Increase Self Esteem *Provide successful experiences

10 *Treat with love and respect.

11 * Praise accomplishments

12 *Avoid competition

13 Give room to achieve and explore.

14 *Let children make choices when possible.

15 *Encourage independence.

16 *Let them hear you making positive comments about them.

17 *Remember: building a child’s self esteem is a day to day process, not a one time thing.

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