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Moving Electrical Charge Magnetic Field Moving Electrical Charge The Hall Effect The net torque on the loop is not zero. Hall coefficient magnetic dipole.

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Presentation on theme: "Moving Electrical Charge Magnetic Field Moving Electrical Charge The Hall Effect The net torque on the loop is not zero. Hall coefficient magnetic dipole."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving Electrical Charge Magnetic Field Moving Electrical Charge The Hall Effect The net torque on the loop is not zero. Hall coefficient magnetic dipole moment

2 Chapter 33 The Magnetic Field of a Current

3 The Electric Field Due to a Charge

4 The Magnetic Field Due to a Motion Charge μ 0 is the permeability constant.

5 The Magnetic Field Due to a Motion Charge The Magnetic Field of a Current Biot-Savart law A straight wire segment

6 Two Parallel Current Superposition principle Vector sum

7 The force exerted by one wire on another The definition of the ampere d ibib iaia d ibib iaia Parallel currents attract, and antiparallel currents repel.

8 Example x P d y

9  

10 The Magnetic Field of a Current Biot-Savart law A circular current loop magnetic dipole moment

11 The Magnetic Field of a Solenoid

12 If L>>R, The field outside the ideal solenoid is zero. B=μ 0 ni.

13 The Magnetic Field of a Solenoid The field outside the ideal solenoid is zero. z B -L/2L/2

14 solenoid for magnetic field parallel-plate capable for electric field E B E=  .

15 The Electric Field Due to a Charge The Magnetic Field Due to a Moving Charge Gauss’ Law Ampere’s Law




19 A straight wire segment

20 Application of Ampere’s law Long, straight wire ( r<R )

21 A solenoid From loop2, hB 1 + (-h)B 2 =0 loop2 B1B1 B2B2 B 1 = B 2

22 A toroid Same as a solenoid

23 The field outside a solenoid

24 Exercises P768-769 10, 13, 15 Problems P772 8, 9

25 A interesting question for interaction force between electric / magnetic field and moving or resting charged particle A charged particle at rest Electric field Moving charged particle Both electric and magnetic field Whether a charged particle moves or not depends on the chosen frame. Whether can we conclude that both electric and magnetic field Depend on the chosen frame? Einstein’s Postulates: The laws of physics are the same in all inertial reference frames. Are these two conclusions contradictory? Is it true?

26 2015-10-25 26 In the frame K ( at rest ) In the frame K ’ ( with moving electrons ) - - - - - - + + + + + + I x y r - - - - - - + + + + + + I x’x’ y’y’ r In the frame K In the frame K ’ Both electric and magnetic force are zero. Magnetic force : Electric force : FmFm We have : Therefore

27 Transformation equations of E and B: In different inertial reference frame, the results come from the electric or magnetic field is same.

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