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Cusp turbulence as revealed by POLAR magnetic field data E. Yordanova Uppsala, November, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Cusp turbulence as revealed by POLAR magnetic field data E. Yordanova Uppsala, November, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cusp turbulence as revealed by POLAR magnetic field data E. Yordanova Uppsala, November, 2005

2 Outline  Cusp  Models of turbulence  Multifractal structure of cusp turbulence  Anisotropy in the cusp  Cusp  Models of turbulence  Multifractal structure of cusp turbulence  Anisotropy in the cusp Uppsala, November, 2005

3 Cusp depressed and irregular magnetic magnetic field magnetosheath plasma /high density and low energy/ plasma of ionospheric origin the direction of IMF the tilt of the magnetic dipole the solar wind dynamic pressure Uppsala, November, 2005

4 Turbulent magnetic field in the cusp POLAR mission Uppsala, November, 2005 f < 10 -2 Hz f < 10 2 -10 3 Hz

5 Examples of power spectra of the magnetic field fluctuations, measured in the cusp (POLAR satellite) By110497_1 B091096_5 Uppsala, November, 2005

6 Magnetospheric cusp magnetic field (POLAR satellite) cusps spirals ramps The singularity strength : Hölder exponenth(x 0 ) Hölder exponent h(x 0 ) - a measure of the regularity of the function g at the point x 0 - the statistical distribution of the singularity exponents h. Singularity spectrum D(h) - a humped shape (h min - strongest singularity; h max – weakest singularity) Uppsala, November, 2005

7 a maximum in the modulus of the wavelet transform coefficients Singularities Modulus maximum of WT ‘any point ( x 0,a 0 ) of the space-scale half-plane which corresponds to the local maximum of the modulus of considered as a function of x ’ Maxima line the curve, connecting the modulus maxima Singularity exponents a power law fit of the wavelet coefficients along the maxima line Mallat and Zong (1992) Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima Method (WTMM) Wavelet Transform (WT) Wavelet Transform (WT) A tool for detecting the singularities a - scale, b – translation or dilation,  * - conjugated transforming function Uppsala, November, 2005

8 Energy injection Inertial range Dissipation range........ Richardson cascade Kolmogorov phenomenology (1941) Self-similarity in the inertial range Localness in the interaction Uppsala, November, 2005

9 P model (Meneveau and Sreenivasan ‘87) Energy injection Inertial range Dissipation range........ Uppsala, November, 2005

10 Calculation of the scaling properties of turbulence Structure functions Structure functions of a measured fluctuating parameter g(x): !fundamental quantity in classical theory of turbulence! Singularity spectrum Singularity spectrum (Parisi and Frisch,1985)Legendretransform D(h) - statistical distribution of the singularity exponents h Uppsala, November, 2005

11 Scaling law of the partition function along the maxima line: Singularity spectrum D(h) of the WTMM function  (q): Wavelet based partition function (): Wavelet based partition function (Muzy, Bacry, Arneodo, 1991): WTMM L(a) - a set of all the maxima lines l existing at a scale a; b l (a) - the position, at a, of the maximum belonging to the line l l={b l (a), a} is pointing towards a point b l (0) (when a goes to 0 ) which corresponds to a singularity of g Relation between  q and  q Uppsala, November, 2005

12 Extended structure function models (Tu et al. 1996, Marsch and Tu 1997) - scaling exponents for the Kolmogorov-like cascade: - scaling exponents for the Kraichnan-like cascade : P-model Uppsala, November, 2005

13 Method: WTMM partition functions Constructing partition functions – sums of the WT located in the modulus maxima (define the singularity) singularity spectrum Set of locations and strength of the singularities – singularity spectrum MF fluctuations – singular behavior The problem Uppsala, November, 2005

14 Fractional brownian signal WTMM partition functions WTMM partition function exponents Singularity spectrum Muzy, Bacry & Arneodo (1994) Uppsala, November, 2005

15 Devil’s staircase signal WTMM partition functions WTMM partition function exponents Singularity spectrum Muzy, Bacry & Arneodo (1994) Uppsala, November, 2005

16 Comparison with models of turbulence partition function exponents (power law fit of wavelet coefficients along maxima line) Non-linear behavior Least-square fit of models of turbulence Through numerical differentiation of the exponents curve singularity spectrum is derived (parabolic shape, typical for the non-linear systems) Mean square deviation between numerical and theoretical spectra Uppsala, November, 2005

17 Probability distribution functions for different time delays Data sampling frequency - 8.333 Hz Uppsala, November, 2005

18 Kolmogorov – like turbulence B z < 0 p - model turbulence B z > 0 Results for 9 Oct 1996 case Uppsala, November, 2005

19 Results for 11 Apr 1997 case B x > 0 B y < 0 B z > 0 Kolmogorov – like turbulence p - model turbulence Uppsala, November, 2005

20 HYDRA / POLAR Uppsala, November, 2005

21 1. Conclusions about the magnetic field intensity IMF Bz > 0 – p – model (fluid, fully developed) IMF Bz < 0 - Kolmogorov- like (fluid, non fully developed) Uppsala, June, 2005

22 Uppsala, November, 2005 B~90 nT  B~10 nT BzBzBzBz B xy SPC north B 56 dusk antisun (B xy, B z, B 56 ) (  B 1,  B 2, B 0 ) Anisotropy features of the magnetic field

23 Uppsala, November, 2005 Power spectra in parallel and perpendicular directions  ~ 1.62  ~ 2.41 f -5/3  ~ 1.21  ~ 1.93  ~ 5

24 Uppsala, November, 2005 Extended Self-Similarity Analysis

25 PDF in parallel and perpendicular directions  = 6,12,24,48,96,192  t

26 PSD - different scaling in parallel and perpendicular directions ESS analysis – parallel fluctuations are characterized by monofractal nature; perpendicular - by a strong intermittent (multifractal) character PDF – more intermittent character of the fluctuations in perpendicular direction then in parallel Acknowledgements: E. Yordanova acknowledges the financial support provided through the European Community's Human Potential Programme under contract HPRN-CT- 2001-00314, ‘Turbulent Boundary Layers’ Uppsala, November, 2005 2. Conclusions about the anisotropy in the cusp

27 Uppsala, June, 2005 V  total For 9 Oct 1996 case – V~100 km/s POLAR speed is 2 km/s For 11 Apr 1997 case – V~40 km/s Taylor’s hypothesis

28 Structure function  (q) and  (q) Uppsala, June, 2005

29 Power spectra of 11 April 1997 case By110497_1 By110497_2 By110497_3 -2.15 (0.06 – 0.78 Hz)

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