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EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011 WP 2000: Climate Societal Benefit Area Robert Husband (EUMETSAT)

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Presentation on theme: "EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011 WP 2000: Climate Societal Benefit Area Robert Husband (EUMETSAT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011 WP 2000: Climate Societal Benefit Area Robert Husband (EUMETSAT)

2 Contents  Context  Main Activities  Outcomes  Thoughts on the Future EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011

3 Context – GEO Climate Strategic Target EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011 Before 2015, GEO aims to: Achieve effective and sustained operation of the global climate observing system and reliable delivery of climate information of a quality needed for predicting, mitigating and adapting to climate variability and change, including for better understanding of the global carbon cycle.

4 Context – Requirements Basis EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011  The Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) defined by the Global Climate Climate Observing System (GCOS) were used as the requirement reference point  Consensus view from the international scientific community on a priority list of indispensable climate data sets  Extensively reviewed and revised by the science community through open review, and dedicated workshops with the IPCC  Embedded in the GEO Climate Strategic Target  The GCOS ECVs were the benchmark against which European Capacity and Capabilities were measured during the EUGENE Project

5 Main Activities EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011  The EUGENE project was charged with determining the Status Quo in three main areas  Space data  In situ data  Modelling  For space data heavy reliance was placed on the 2009 JRC Report: European Capacity for Monitoring and Assimilating Space- based Climate Change Observations – Status and Prospects  For in situ data and modelling questionnaires were used to determine the status quo

6 Main Activities EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011  Questionnaires were sent out to  15 centres involved in climate modelling (14 responses received)  3 centres/organisations concerned with in situ data provision (2 responses received)  Based on these responses a Status Quo Report was produced and then reviewed by a climate experts workshop in April 2010

7 Outcomes - Documents EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011  The main outcomes are documented in: -The EUGENE Climate Status Quo Report (Final) -The EUGENE Climate Workshop Report (Final) -Climate Strategic Issues Document (Draft)  EUGENE Climate Status Quo Report provides a fairly comprehensive snapshot of Europe‘s climate capabilities (space, in situ and modelling) 

8 Outcomes – Strategic Findings  Europe is very well positioned in the international context at a European level with active participation of ESA, EUMETSAT, ECMWF, EC and national agencies in key frameworks (e.g. IPCC, GCOS, CEOS, CGMS, GSICS, SCOPE-CM, WCRP ….).  Strong National contributions to international frameworks (in situ data centres, meteorological services, oceanographic services, modelling centres)  Strong "political will“ within Europe to address climate issues  Provides a solid backdrop to exploit Europe's considerable strengths in climate which are often "world class". EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011

9 Outcomes – Strategic Recommendations  Overall European contribution to the GEO Climate SBA could be strengthened by targeting some specific activities with secure, long- term, funding.  The importance of long-term funding was repeatedly stressed in order to ensure sustainability.  Debate about need to introduce a sustained framework to cover such activities  Concluded that such a framework should only be introduced if it: a)adds value; b)is compatible with existing frameworks.  Future GMES Climate Service obvious candidate EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011

10 Outcomes – Strategic Recommendations  Strengthening Europe ’ s contribution – examples -In-situ networks -Access to In-situ Data -Creation of long time-series CDRs - Data Rescue and Homogenisation -Unfulfilled Requirements for CDRs -Construction of long time-series of ECVs based on satellite data -Creation of Metadata -Reanalysis -Activities relating to the building of GEOSS (e.g. contributions to the GEOSS Common Infrastructure) EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011

11 Outcomes – Strategic Recommendations  Leveraging GEO ’ s Political Profile  More benefit should be taken from the political profile of GEO for addressing the gaps/opportunities within Europe  Access to in situ data is a big issue across Europe and GEO could provide an appropriate political context to address the problem EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011

12 Outcomes – Strategic Recommendations  Role of Member States  Member States need to be more active in coordinating the relevant major European actors (e.g. ESA, EUMETSAT, ECMWF, EUMETNET, EC....)  Could result in more benefit from the funding of these institutions EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011

13 Thoughts on the Future  Increasing Global focus on establishing a Reference Architecture for the Global Climate Observing System  WMO has initiated an activity in this area  Debate as to whether/where it fits within the GEO task context  For the time-being activity will be “badgeless” and jointly undertaken by WMO, CEOS and CGMS - with GEO, GCOS and WCRP reviewing the outcome  Europe taking a very active role in this area (EUGENE work provides a good foundation) EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011

14 Thoughts on the Future  Increasing emphasis on the information flow between Observations => Applications => Policy-Making  Likely to take benefit from the climate observations reference architecture initiative  Could provide a tool for matching funding decisions to Policy-making requirements (i.a.) EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011

15 Thoughts on the Future  Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS)  Launched at WCC-3  Nature of these services still to be clarified – could have an impact on the climate observations architecture EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011

16 Thank you for your attention! EUM/SIR/VWG/11/012 WP 2000: Climate SBA 9 October 2011

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