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Dreams Part 3.

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1 Dreams Part 3

2 Could it be that God might be
trying to speak to you?

3 GOD IS SPEAKING! Job 33: For God does speak, now one way, now another, though man may not perceive it, in a dream, in a vision in the night, when deep sleep falls on men as they slumber in their beds. He may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings, turn man from wrongdoing and keep him from pride, to preserve his soul from the pit, his life from perishing by the sword.  Or he may be chastened on a bed of pain...

4 Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17 God in these last days is pouring out His spirit on all people, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams.

5 (a balance of the heart with the mind)
DREAM INTERPRETATION Usually come out of the dreamer's setting Most of the time dreams should be looked upon much the same as a parable Many times our dreams are God's way of bringing wholeness to us (a balance of the heart with the mind)

6 Three realms for interpretation of symbols
1. Symbols from the scriptures 2. Meanings taken from your own personal viewpoint of symbols and expression 3. Play on words-such as porpoise for purpose You may want to look up words in a dictionary or an encyclopedia

7 Things to remember Interpretation is usually on a personal basis first. God most often uses familiar terms. Most of our dreams will relate to our circumstances.

8 Things to remember (cont’d)
Remember most dreams are not literal. They need interpreting. (Dan. 1:17, Gen. 40:8) Ponder on the dream and ask the Holy Spirit (Dan. 7:8; 8:15,16; Luke 2:19; I Cor. 2:10-12). Search it out in the word. (Prov. 25:2).

9 Interpretation can be three levels:
1. Personal 2. Church a. City Church b. Church in the nations c. Global body of Christ 3. National and international affairs

10 SAMPLING OF SYMBOLS Numbers 1. One-God, beginning, source
2. Two-Witness, testimony 3. Three-Godhead, resurrection, divine completeness 4. Four-Earth, creation, winds, seasons, world 5. Five-cross, grace, atonement 6. Six-Man, beast, satan

11 7. Seven-Perfection, completeness
8. Eight-New beginning 9. Nine-Finality, fullness, fruitfulness 10. Ten-Law, government 11. Eleven-Disorganization, lawlessness, Antichrist 12. Twelve- Divine gov't, apostolic fullness 13. Thirteen-Rebellion, backsliding, apostasy 30. Thirty-Maturity 40. Forty-Testing 50. Fifty-Jubilee, Pentecost

12 Colors 1. Amber-Glory of God 2. Black-Sin, death and famine
3. Blue-Heaven, Holy Spirit, prophetic 4. Crimson/Scarlet-Blood atonement; sacrifice 5. Purple-Kingship, royalty 6. Red-Bloodshed, blood, war, anger, passion 7. White-Purity, light, righteousness 8. Green- growth 9. Yellow-Gold

13 Animals 1. Huge animals such as the bull, elephant - charging head on
2. Being pursued by lions, tigers or bears- fear of something –(need to face your fears) 3.Horses-power (ever heard of horsepower?)

14 4. Serpent-Satan, subtlety, wisdom, deception, sin, Christ made sin and wisdom of believers.
5. Spider-Bitterness, activities and shrewdness of the wicked 6. Moth-Destructive powers of the earth, eaten with holes

15 People 1. Father-God 2. Mother-Church
3. Brother- Brother in the Church, another church 4. Popular Worship leader - worship 5. Popular Bookkeeper - record keeping 6. Joy - worship, compassion, mercy 7. David - Jesus (son of David), worship, poetry

16 THINGS 1. Door-access 2. Window-Seeing through (sometimes seeing into the spiritual) 3. Ladder-Intercession, connection to heaven 4. Helicopter-Intercession 5. Kitchen-Church, sanctuary 6. Cook-God, Pastor 7. Fire-Judgment, passion, revival, purification 8. Keys-Authority 9. Tree, trees-Cross, life, Christ, believers

17 Remember life is more than a dream!

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