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World Bank Institute HCC Meeting Cologne, Germany 09 May 2006.

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1 World Bank Institute HCC Meeting Cologne, Germany 09 May 2006

2 WBI in the World Bank Group World Bank Institute (WBI) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development International Development Association International Finance Corporation Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency International Center for the Settlement of Investment Disputes World Bank Group

3 Building Capacity for Development  In 2005: 50 years WBI  WBI mission: enable client countries to acquire, share, and apply global and local knowledge to meet development challenges  Evolved from training institute to capacity development and technical assistance in client countries.

4 WBI at a Glance FY05/06  Learning activities annually – more than 900  Client participants worldwide - nearly 110,000  Partner institutions - 200 formal partners  Global Development Learning Network - 76 centers  Representation in the field: Burkina Faso, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, France (Marseilles, Paris), Ghana, India, Nigeria, Russian Federation, Senegal, Tanzania, Tunisia  Number of focus countries - 45

5 Developing Capacity at Three Levels Approach: Activities at three levels INSTITUTIONALORGANIZATIONALINDIVIDUAL Focus on governance, the parliament, the role of the private sector, and civil society Policies, incentives, and norms that shape individuals’ actions Strengthen management and of key organizations. Incl. Capacity/Training Institutions in Client Countries. Business processes in task-oriented organizations that determine overall organizational capacity Develop key skills and knowledge of key actors in public, private, and civil society sector. Behaviors and individual skills that determine development and business results

6 WBI Thematic Programs Thematic Learning Programs Sustainable Development  Environment, NRM, & Climate Change  Water & Rural Development Human Development  Education  Health & AIDS Finance und Private Sector Development  Financial Sector Capacity Development  Private Sector Development  Public – Private Partnerships in Infrastructure  Urban & City Management Poverty Reduction and Macro-economic Development  Poverty & Growth  Public Sector Governance  Social Protection & Risk Management  Trade Focus Country Activities Global & Regional Activities  Tailor-made Country Learning events include skill building courses and seminars, workshops,  South-South Knowledge exchange incl. on Biofuels (planned)  Technical assistance include multi-year organization support and twinning  Global and Regional Programs include conferences, Carbon Expo, flagship courses

7 Environmentally and Socially Sustainable Development (WBIEN)

8 Environment, Natural Resource Management & Climate Change Transforming Institutions for Good Environmental Governance Institutional Strategies for Sustainable Development (China) Environmental Economics and Market-Based Environmental Policies (Global Flagship) Country Systems (EA, Infrastructure); Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Environmental Law, Compliance, and Enforcement (EAP, LAC) Catalyzing Sustainable Development Action Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Urban Environment and Health (Clean Air Initiative LAC, EAP; Solid Waste Management India, AFR) Natural Resources Management at Local Level (AFR)

9 Building Synergies Global Center of Excellence on Climate Change  Adaptation to Climate Change  AFR, Impact on Agriculture, 11-country study  Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency  RE Toolkit for Practitioners  South-South Exchange in Biofuels Development  Waste Management  Capacity building in SWM in India  Sustainable Transport  Global assessment of mitigation potential  Water, Agriculture and Natural Resources Management  Integration with adaptation activities

10 CF-Assist – WBI: Strategic Fit  Strong organizational and strategic fit with capacity building mandate  High potential for integrating CC into mainstream capacity building  Organizational commitment for program growth and creation of centers of excellence  Wide partnership base across the world, and linkages with stakeholders  “Arm’s length” with WB’s commercial operations in carbon finance to avoid potential conflicts of interest

11 CF Assist – WBI: Track Record  WBI has been a partner since the beginning of CF-Assist  Responsible for all training activities  Over 2000 professionals trained in 15 countries in 2005-06  Coordination of Carbon Expo and Greenhouse Gas Forums  Forums held in New Delhi and Moscow  WBI will become manager of CF-Assist from July 1, 2006  Trust Fund management  In-country technical assistance (e.g. DNA strengthening)  Capacity building  Knowledge management

12 Implementation through Partnership CF-Assist WBI WB Regions WB CFU External Partners Contacts: CF-Assist Teamleader: Venkat Ramana Putti WBI Manager: Konrad von Ritter

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