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Cases: Limiting KeyCite Citing References. Limits and Locate in KeyCite Roe v. Wade had 12,994 citing references on KeyCite on January 15, 2004. A Limit.

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Presentation on theme: "Cases: Limiting KeyCite Citing References. Limits and Locate in KeyCite Roe v. Wade had 12,994 citing references on KeyCite on January 15, 2004. A Limit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cases: Limiting KeyCite Citing References

2 Limits and Locate in KeyCite Roe v. Wade had 12,994 citing references on KeyCite on January 15, 2004. A Limit KeyCite Display button allows you to limit the citation results to specified criteria. Limit KeyCite Display

3 Select the desired criteria for your citing reference result. You can select any number or combination of criteria. We’ll start by selecting the issue discussed in headnote eight of Roe v. Wade. You can limit by Headnote (issue) Locate Jurisdiction Date Document type Depth of treatment 8

4 Locate The second limitation is a date restrictor. Click Apply. Then choose Locate and enter “first trimester.” Date Apply

5 By using the date limit displayed on the last screen and requiring that the phrase first trimester occur in the citing references, we have limited the KeyCite results to the 3 citing documents from the original 12,994 that will be of most use to us.

6 More About KeyCite Locate KeyCite Locate allows you to narrow your KeyCite result to the citing references that contain certain terms. Only KeyCite Locate allows you to search for terms that appear in the same paragraph as the cited case. This is an exclusive feature of®.. If your KeyCite display contains more than 2,000 citing references, you will need to first limit your results by other criteria.

7 Question You can limit the citing references in your KeyCite result by: Date Type of document Headnote All of the above

8 Question You can limit the citing references in your KeyCite result by: 1.Date 2.Type of document 3.Headnote 4.All of the above

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