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Beam Dynamics Summary D. Schulte and R. Jones for the Beam Dynamics Working Group.

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Presentation on theme: "Beam Dynamics Summary D. Schulte and R. Jones for the Beam Dynamics Working Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beam Dynamics Summary D. Schulte and R. Jones for the Beam Dynamics Working Group

2 Beam Dynamics Summary Very interesting workshop with actual discussions –Impressive knowledge base from NLC/JLC –Interesting potential of synergy with medical facilities and light sources Ron Ruth voiced that beam dynamics is very important challenge for CLIC –Will be able to demonstrate RF on a small scale –Emittance preservation/luminosity needs much larger effort, combination of simulations and benchmarking is important –Ron proposed test facility at SLAC Interesting alternative to CLIC0 –Technical effort in many areas is needed and some is ongoing Impresssive improvement of simulation capabilities

3 Beam Dynamics Summary (cont.) Scattermatrix study of structures (Ian Shinton) –Could still be usefull for structure optimisation –Could be very important tool to determine structure tolerances Development of alternative structure design for CLIC main linac (Vasim Khan) –Based on strong detuning and less damping –Close to the NLC structures that worked –Very involved combination of structure design and beam dynamics work –Very important effort Comparison of long-range wakefield effects for ILC (Christopher Glasman) –Relevant benchmarking of codes –Difference found, think to have an explanation but need further study –Good example of synergy ILC-CLIC Erik Adli quickly presented PLACET –Certainly a field of synergy

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