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LS1 reference slides LS1 plans Detector’s plans Services and central systems availability 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro1.

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Presentation on theme: "LS1 reference slides LS1 plans Detector’s plans Services and central systems availability 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro1."— Presentation transcript:

1 LS1 reference slides LS1 plans Detector’s plans Services and central systems availability 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro1

2 LS1 plans

3 ALICE plans for LS1 Baseline sequence: –Complete TRD detector (+5 Supermodules) –Install DCal calorimeter (8 Supermodules). Including support structure and support beams –Install 4 PHOS Supermodules –Numerous detector consolidation efforts Several things on top of this sequence: –Consolidation of LV cables for TRD & TPC –Extension SAA3 wall in RB26 side –Consolidation of CO 2 (racks) and N 2 (central detectors) fire extinguishment systems –New outlets for redundancy of Ethernet cables –… Improvement and consolidation of infrastructure and services: –EN-EL: UPS replacement and electrical infrastructure consolidation (UPS power increased from 160kVA to 800kVA) –EN-CV: P2 chilled water upgrade (+60% cooling power) –EN-CV: L3 ventilation upgrade (+60% flow) 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro3

4 Main activities planned for LS1: Complete TRD detector (+5 Supermodules) Install DCal calorimeter (8 Supermodules). Including support structure and support beams Install 1 PHOS Supermodule Numerous detector consolidation efforts EN-EL: UPS replacement and electrical infrastructure consolidation EN-CV: P2 chilled water upgrade (+60% power) EN-CV: L3 ventilation upgrade (+60% flow)

5 4/5 PHOS 18/18 TRD 18/18 TOF 7/7 HMPID 12/12 EMCAL 8/8 DCAL ALICE detector 2012 run 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 11 12 13 14 15 17 0 1 2 3 4 16 10 2x 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro5

6 4/5 PHOS 18/18 TRD 18/18 TOF 7/7 HMPID 12/12 EMCAL 8/8 DCAL ALICE detector after LS1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 11 12 13 14 15 17 0 1 2 3 4 16 10 2x 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro6

7 ALICE detector after LS1 4/5 PHOS 18/18 TRD 18/18 TOF 7/7 HMPID 12/12 EMCAL 8/8 DCAL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 8 11 12 13 14 15 17 0 1 2 3 4 16 10 2x 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro7

8 ALICE now vs. LS1 15/1/13ALICE LS1 plans - A.Tauro8

9 25/2/13TRD options LS1 - A.Tauro9 LS1 plan 2013Weeks Remove plug, mobile shielding, open doors8-9 Prepare for PHOS extraction, remove RB24 beampipe and PMD10 Remove PHOS cradle and modules, transfer TOF crates on SF11-13 Modify L3 services and install YP for TRD1714 Modify L3 services, remove TRD17 and rework LV distr. TRD 7-8-10-11, DCal insertion test SXL215-19 Modify L3 services, open low-beta and swap Q5L8 magnet, DCal tests in SXL220-23 Swap PHOS beams with DCal beams24-27 DCal and PHOS services (1/2)28-30 Contingency31-35 (August) Install DCal Cradle36-38 DCal and PHOS services (2/2)39-40 Open Days – 27-28-29/939-40 Install 2 1/3 DCal modules41 Install 3 DCal modules (C-side)42-43 Rework LV distr. TRD15-16 Two weeks between 44 and 51 Xmas pause52-1

10 25/2/13TRD options LS1 - A.Tauro10 LS1 plan 2014Weeks Install 4 PHOS modules (incl.pre-commiss.)2-5 Install 3 DCAL modules (A-side)6-7 Install top/bottom counterweights8 Suspend Miniframe9-11 Install TRD12-13-14 with yellow platform (bottom)12-14 ‘Un-suspend’ Miniframe15-16 Reinstall TRD1717 Concrete walls & TRD installation frame18-19 Install TRD4-5 (top) & counterweights20-21 Remove TRD infrastructure22 Reinstall PMD, ZEM and comp. magnet23 Reinstall and bakeout RB24 beampipe24-25 ---- Close plug, mobile shielding26-29

11 Beampipe and forward detectors Week 8: neon injection (central and miniframe beampipe) Week 9: remove BLMs, survey Week 10: remove miniframe beampipe –Will stay inside the cavern, above the L3 magnet Compensator magnet will be disconnected and removed later, before the suspension of the miniframe (November) ZEM and ADA will be brought into the SXL2 cleanroom PMD will be removed in week 10 –Will stay in the PMD area in SXL2 V0-A & FMD1: decision as soon as PMD is out –If V0 PMTs can be replaced in situ, there is no need to remove the detector 14/2/13 ALICE TBUpdate on LS1 plans - A.Tauro11

12 2011 New layout LS1 LS1 – SAA3 upgrade 6/12/12 ALICE TBP2 issues and LS1 preparations - A.Tauro 12 2011-12 winter shutdown SAA3 wall located on the RB26 side: Wall height increased during 2011-12 winter shutdown. Wall width will be increased during LS1 in order to protect the ALICE detectors from background coming from the C-side Civil engineering works needed for the extension of the support beams (red)

13 Detector’s plans

14 14/2/13 ALICE TBUpdate on LS1 plans - A.Tauro14 DetectorInterventionWhen SPDDrill 5 filters (SR0-1-2-3-8) and upgrade cooling plant (new pumps)w15-20 (drilling) SDDReplace ISEG HV boards SSDModify CAEN LVPSw12 (removal) TRDInstall 5SM. Repair HV chambers SM17 and rework LV distribution for 7 SMsSee next slide TOFReplace all CAEN DC-DC power converters with new version. Replacement of faulty DRMs, TRMs and LTMs. 10 SMs have to be displaced (~1m) September TPCFE and HV consolidationw10 and w12 to 14 PHORemove entirely detector and its support cradle, install 1 additional SM. FE and readout consolidation Whole 2013 PMDRemove detectorw10 EMCChange RCU-based readout to SRU-based readoutMarch-April V0-ANot yet decided whether to remove the detectorDecision after w10 FMDFix leak inside FMD-A if V0-A is removed. Re-route cooling line inside miniframe and in C-side MTKSolve occupancy problem: repair LV bus-bars (90 chambers to be modified)Whole 2013 ZDCRepair vertical movement system (take out both ZDCs)March-April LS1 – Detector’s main activities More details in Sept ‘12 TB

15 ITS SPD: –Drill 5 filters (SR0-1-2-3-8) –Minor interventions on the FEE cards –Cooling: reuse old inlet pipes, recalibrate T-P sensors, remove sub-cooling –Items under discussion: replace pump in cooling plant SDD: –Replace ISEG boards (HV drift problem). Improve cooling in CR4 racks (to be studied) –Install SuperCarlosRX cards  need DAQ for testing –Cooling: replace plastic pipes of plant manifold (tbc), replace 10 P and T sensors and 5 P regulators SSD: –CAEN LVPS modification (decrease CM)  Ship 120 PSs (Easy) to CAEN, in batches of 20-30/month, as from beginning of LS1. Test everything (including cooling plant) as soon as all cards are back (September?) –Cooling: remove heaters and put plant under UPS (6kW), check safety valves and remove teflon tape. Calibration P sensors. Try to keep the plant running as much as possible. 6/9/12ALICE LS1 plans - A.Tauro15

16 TPC FEE consolidation. –Replace FECs. The A-side work on A-11 and A-12 requires to remove the SSD and SPD boxes (as we already did in the past). –Install and commission redundant ethernet system HV consolidation: –Maintenance Read Out Chambers –Possibly inspection of containment volumes in field cage Interventions on RR and FEE cooling plants Gas. New CO 2 analyser and gas chromatograph, drift velocity monitor consolidation 6/9/12ALICE LS1 plans - A.Tauro16

17 TRD SM production: –All electronics will be produced by end 2012 –Plan to produce 5 SM in LS1 –Preferred installation scenario: 3 bottom modules in 2013 and 2 top later. This would allow to install the last 2 (SM4 and SM5) in a winter technical stop in case they are not in time for LS1 New tank water cooling plant Gas: cryogenic recovery/cleaning at start of LS1  store Xe –Operate the detector for most of LS1 with Ar-CO2 (70-30) –Refill with Xe at some point in 2014 –Find better CO2 analyzer, new gas chromatograph (TRD-TPC) 6/9/12ALICE LS1 plans - A.Tauro17

18 TRD HV & LV rework TRD HV & LV rework: –Take out TRD17 for HV repair in Muenster –Rework of LV distribution for 7 sectors (17-10-11-7-8-15-16) Schedule: –wk 14 (i.e. beginning April): P2 crew prepares yellow-platform for TRD17 extraction. –wk 15, starting from Monday 8th April: removal of TRD17. –wks 16-19: rework LV for sectors 7-8-10 and 11. –wks 41-43: reinstall TRD17 and rework LV for sectors 15-16. Definitely a huge enterprise ! Transport, P2 technicians, survey people and TRD crew Installation sequence (yellow-platform, blocks,…) looked at CAD –No conflicts with miniframe services so far… TRD17 reinstalled before bottom modules installation (e.g. November) 14/2/13 ALICE TBUpdate on LS1 plans - A.Tauro18 In parallel to L3 services modification for DCal

19 TOF Transfer TOF crates to space frame: still technical discussions – decision hopefully next week. Load transfer should be done already in March (e.g. before TRD work). Cooling: equalization of the flow across the different SMs Full replacement of all CAEN DC-DC converters (A1396A): Replacement of faulty DRMs, TRMs and LTMs. –Need to displace SR0-1-4-5-6-7-8-9-14-15 (tbc) by ~1m –Profit to replace DC-DC converters –September 2013 (2 weeks) TBC Improving of the ground connections. Intervention (eventually) on the cooling system, at the crate level, for two very hot crates in sector 08. 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro19

20 PHOS During LS1 the detector will undergo several repairs (b.167): –Fix problematic RCUs and TRUs –Test and replace faulty FEE (implies access to warm region) –APD/preamp are inside the cold area, will not be inspected, This would require extracting strip units from the crystal matrix and then mounting them back A new PHOS module (M1) will be assembled and installed in 2014 (2’000 crystals) Crystal cooling plant replaced with more powerful one. 6/9/12ALICE LS1 plans - A.Tauro20

21 EMCal Install new readout system – will take one month (March 2013) 6/9/12ALICE LS1 plans - A.Tauro21

22 ZDC Problems with the vertical displacement system of the ZP calorimeter platform, observed in the last two Pb-Pb runs. Mechanical improvement of the platform –1-2 months intervention around March 2013: take out the 2 platforms, bring them to the surface (location to be defined), modify and re-install them. 6/9/12ALICE LS1 plans - A.Tauro22 PMD Currently in Super-safe. Re-start operation around end of the year LS1 work: –Detector disconnected and brought on the surface –? Displace ELMD and LVDBs in order to improve air flow –Crocus cables to be properly routed and supported (cut at same length) –Improve crocus crate movement system

23 V0A & FMD V0: we still have to decide whether we should extract V0-A. To be decided whether to take out FMD1 (leaks in cooling system). 6/9/12ALICE LS1 plans - A.Tauro23

24 Muons Muon TRK: –Occupancy problem: repair slats (busbar connections): 90 slats to be repaired Will take ~10 months in 2013 (DAQ, DCS and gas needed) –Replace one quadrant ST2 Muon TRG: –Ordinary FEE and gas tightness maintenance –Replacement of a few RPCs, if needed –Full campaign of survey and photogrammetry –Gas system modification to re-circulate freon (under discussion) 6/9/12ALICE LS1 plans - A.Tauro24

25 Services and central systems availability

26 Central systems interventions and their availability in 2013-14 DAQ will be off for several months as from week 22: –Remove PCs and disks, disconnect fibers and replace racks (~2m) –Replace central router and install new LDCs  Logbook won’t be shut-down HLT. Computer farm replacement in early 2014. Old farm will be working at all times (except during power interruptions) DCS. Keep a minimum of services operational at all times (e.g. monitoring,…). Dismount old cluster (100 PCs) and re-arrange new cluster over more racks 6/9/12ALICE LS1 plans - A.Tauro26

27 DAQ planning (2013) Wk 22 – Switch-off DAQ Wk 22-25: removal PCs, rails and fibers disconnection Wk 26-27: disconnect and remove old racks. Reinstall new racks Test of integration of 1 new rack in Z09 or Z10 as soon as new rack available at P2 –Middle march 45 racks + doors delivered to CERN middle March. Where to store them? Old racks to be disposed Old doors to be stored somewhere at P2 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro27

28 Primary cooling & UPS interventions Maintenance of the P2 cooling towers: –Week 22-30 (2013) –During this time there is no cooling whole P2 The UPS work will start at the beginning of LS1. In order to be aligned with the CV intervention, power to the CRs will only be cut in week 22: –E.g. no power CRs weeks 22-30 (~2 months) 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro28

29 LS1: CV main activities Maintenance cooling towers, pumps – including control (UNICOS) Maintenance detector cooling plants and air cooling units Replacement pumps and heat-exchangers UW New L3 jacket valve Upgrade L3 ventilation  from 6’000m3/h to 10’000m3/h Upgrade chilled water network (replace 3 existing chillers, add 2 new chillers…)  increase installed cooling power from 5.4MW to 9MW Renovation demineralized-water station (CERN Meyrin)  no demineralized water from 15/5/13 to 30/7/13 Install heat exchanger ITS air ventilation unit (weeks 22-30, 2013), and fix leaks (and isolate) pipe SX  UX 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro29  Several water interruptions!!! See next slides

30 WhatWhenCavernCRs Maintenance UW circuitswks 22-26 - June No mixed & chilled water. No raw water cooling No interruptions New controls UW? Maintenance cooling towers (SF) + chilled water upgrade part I (replacement impeller SF pumps, SU chillers and SU Heat exchangers) wks 27-35 – July - Aug No mixed & chilled water. No raw water cooling. No air cooling. No mixed water. Possibility to use tap water for few racks New controls in SF? Maintenance SU + controls SUwks 36-40 - SeptNo mixed & chilled water Upgrade L3 ventilationOctober 2013No interruptions 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro30 New dates CV activities (2013) L3 jacket control from week 20 (1 month)

31 WhatWhenCavernCRs Replacement UW PHE and pumps, new valve L3 jacket wks 7-16 (2014) No mixed & chilled water. No raw water cooling. (around 1 month) No interruptions Chilled-water upgrade part II (one new chiller + electrical connections) January 2014 Short interruptions mixed & chilled water No mixed water. Possibility to use tap water for few racks Maintenance cooling towers (SF) 3 wks, during 2014 (tbc) No mixed & chilled water. No raw water cooling. No air cooling. All CV/DC circuits stopped Chilled-water upgrade part III (one new chiller) January 2015 Short interruptions mixed & chilled water Commissioning new chilled water system Asap after January 2015, when 2 wks available No mixed & chilled water 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro31 CV activities (2014-15)

32 LS1: detector cooling activities Standard maintenance Intervention on specific systems: –Replacement tank TPC and TRD cooling plants –New loop for DCal (in TOF/PHOS/CPV/EMC cooling plant) –Put ITS cooling plant on UPS (remove heaters and swap valves) Common infrastructure: –Add filters upstream each cooling plant (mixed and chilled water) –Implement fail-safe vacuum pumps, i.e. the vacuum pump keeps working when the PLC dies All these interventions are scheduled from week 24 (10 June 2013) onwards, and will last approximately for 1.5 months 14/2/13 ALICE TBUpdate on LS1 plans - A.Tauro32 Due to the primary cooling maintenance (SF+UW+SU)  No chilled water weeks 22-40

33 LS1 – EN-CV-DC planning 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro33 Sebastien Roussee cooling plant running without cooling cooling plant stopped cooling plant running normally Q5L8 All detector cooling interventions in the shadow of the cooling towers maintenance

34 LS1: gas systems activities Standard maintenance and software update (PVSS) Intervention on specific systems: –TRD and TOF: new spare pumps in CR5 –MTG: gas recirculation (MTG C 2 H 2 F 4 yearly budget is 60kCHF) Common infrastructure: –New N2 lines (including separate line for L3) and pneumatic valves –New scales for Freon and Isobuthane –Renovation of N 2 and Ar dewars –Check calibration of flow meters 14/2/13 ALICE TBUpdate on LS1 plans - A.Tauro34 Detailed planning exists – has to be discussed with gas experts

35 DetectorGas systemWhenRemarks TPC Reduce Ne/CO 2 flow by a factor 2 (i.e. 22.5l/h instead of 45l/h) February TRDXenon recuperation.February-March Detector under Ar/CO 2 during the rest of the year. TOFStop flow.Date tbd Restart occasionally. Backup in operation. HMP Stop and recuperate C 6 F 14 (radiators). 16 February (stop). Recuperation in March. Keep Ar circulation (reference gas) Switch from CH 4 to Ar.18 February MCH Gas needed most of the time to check detector repair (Ar ‐ CO 2 not mandatory for a long period; but needed at some point for tests). MTGStop gas system.21 February PHOSStop N 2 flow. Right before removal from the pit (week 11) PMDStop gas system. Right before removal from the pit (week 10) CPVAr/CO 2 needed.Beginning 2014 14/2/13 ALICE TBUpdate on LS1 plans - A.Tauro35 Status of gas systems in 2013

36 Gas planning (draft) 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro36

37 LS1 – gas systems upgrade 1/2 Standard maintenance gas systems –Sept.’13 to Jan.’14 –Each system stopped 1 week Software update (migration to PVSS) –Date still not frozen, around beginning 2014 –Each system stopped 1 week TRD: –Add 3 rd pump (spare) in CR5. 1 month intervention (1w stoppage due to relocation of buffer)  August-Sept.’13 TOF: –Add 2 nd pump (spare) in CR5.  Nov.’13 MTG: –Modification of the system in order to recirculate Freon. –Big project: add one pump, purifier, regulation valves and one new line in UX25 (partially paid by M&O) (60kCHF project) –Add humidifier –Check stability of the regulation of the gas flow 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro37

38 LS1 – gas systems upgrade 2/2 Replace N 2 pipes CR5-UX25 –Arturo to ask RENCO –Several leaks in 2011-12  might have stopped gas systems –Will imply stopping all the systems Replace pneumatic valves (Festo instead of Parker) TRD,MTR,TOF,MCH –Dec.’13 New scales for Freon and Isobuthane N2 and Ar dewar renovation 2 months in total – possibility to supply gas with bottles In parallel to P2 cooling tower maintenance (wks 22-30), tbc. Redo PHOS/CPV N2 lines inside L3 –Arturo to ask RENCO Redo TOF gas flexible pipes (L3, O-side) –Improve EMCal access –Arturo to ask RENCO New feed through for N2 pipe SG2 wall (pipe not insulated presently) –Put plastic protection on the rack. Safety valve on gas side. Check the calibration of mixer mass flow meters 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro38

39 LS1: EL main activities AUG = Test Arret Urgence –wk 32 (2013): Aug 9 th –wk 10 (2014): towards the end of the week Maintenance switchboards (18kV, 3.3kV and basse-tension) –wk10 (2014): 2-3 days no access UX Test auto-transfert: 9 th and 10 th Mar 2013 Test on 400kV network (13/5/13 to 28/7/13)  CERN total power limited to 60MVA UPS project  increase UPS power from 160kVA to 800kVA 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro39  Punctual power interruptions (except UPS project)

40 LS1: PH-DT (magnets) activities PH-DT: replace 100 PT100 (hot-points) + N2 line L3 8/2/13LS1 planning meeting - A.Tauro40

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