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Scientific Revolution Name that Game-Changer! Who is this guy? Hints: Inventor Very Popular Product Some kids feel they need this to live. Tony Fadell-

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Revolution Name that Game-Changer! Who is this guy? Hints: Inventor Very Popular Product Some kids feel they need this to live. Tony Fadell-"— Presentation transcript:


2 Scientific Revolution

3 Name that Game-Changer! Who is this guy? Hints: Inventor Very Popular Product Some kids feel they need this to live. Tony Fadell- Ipod Inventor

4 Who is this Chap? Scientist Medicine Nobel prize winner Sir Martin J. Evans winner of the Nobel Prize for his work with stem cell research

5 This Scientist? Scientist Discoverer “Heavy Subject” Sir Isaac Newton

6 Who is This? Hint: Scientist Center of Attention Sunny Side of Life Galileo Galilei

7 The Scientific Revolution A Period of time around the Renaissance that saw an explosion of scientific discovery and development.

8 Pair Up with Your Neighbor to the Right What scientific developments would you like to see in your lifetime? Changing Gears Now……

9 Galileo Reading Take 10-12 minutes to read and answer your Galileo packets

10 What is your biggest complaint about RV? When you gripe to your friends/family/pet about how school runs, what are your biggest complaints?

11 The Reformation Martin Luther V The Catholic Church

12 In This Corner… The Fighting Pride of Eisleben… The Professor of Pain, The Monk that Can Flunk Em’ ….MARTIN LU-U-U-THER…..LUTHER…… »This University Professor weighs in at a tidy 4 Languages including Hebrew, Greek, Latin and German. » He holds a few Masters Degree and a Doctorate in Theology

13 And In This Corner…. The Big Papa…The Pontifex Maximus.. The #1 Ranked Contender in the Heaven League.. The “X” Man POPE LEO X (the 10 th) Fighting out of Vatican City He reigns as God’s number one Man on Earth

14 Ladies and Gentlemen, For The Dozens In Attendance and The Thousands in RV… Let’s Get Ready To Learn Sooooomething…. Round 1 Indulgences

15 These were “passes” issued by the Catholic Church and the Pope. They were like Soul Parole If you bought one, your time in Purgatory would be shortened.

16 Oh No He Di’ ‘En As a Professor at Wittenberg University he became convinced that the RC Church was corrupt. When he ran into a church official selling indulgences he went bonkers. This practice outraged ML, he felt that only God could grant such powers. GRRRRRRRR…..You pay for what!?

17 ROUND 2 The Nails Start Flying Marty got to writing his ideas about how the church was abusing its power. He compiled a list of 95 things he felt were wrong with the RCC. He allegedly nailed this, list now called The 95 Theses, to the door of Castle Church in Wittenberg

18 Quick Question: Why did he put it on a church door?

19 Remember Those Inventions? During the Renaissance/Scientific Revolution, Johannes Guttenberg shook up the world with his invention, the Printing Press. Printings of the 95 Theses were made in Latin and German. They were sent out far and wide. This was the start of the Reformation.

20 The Theses You need to come up and grab a sheet for the 95 Theses.

21 A Catholic Church

22 Catholic Church

23 Clothes worn by Catholic Priest in 16 th Century Notice the image of Christ

24 A Protestant Church

25 Clothes Worn by Protestant Vicars (Priests)

26 Protestant Altars

27 What other changes took place in Protestant Churches?

28 Episode 3: The Pope Strikes Back… slowly It takes awhile, but Leo begins slinging Bulls around. Actually, a papal bull is a decree (kinda like a law) that the Pope issues. The Bull declared that Luther would be excommunicated if he did not recant (go back on) some of writings and the Theses.

29 Hero or Villain? Come get a sheet to do for homework.

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