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1 The added value of networking for sustainable development. André-Yves Portnoff Groupe Futuribles Scientific Networking.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The added value of networking for sustainable development. André-Yves Portnoff Groupe Futuribles Scientific Networking."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The added value of networking for sustainable development. André-Yves Portnoff Groupe Futuribles Scientific Networking for Integration European seminar 29th September 2005 Portorož, Slovenia

2 2 The Dome of Florence the biggest completely self-supporting cupola in the world Brunelleschi 1418-1434. This technological, economical and artistic record remains unbeaten a 30.000 t cupola built without scaffolding

3 3 What creates value? Positive Interactions! The Dome of Florence, (Brunelleschi 1418-1434) :  a self-supporting structure,  4 millions bricks, arranged in a herring-bone pattern,

4 4 What creates value? Positive Interactions! The Dome’s value : absolutely different from 4 millions times the price of a brick! This global value is generated by intangible assets  the organization of the bricks…  Brunelleschi’s vision and creativity The global value of a complex system has nothing to do with the sum of its components’ values: it’s a synergy effect

5 5 Each one of us is a complex system Although we are basically composed of atoms of carbon, oxygen, calcium and hydrogen, we cannot be confused with several pounds of coal and water! 0,1% 3% C, H, O, Ca…

6 6 105 15=n Number of relations one to one interactions n(n-1)/2 The value of a telephone network grows far faster than the number of subscribers The value of a network increases with the number of enable relevant inreactions  the potential interactions one to one are n(n-1)/2 Interactions one to one

7 7 IBM, 1975-1980 Microsoft Intel Compaq Synergy between complementary professions: Intel+Compaq+Microsoft > IBM

8 8 IBM, 1975-1980 Synergy between complementary professions: Intel+Compaq+Microsoft > IBM 1+1+1>3

9 9 The Network Effect  The value of a network grows as n(n-1)/2  A network of partners is more efficient than a big centralized group (Linux versus Microsoft, Dell versus IBM, Compaq, H-P…)

10 1010 What creates value? Positive interactions Creations of Values for the User, the Producer, the others Stakeholders & the Society Intellectual Competences & knowledge Emotive - Willing to write, to communicate & Willing to Cooperate with Publisher Production of a Book Intellectual Capacity to read and to understand Emotive - Willing to spend time to read this book Decision to buy & to read this book Creation of Communication Confidence Emotion Hope of Profit Supply Potential user

11 1 Interactions must be relevant  Sufficient differences to be matter for exchange : Networking: the conditions of synergy

12 1212 Interactions must be relevant  Sufficient differences in culture, knowledge, skill, ages, gender for there to be matter for exchange :  The topics addressed in sustainable development are very pluridisciplinary,  No one person or team has all the knowledge. 1 idea + the same idea again = 2 self satisfied people!  This does not lead to open-mindedness 1 idea + a different idea = production of new ideas : creativity  1 + 1 = 3 or 4 or infinity!  Possibility of Increasing Returns Networking: the conditions of synergy

13 1313 Interaction between complementary ideas = creativity  No creativity without tolerance and respect of differences.  The creativity grows at the crossroads of different cultures  The chance of Europe is the valorisation of her differences.

14 1414  Mutual confidence allowing sharing and open discussion  Communication : some common culture, therefore « T » cultures Networking: the conditions of synergy

15 1515 « T culture » General Culture Knowledge in special field General Culture Knowledge in special field General Culture Knowledge in special field Communication Sharing Collective Intelligence

16 1616 The management of an organisation must not reduce the interactions:  inefficiency of centralised and compartmentalised companies or administrations  inefficiency of non democratic countries Networking: the conditions of synergy  Compartments save (sometimes) the ships but sink the organizations

17 1717  Will to share + consensus on the objective,  Recognition of the common interest of pooling Networking: the conditions of synergy  1 + 1 = 2  1 idea +1 idea = unlimited creativity  10 people who want to think together = capacity of solving problems >>> sum of individual capacities because of synergy  the coherence of knowledge and will is the determining factor

18 1818 The capacities of a network are more important than the sum of its members’ capacities  economy of resources because pooling  each member works in his area of excellence and the whole group benefits,  the collective vision is larger : –Less short sightedness –Less risks. We need this vision of common interest. It is a vision of long term interest. Without that vision, there is no sustainable development! The power of networks

19 1919 The quality of interactions creates collective intelligence Communication, mutual confidence, shared vision and will

20 2020 if you do not enderstood my english, i can e- mail you my presentation...

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