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Experiences from mapping birds Colin Bibby BirdLife International.

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Presentation on theme: "Experiences from mapping birds Colin Bibby BirdLife International."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experiences from mapping birds Colin Bibby BirdLife International

2 Establish priorities Species - Red Lists etc Habitats, biomes - ecosystem approach Key sites - protected areas etc Diagnose threats Plan actions Take actions Monitor and feedback A conservation rationale

3 Red listing data requirements Range (extent of occurrence or area of occupancy) Numbers (density x range) Trends (in numbers or range) Habitats may help to infer the above

4 Red Data Books - Threatened Birds of Asia

5 Data points in Threatened Birds of Asia

6 Indian Skimmer Rynchops albicollis all records (Asia RDB)

7 Straw-headed Bulbul Pycnontus zeylanicus all records (Asia RDB)

8 Threatened Birds of the World

9 Distribution of globally threatened birds

10 Mapping species in Endemic Bird Areas Xanthopsar flavus Dryocopus galeatus Known current Probable current Historic Possible


12 WWF Global 200

13 Conservation International Hotspots

14 BirdLife Endemic Bird Areas

15 BirdLife, WWF & CI overlap EBAs WWF CI

16 Imperilled species in the USA (TNC)

17 Scale and resolution

18 Efficient studies


20 Important Bird Areas in Europe

21 Site networks for species Spoonbill Platalea leucorodia Important Bird Areas European Atlas

22 Access to information Specimen labels Research papers Monographs Field guides Conservation reviews Country and language Web access



25 Information fit for purpose Participation and process Linkages and synergy Audit and validation Openness of access Metadata and standards Scale - blob maps, localities, sites Summary points

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