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TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 1 MIPAS-TELIS Measurement Plan for TER2008 Logistical Constraints Science MIPAS-B flight 15 as an xample Obs plan.

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Presentation on theme: "TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 1 MIPAS-TELIS Measurement Plan for TER2008 Logistical Constraints Science MIPAS-B flight 15 as an xample Obs plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 1 MIPAS-TELIS Measurement Plan for TER2008 Logistical Constraints Science MIPAS-B flight 15 as an xample Obs plan

2 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 2 Flight and Measurement Plan Ingredients Predicted trajectory (direction, time of the day) Predicted flight duration Envisat overpasses Predicted clouds and convective activity Predicted float level(s) Science objectives

3 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 3 Review of TELIS+MIPAS-B scientific objectives Closure of chemical families (NOy, Cly, HOx, Bry) still missing (at least above the ER2 cruising altitude), nota bene: complementarity and consistency checks Scientific issues associated to the tropical transition layer (TTL) are getting more and more important

4 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 4 What we miss… … on a chemical family by family basis nitrogen chlorine bromine hydrogen Scientific Objectives of TELIS+MIPAS

5 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 5 What TELIS could contribute (Synergies) Closure of chemical families and understanding of family coupling NOy: NO3 ClOy: HCl, ClO, HOCl, Cl2O2 BrOy: BrO, BrONO2, HBr (?), BrCl, HOBr, … HOx: HO, HO2 UTLS: CO, PAN (?), acetone (?), HCHO (?), short-lived source gases Diurnal variation of radicals: NO, NO2, HO, HO2, BrO, ClO, … Non-LTE issues and intrusion of mesospheric air: NO, CO,.. Consistency checks: HNO3, H2O, ClO, others (?) Spectroscopy issues: spectroscopic parameters of species measured by both instruments in different bands

6 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 6 What TELIS could contribute (Synergies (cont.)) UTLS region (what can TELIS provide in terms of altitude coverage and accuracy??) Qualification of TELIS and satellite validation (direct & indirect) Utilisation of synergy of ENVISAT (and other satellite) observations and coordinated field measurements TTL: Water isotopes as complement or for cross-check (CH3D ?) What else will/would be a nice complement: UV-Vis Mini-DOAS (K. Pfeilsticker, Uni. HD) An instrument to measure the actinic flux in the UV and visible spectral region (simpe instrument by Frank Hase flew as piggy back).

7 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 7 Measurement planning – MIPAS-B_F15 as an example Objectives TTL science Diurnal variation NOy in Tropics Convective outflow Radiative fluxes from below Envisat validation …

8 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 8

9 9 Limb sequences look up tables

10 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 10 Flight measurement plan - ascent

11 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 11 Flight measurement plan - ceiling

12 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 12 MIPAS-B2 F15 (13-14 Juni 2005): Erster Tropenflug

13 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 13 ‚Typischer‘ Flugablauf (Flug15) Nadir Cloud- detect Nadir Cloud- detect TIME Elevation (°) Azimuth (°)

14 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 14 Cloud survey from azimuth scanning

15 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 15 MIPAS-B: Flight #15, 14 June 2005, Teresina (BR) Alt. (km) 5:35 UT 4:53 UT 6:37 UT 7:50 UT 7:15 UT

16 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 16 Clouds and lightning NO2 (ppbv)

17 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 17 MIPAS-TELIS OBS Plan Channel selection/optimization (prioritized molecules) Harmonizing sampling strategies (channels/pointing/vertical sampling) Calibration strategies Envisat validation Specific TELIS objectives? Nadir measurements ?

18 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 18

19 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 19

20 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 20 Chlorine family

21 TELIS-Meeting 4.12.2007 H. Oelhaf 21 NO y -family:NO, NO 2, HNO 3, HNO 4, N 2 O 5, ClONO 2, HCN, PAN Cl y -family:ClO, HOCl, HCl, ClONO 2 HO x :OH, HO 2, H 2 O 2 Bromine:BrO Short-lived source gases and precursors: OCS, NH 3, acetone, PAN, NMHCs (C 2 H 6, C 2 H 2,..) MIPAS-B TELIS MIPAS+TELIS Weitere Komplettierung der Gondel mit UV-vis Spektrometer (mini- DOAS) (DFG Antrag) TELIS

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