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This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS Cloud Management Challenge Human experts.

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Presentation on theme: "This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS Cloud Management Challenge Human experts."— Presentation transcript:

1 This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS Cloud Management Challenge Human experts in specific IT infrastructure and business domains possess substantial knowledge about prevention, remediation, and optimization of systems based on business conditions. The Cloud breaks down opportunities for these experts (often residing in multiple cloud consumers and providers) to collaborate in order to effectively capture, combine, and leverage this silo-ed knowledge across their various multiple domains in an automated fashion. Thus, while cloud providers will be able to provide standardized management interfaces to control their services, business consumers will be unable to adequately automate and obtain value for their business using these management interfaces. The SAF is a catalog-based XML collaborative knowledge framework that is designed to address these challenges by automating appropriate responses to changing business conditions and integrating contributions from diverse domains. SAF has applicability to cloud computing (using the SAF Cloud Profile) as well as many other architectures and disciplines.

2 This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS What is SAF? n An information model and set of architectural roles l Describing, recognizing, and reacting to multi- domain problems/opportunities l Enabling vendors, integrators, and organizations to codify their best practices l And share/automate them in a machine readable, interoperable way

3 This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS Cloud/Business Alignment Scenario n Description: l Cloud consumers and providers contribute knowledge of their respective domains to the SAF catalog to automate operational responses to business conditions.

4 This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS Cloud/Business Alignment Scenario n Pre conditions: l A cloud consumer has an established service contract (8.3) with cloud provider “A” and alternate low-cost cloud provider “B” for Storage. l The contract stipulates that consumption costs are only incurred upon provisioning of resources. l The consumer prefers provider “A”, but will use provider “B” in urgent situations. l The consumer has provisioned storage from cloud provider “A” (8.8) and requested notification of a service condition (8.15) from both providers.

5 This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS Cloud/Business Alignment Scenario n Post conditions: l Different automated responses are enacted depending on whether… n Business activity is increasing. n Attempts to request additional storage have succeeded or failed. n Budgets permit additional resources to be provisioned from the preferred provider.

6 This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS consumer provider catalogue Let’s collaborate to understand each other better! Cool! I’ll provide a catalogue where we can link your business concepts to my cloud operations * These are roles in the framework, not necessarily people! They will usually be software entities. ** The Catalogue, Diagnostician, and Practitioner(s) could be implemented in various ways, e.g. Provider provides the Catalogue and Practitioner, and the Consumer the Diagnostician.

7 This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS consumer provider catalogue I know my business, so I will provide Rules to detect important business conditions For example, An increase in business activity requiring additional storage Normal business activity Budget request denied * These are roles in the framework, not necessarily people! They will usually be software entities. ** The Catalogue, Diagnostician, and Practitioner(s) could be implemented in various ways, e.g. Provider provides the Catalogue and Practitioner, and the Consumer the Diagnostician.

8 This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS consumer provider catalogue Because I align with both SAF and DMTF Cloud standards, my catalogue is already preloaded with standard Action templates like: Requesting change in resource capacity (8.10) Updating service contracts (8.4) Provisioning storage resources (8.8) Releasing storage resources (8.12) * These are roles in the framework, not necessarily people! They will usually be software entities. ** The Catalogue, Diagnostician, and Practitioner(s) could be implemented in various ways, e.g. Provider provides the Catalogue and Practitioner, and the Consumer the Diagnostician. How smart am I?

9 This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS consumer provider catalogue I also have the ability to emit a Symptom when a capacity request exceeds the contract (8.15). I’ll add Rules to the catalogue to detect these Symptoms. * These are roles in the framework, not necessarily people! They will usually be software entities. ** The Catalogue, Diagnostician, and Practitioner(s) could be implemented in various ways, e.g. Provider provides the Catalogue and Practitioner, and the Consumer the Diagnostician.

10 This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS consumer provider catalogue Finally, I will associate Rules to Actions. In other words, map business decisions to desired responses. For example, my ‘business activity increase’ rule will be associated to your ‘request change in resource capacity’. * These are roles in the framework, not necessarily people! They will usually be software entities. ** The Catalogue, Diagnostician, and Practitioner(s) could be implemented in various ways, e.g. Provider provides the Catalogue and Practitioner, and the Consumer the Diagnostician.

11 This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS consumer provider * These are roles in the framework, not necessarily people! They will usually be software entities. ** The Catalogue, Diagnostician, and Practitioner(s) could be implemented in various ways, e.g. Provider provides the Catalogue and Practitioner, and the Consumer the Diagnostician. diagnostician Symptom(s): Business activity indicators Rule: Detect Increasing business activity. Invoke Action. Executed Action: Request a change in resource capacity [8.10] Symptom: Capacity request exceeds contract [8.15] Rule: Detect when Capacity request exceeds contract. Invoke Action. Executed Action: Get budget approval for additional storage

12 This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS consumer provider * These are roles in the framework, not necessarily people! They will usually be software entities. ** The Catalogue, Diagnostician, and Practitioner(s) could be implemented in various ways, e.g. Provider provides the Catalogue and Practitioner, and the Consumer the Diagnostician. diagnostician Symptom(s): Budget request denied Rule: Detect Budget request denied. Invoke Action. Executed Action: Provision additional resources [8.8] Symptom(s): Normal activity restored Rule: Detect Normal activity restored. Invoke Action. Executed Action: Release resources [8.12] alternate provider

13 This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS SAF for Cloud Business Alignment n With Symptoms l Consumers can map their business conditions to Cloud operations l It becomes possible to blend information from many domains

14 This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS SAF for Cloud Business Alignment n Benefits for consumer l Improved operations and understanding by merging info from different business aspects l Better positioned to accommodate sudden business changes l Cloud provisioning maps naturally to business requirements n Benefits for provider l Significant differentiator and value added capabilities l Automated and improved responses to meet changing customer needs

15 This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS SAF / CMWG Alliance Deliverables n Common marketing message around Cloud management standards. n Co-developed whitepaper exploring the synergy between SAF Cloud Profile and CMWG model n SAF Cloud Profile aligned with CMWG interfaces/protocols (VMAN, OVF, and so forth). n CMWG artifacts aligned with SAF.

16 This document is an OASIS SAF TC Working Draft. It does not reflect the views of the OASIS SAF TC or of OASIS n Contact l Stavros Isaiadis, Fujitsu (SAF TC Co-chair) l Jeff Vaught, CA (SAF TC Co-chair) n OASIS SAF Technical Committee l l Current Working Documents n l Example Use Case Working Draft n Automated_Provisioning-WD.doc Automated_Provisioning-WD.doc More Info and Contact

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