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Please find a desk and have a seat. We’ll start shortly – thanks for coming!

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Presentation on theme: "Please find a desk and have a seat. We’ll start shortly – thanks for coming!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Please find a desk and have a seat. We’ll start shortly – thanks for coming!


3 We are very excited about having the opportunity to teach your child! Our goal for this year is to make your child feel comfortable and successful in the classroom. We believe that every child can learn. As a team, we will do our best to help your child achieve to the best of his/her ability.

4 -All students in 2 nd grade are taught reading in leveled groups. -Students are given a variety of assessments such as Dibels and MAP (Measuring Academic Progress) to determine the reading group that is most appropriate to meet their learning needs.

5 - The curriculum used to teach our 2 nd graders reading is SRA Reading Mastery. - This is a direct instruction program which is proven to help students decode and comprehend the meaning of print. - The Reading Mastery Curriculum addresses all five essential components of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics and word analysis, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.

6 -The curriculum used to teach our 2 nd graders math is McGraw-Hill Math Connects. -This math curriculum was specifically designed to meet the mathematical learning needs as well as address the current Washington state math standards. -Math is taught to all second graders by their homeroom teachers. Each teacher differentiates instruction in their classroom to meet the learning needs of all students.

7 The curriculum used to teach our 2 nd graders spelling is the Spectrum Spelling program. This program has themed lessons focusing on specific spelling patterns. The weekly tests consist of sentences that correlate with the specific spelling pattern. Students use their phonics skills to decode spelling words.

8 The curriculum used to teach our 2 nd graders writing is a blend of Step Up to Writing and the four core elements of good writing: Organization, Ideas and Content, Word Choice and Voice, and Conventions. Step Up to Writing is a direct instruction program which provides students with the tools they need to help organize their writing.

9 Types of SoilsButterfly Life Cycle The curriculum used to teach our 2 nd graders science is the STC program (Science and Technology for Children). We use hands on science kits to teach sequential lessons focused on a theme. Our science units include Types of Soils, Changes, and The Life Cycle of a Butterfly. Changes

10 - In 2 nd grade, students learn about their community. They develop map skills by examining the geographic and economic aspects of life in their own neighborhoods. - Additionally, various holidays are recognized throughout the school year including Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving, Martin Luther King, Jr., President’s Day, etc.

11 1. I stay seated and listen when the teacher is teaching. 2. I keep hands, feet, and objects to myself. 3. I follow directions the first time. 4. I work quietly without disturbing others. 5. I am respectful and safe. ** In the event these expectations are not met, consequences will be given to the students.

12 Given to all students every Wednesday and is due back the following Wednesday Consists of a reading, math, spelling, and grammar A reading log is included on the homework packet cover sheet. A parent signature is required each week. Weekly updates and important dates may be found on the cover sheet.

13 Mill Pond Folders are a vehicle for communication between the home and school. Please ensure your child brings their folder to school every day. Important things to expect in the Mill Pond Folder include: student work, notes from the teacher, information or messages from the Mill Pond office staff, outside organization flyers, booster club information, etc. Please review any graded student work brought home in these Mill Pond Folders with your child.

14 97-100%4+Exceeding Grade Level Standard 93-96%4Exceeding Grade Level Standard 90-92%4-Exceeding Grade Level Standard 87-89%3+Above Grade Level Standard 83-86%3Above Grade Level Standard 80-82%3-Above Grade Level Standard 77-79%2+At Grade Level Standard 73-76%2At Grade Level Standard 70-72%2-At Grade Level Standard 67-69%1+Approaching Grade Level Standard 63-66%1Approaching Grade Level Standard 60-62%1-Approaching Grade Level Standard 0-59%0Not at Grade Level Standard



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