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Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers 1 GIS and Geologic Mapping Day 2 Tools and methods to get started using GIS geologic mapping USGS Astrogeology.

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Presentation on theme: "Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers 1 GIS and Geologic Mapping Day 2 Tools and methods to get started using GIS geologic mapping USGS Astrogeology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers 1 GIS and Geologic Mapping Day 2 Tools and methods to get started using GIS geologic mapping USGS Astrogeology

2 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers2 Introduction  Goals –Data Models –Projections –Simple Lon, Lat Display –Data Registration –Loading Data –Querying and Spatial Statistics

3 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers3 Some important notes (cont’d)  Though this presentation is geared toward geologic mappers, the information is relevant to all GIS users  Screen-shots are likely to differ from individual views  GIS skills are developed through software interaction … be patient and try new things!  Tip icon will point out helpful hints throughout the presentation

4 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers4 GIS Support  ESRI online portal to technical information –  ESRI ArcScripts –  ESRI Educational Services –Instructor-led training –Virtual Campus courses –Web workshops  Books

5 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers5 GIS Support Nodes  Planet-specific information (e.g., data, discussion, tutorials) –  USGS discussion board (login required) – … navigate to “Support”  “Planetary GIS Discussions” “Plugging keywords into a internet search engine is a great way to search for GIS-related assistance!”

6 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers6 Transition   Data models – quick overview

7 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers7  Vector and Raster - two main families  Representation of geographic information: –Raster: location controlled, attribute measured  values are stored in ordered array, so that position in the array defines geographic location –Vector: attribute controlled, location measured  geographic coordinates are stored separately from attributes, connected with Identifiers Geographic Data Models V (v1,v2) 34312345 154021524 21351064

8 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers8 Rasters and Vectors

9 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers9 Rasters  Each cell can be owned by only one feature.  Rasters are easy to understand, easy to read and write, and easy to draw on the screen. A grid or raster maps directly onto an array.  Grids are poor at representing points, lines and areas, but good at surfaces.  Grids are a natural representation for scanned or remotely sensed data.  Grids suffer from the mixed pixel problem.

10 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers10 The mixed pixel problem

11 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers11 Methods of Grid Encoding  point-based –center point (regular grid) -DEMs, - but what if periodicity in landscape?; what if pop. density? –systematic unaligned (random in a cell)  area-based (have to integrate info...) –extreme value (max or min) –total (sum, like reflected light) –predominant type (most common) –presence/absence (binary result) –percent cover (% covered by single category) –precedence of types (highest ranking)

12 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers12 Legend Mixed conifer Douglas fir Oak savannah Grassland Raster representation. Each color represents a different value of a nominal- scale field denoting land cover class. Discrete (categorical)

13 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers13  Next  Projections

14 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers14 Map projections  Define the spatial relationship between locations on earth and their relative locations on a flat map  Are mathematical expressions  Cause the distortion of one or more map properties (scale, distance, direction, shape)

15 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers15 A map projection is a set of rules for transforming features from the three-dimensional earth onto a two-dimensional display. No flat representation of the earth can be completely accurate, so many different projections have been developed, each suited to a particular purpose. Map projections differ in the way they handle four properties : Area, Angles, Distance and Direction. Rules: 1.No projection can preserve all four simultaneously, although some combinations can be preserved, such as Area and Direction 2.No projection can preserve both Area and Angles, however. The map-maker must decide which property is most important and choose a projection based on that. must decide which property is most important and choose a projection based on that. Map projections

16 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers16 Map projections

17 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers17 Normal or PolarObliqueTransverse or Equatorial Different Plane Locations and Viewpoints

18 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers18 Different families of projections conic cylindrical azimuthal

19 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers19  Conformal – local shapes are preserved  Equal-Area – areas are preserved  Equidistant – distance from a single location to all other locations are preserved  Azimuthal – directions from a single location to all other locations are preserved Classification of map projections

20 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers20 Standard projections  Standard projections in planetary –Simple Cylindrical (Equidistance Cylindrical, Equirectangular)  rectangular global (decimal degrees or meters), simple “database” projection. –Sinusoidal  Used for global and many tiled data releases, equal area projection. –Mercator  Conformal, only use for equatorial areas, used in the Mars 1:5M series. –Transverse Mercator  Good for local areas “large” scale maps. A Small scale map shows more land area, but with smaller representations and, therefore, lesser detail.

21 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers21 Standard projections – cont’d  Standard projections in planetary –Polar Stereographic  Good for polar, error increases away from central latitude (usually 90 or -90). Scale should be based on polar radius, can use polar radius. –Lambert Conformal  Good for mid latitudes. Error increases away from both standard parallels. –Orthographic  Globe view, not good for mapping as the limb falls away, makes for pretty figures but you need 3 globes to portray an entire planet. ISIS uses a spherical equation –Mollweide  Coming of age projection, global

22 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers22 Standard projections – cont’d  Other projections in planetary –Lambert Azimuthal  Good for mid latitude and polar, equal area, VICAR/HRSC team uses it for polar areas. –Robinson  Good for figures (similar to Mollweide)

23 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers23 Geographic – Geocentric Issues  Planetographic vs Planetocentric - issues –Mars is basically the only problem –Most commercial commonly don’t use ocentric - ArcMap can. –Work around … use sphere definition for Mars. –For commercial applications, don’t use elliptical definitions and ocentric latitudes. Using elliptical and ographic is okay.

24 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers24 East-West Longitude  Positive East vs. Positive West –Not much to say because commercial GIS/RS systems use positive East. You should always save your files using positive East. –To use West, you either fake out the system (by using your own code) or you switch software. It is just a shift, so no errors are incurred. –Luckily, if you are working in meters there is no East/West system, only Cartesian (X,Y).

25 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers25  Use toolbox under ArcCatalog to set dataset’s projection –Toolbox: –ArcCatalog (data properties) To set many files, under toolbox samples – use batch define projection Setting Projections in Arc

26 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers26 Setting Projections in Arc  Setting planetary bodies in ArcMap –Example for decimal degree (lat/lon) –Okay to set ”Mars 2000.prj” ellipse. (find under “Coordinate Systems\Geographic Coordinate Systems\Solar System\Mars 2000.prj”) (semi-major radius 3396190 m)

27 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers27 Setting Projections in Arc –Example for the ArcMap dataframe or for MOLA and most raster datasets on the data DVD. –To define a new projection click on New, “Projected”

28 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers28  Mars Polar projection –Note the “D_Mars_2000_Sphere_Polar ” definition (semi-minor radius 3376200.0 m ) Setting Projections in Arc

29 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers29  Projecting datasets using toolbox Projecting vector Projecting vector Projecting raster datasets Setting Projections in Arc

30 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers30  Hands-on (lon/lat display and data frame projections)

31 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers31 Display Lon, Lat Table  Create comma delimited text file (MSL.csv) Name, Lat, Lon Eberswalde, -23.86, 326.73 Holden, -26.37, 325.10 Gale, -4.49, 137.42 Mawrth, 24.65, 340.09 Nili Fossae, 21.01, 74.45

32 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers32 Load Table 1. 2.

33 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers33 4. Display X,Y Data (lat,lon) Right click table 1. 2. 3.

34 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers34 Save to Permanent Right click points

35 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers35 Landing Site Error “Ellipse” Open Toolbox Add Data if needed

36 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers36 Transition   Simple Image Registration

37 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers37 Worldfile  Most simple image registration 5.0(size of pixel in x direction) – A 0.0(rotation term for row) - D 0.0(rotation term for column) - B -5.0 (size of pixel in y direction) - E 492169.690 (x coordinate of center of upper left pixel in map units) - C 54523.3180(y coordinate of center of upper left pixel in map units) - F *

38 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers38 Worldfile  Algebraic Form (six parameter affine transformation) x’ = Ax + By + C x’ = Ax + By + C y’ = Dx + Ey + F y’ = Dx + Ey + Fwhere x’ = calculated x-coordinate of the pixel on the map x’ = calculated x-coordinate of the pixel on the map y’ = calculated y-coordinate of the pixel on the map y’ = calculated y-coordinate of the pixel on the map x = column number of a pixel in the image x = column number of a pixel in the image y = row number of a pixel in the image y = row number of a pixel in the image A = x-scale; dimension of a pixel in map units in x direction A = x-scale; dimension of a pixel in map units in x direction B,D = rotation terms (assumed to be zero) B,D = rotation terms (assumed to be zero) C,F = translation terms; x,y map coordinates of the center of the upper-left pixel C,F = translation terms; x,y map coordinates of the center of the upper-left pixel E = negative of y-scale; dimension of a pixel in map units in y direction E = negative of y-scale; dimension of a pixel in map units in y direction


40 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers40 Transition   Loading PDS and ISIS2,3 Images

41 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers41  Low-level PDS image is basically “raw” – no map projection – you should not bring it into a GIS –Okay how do you map project raw PDS image  ISIS - Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers –Suse Linux, Solaris UNIX, Mac OSX  VICAR - Video Image Communication And Retrieval also maintained at DLR How to use low-level PDS

42 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers42 Why: In short, these programs radiometrically correct the image (level 1) and then geometrically project it through the MOLA DEM to the surface via the spacecraft pointing parameters (SPICE). Again, this is the only way to accurately position the images to the surface for ArcMap or other GIS/RS software. So without “orthorectification” you should not use as a GIS base. Once a level2 ISIS image is generated, you can use the included ISIS tools or standalone PERL scripts to make them ArcMap compatible as described here: or The ERDAS raw format works well in ArcMap for multi-band 32bit images like THEMIS. However, when possible it is still a good idea to convert to 8 bit. How to use low-level PDS

43 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers43 PERL script to add GIS header: > -e -prj pdsimage.img Outputs ERDAS raw header. The “-prj” flag supports creation of a Projection file. for image with detached PDS labels for image with detached PDS labels > -e -prj pdsimage.lbl Outputs ERDAS raw header. The “-prj” flag supports creation of a Projection file. Using High-level PDS files

44 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers44 Using High-level PDS files More on (pds2world.exe also available for Windows) Command line: [-bit=8|16] [-r|-g|-t|-c|-j|-p] [-prj] input.img [-bit=8|16] [-r|-g|-t|-c|-j|-p] [-prj] input.img -r = output raw header and worldfile -r = output raw header and worldfile -e = output ERDAS raw header and worldfile (8, 16, 32 bit) -e = output ERDAS raw header and worldfile (8, 16, 32 bit) -g = output gif worldfile -g = output gif worldfile -t = output tif worldfile -t = output tif worldfile -j = output jpeg worldfile -j = output jpeg worldfile -J = output jpeg2000 worldfile -J = output jpeg2000 worldfile -P = output png worldfile -P = output png worldfile -p = output PCI Aux header (8, 16, 32 bit) -p = output PCI Aux header (8, 16, 32 bit) -c = output img header and worldfile (default) -c = output img header and worldfile (default) -prj = create ESRI Well Known Text projection file *.prj -prj = create ESRI Well Known Text projection file *.prjExamples: Create files for 32 bit ERDAS: -e input.img ---- (good for ERDAS and ArcMap) Create files for 32 bit ERDAS: -e input.img ---- (good for ERDAS and ArcMap) Create files for 32 bit ERDAS: -p input.img ---- (good for GDAL and GDAL conversion) Create files for 32 bit ERDAS: -p input.img ---- (good for GDAL and GDAL conversion) Create worldfile for tif: -t input.img ---- (needs another application to convert pds to Tiff) Create worldfile for tif: -t input.img ---- (needs another application to convert pds to Tiff)

45 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers45 Does ISIS2 have any routines to convert to an GIS compatible format? There exist ISIS PERL scripts that one can run on the ISIS files to extract this information into header and worldfiles. These ISIS scripts are: Convert an ISIS image from 32 or 16 bit to an 8 bit GIS raw, tiff, gif, jpeg with detached GIS files. dform will automatically try to choose a stretch pair for conversion to 8 bit. The user can also specify the stretch pair. Creates GIS headers and GIS worldfiles for ISIS images so that they can be read into most GIS packages. If you are using ArcMap or ERDAS and wish to maintain a 32 bit file use the ERDAS raw switch " -e ". Examples: Converting to an 8bit Tiff with GIS headers: > -t -bit=8 -gis=yes isis2image.cub You will end up with two files - the Tiff image, and a Tiff worldfile. Converting to an 8bit Jpeg with GIS headers: > -j=75 -bit=8 -gis=yes isis2image.cub "-j=75" is the Jpeg compression quality (100 is the best). Here, you will end up with two files - the Jpeg image, and a Jpeg worldfile. Creating GIS headers for a 32bit ISIS cub: > -e isis2image.cub You will end up with three files - the ISIS image, a header file "*.raw", and a worldfile "*.rww". This is called an ERDAS raw format. In your GIS you will need to set the NULL ISIS value (more below). How to use high-level ISIS2

46 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers46 High-level ISIS2 files w/o ISIS2 PERL script to add GIS header: > -e –prj isis2image.cub Outputs ERDAS raw header. The “-prj” flag supports creation of a Projection file. Converting a 16, 32bit ISIS cub to an ESRI ASCII format: > isis2arc myinput.lev2.cub myoutput.asc Free stand-alone C applicaiton (link) link

47 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers47 Using High-level ISIS2 files More on (isis2world.exe also available for Windows) Command line: [-bit=8|16] [-r|-g|-t|-c|-j|-J|-p|-P|-w] [-prj] input.cub [-bit=8|16] [-r|-g|-t|-c|-j|-J|-p|-P|-w] [-prj] input.cub -r = output raw header w/ georefencing (8, 16 bit) -r = output raw header w/ georefencing (8, 16 bit) -e = output ERDAS raw header and worldfile (8, 16, 32 bit) -e = output ERDAS raw header and worldfile (8, 16, 32 bit) -g = output gif worldfile -g = output gif worldfile -t = output tif worldfile -t = output tif worldfile -w = output generic *.wld worldfile -w = output generic *.wld worldfile -J = output jpeg2000 worldfile -J = output jpeg2000 worldfile -j = output jpeg worldfile -j = output jpeg worldfile -P = output a png worldfile -P = output a png worldfile -p = output PCI Aux header w/ georefencing (8, 16, 32 bit) -p = output PCI Aux header w/ georefencing (8, 16, 32 bit) -c = output cub header w/ georef (default) (8, 16 bit) -c = output cub header w/ georef (default) (8, 16 bit) -prj = create ESRI Well Known Text projection file *.prj -prj = create ESRI Well Known Text projection file *.prjExamples: Create files for 32 bit ERDAS w/ Projection: -e -prj input.cub ----- (good for ERDAS and ArcMap) Create files for 32 bit ERDAS w/ Projection: -e -prj input.cub ----- (good for ERDAS and ArcMap) Create header for 32 bit PCI Aux: -p input.cub ----- (good for GDAL conversion) Create header for 32 bit PCI Aux: -p input.cub ----- (good for GDAL conversion) Create worldfile for tif: -t input.cub ----- (needs program to convert ISIS file to Tiff) Create worldfile for tif: -t input.cub ----- (needs program to convert ISIS file to Tiff)

48 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers48 ISIS3 can convert images to GIS compatible format Isis2std – creates 8bit only JPEG, PNG (TIFF) with automatic worldfile Examples: Converting to an 8bit Tiff with GIS headers: > Isis2std format=PNG from= myinput.lev2.cub to=myoutput.png You will end up with two files - the png image, and a png worldfile. How to use high-level ISIS3

49 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers49 High-level ISIS3 files w/o ISIS3 PERL script to add GIS header: > -e –prj isis3image.cub Outputs ERDAS raw header. The “-prj” flag supports creation of a Projection file. Note that ISIS3 uses a raw “tiled” internal format. This makes supporting this as a generic raw format harder. The ERDAS raw format fortunately supports tiled images. Other formats may require ISIS3 to output a “BSQ” format instead of a “tiled” format. ISIS3 example: >crop from=input.cub to=output.cub+bsq

50 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers50 Using High-level ISIS3 files More on (isis3world.exe also available for Windows) Command line: [-bit=8|16] [-r|-g|-t|-c|-j|-J|-p|-P|-w] [-prj] input.cub [-bit=8|16] [-r|-g|-t|-c|-j|-J|-p|-P|-w] [-prj] input.cub -r = output raw header w/ georefencing (8, 16 bit) -r = output raw header w/ georefencing (8, 16 bit) -e = output ERDAS raw header and worldfile (8, 16, 32 bit) -e = output ERDAS raw header and worldfile (8, 16, 32 bit) -g = output gif worldfile -g = output gif worldfile -t = output tif worldfile -t = output tif worldfile -J = output jpeg2000 worldfile -J = output jpeg2000 worldfile -j = output jpeg worldfile -j = output jpeg worldfile -P = output a png worldfile -P = output a png worldfile -p = output PCI Aux header w/ georefencing (8, 16, 32 bit) -p = output PCI Aux header w/ georefencing (8, 16, 32 bit) -c = output cub header w/ georef (default) (8, 16 bit) -c = output cub header w/ georef (default) (8, 16 bit) -prj = create ESRI Well Known Text projection file *.prj -prj = create ESRI Well Known Text projection file *.prjExamples: Create files for 32 bit ERDAS w/ Projection: -e -prj input.cub ----- (good for ERDAS and ArcMap) Create files for 32 bit ERDAS w/ Projection: -e -prj input.cub ----- (good for ERDAS and ArcMap) Create header for 32 bit PCI Aux: -p input.cub ----- (requires “BSQ” isis3 file, for GDAL conversion) Create header for 32 bit PCI Aux: -p input.cub ----- (requires “BSQ” isis3 file, for GDAL conversion) Create worldfile for tif: -t input.cub ----- (needs program to convert ISIS file to Tiff) Create worldfile for tif: -t input.cub ----- (needs program to convert ISIS file to Tiff)

51 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers51 GDAL for PDS, ISIS2, ISIS3 GDAL (binaries available using FWtools and OSGeo4W): > gdal_translate –of GTIFF isis_ver3.cub isis_ver3.tif >gdal_translate -of JP2KAK -co "quality=20" ophir_geo.cub ophir_geo.jp2 Convert from 32, 16 to 8bit in GDAL >gdalinfo -stats input.cub Take min/max output for scale parameters in gdal >gdal_translate -of GTIFF -ot Byte -a_nodata 0 -scale 0.21 0.89 1 255 input.cub output.jp2

52 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers52 Batch conversion Tips: Unix/Linux code: foreach i (*.cub) foreach i (*.cub) foreach> perl -t -gis=yes $i foreach> end code:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach i (*.cub) foreach> perl -e $i foreach> end Unix/Linux code: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- foreach i (*.cub) foreach> perl -e $i foreach> end In MsDOS command window loop (for Windows machines) code:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for %i in (*.cub) do isis2world -e %i Batch Command Line Tip

53 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers53 Lunch  Next  Querying and Spatial Statistics

54 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers54 Querying the data  GIS empowers the user to perform spatial searches across any or all data within a project  A “query” is “a request to select features or records from a database or feature”  The query expression is typically Boolean (based on yes or no answers)  Queries are commonly performed using a dialog box in ArcMap

55 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers55 Let’s say that the user wants to find all units that are labeled “plains material”. The user will need to query the data as follows.

56 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers56

57 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers57 Selecting by feature attributes  Select the layer and field that the query will be based on  “Get Unique Values” will give all values in that field  Build the query and click “OK”

58 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers58 Selecting by feature location  Features can be selected based on relationships with other features  Examine the “Select by Location” window for specifics

59 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers59 Calculating Spatial Statistics  A powerful tool to calculate statistics of a zone dataset (e.g., geologic units) based on values from a raster dataset (e.g., elevation)  Spatial Analyst –Cell statistics –Neighborhood statistics –Zonal statistics  Operates out of Spatial Analyst –Right click empty space on tool bar and select “Spatial Analyst”

60 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers60 Cell Statistics  “A function that calculates a statistic for each cell of an output raster that is based on the values of each cell in the same location of multiple input rasters.” - paraphrased from ESRI’s online GIS dictionary  For example, the user could find the range and maximum value of albedo from multiple overlapping images acquired in different seasons “Spatial Analyst tools such as cell statistics provide critical analytical components for the interpretation of raster and vector data. Statistics can help improve the quality of geologic maps.”

61 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers61  1. Add and/or Remove the raster layers that are required for the statistics  2. Set the statistic that is required (can be minimum, maximum, range, sum, mean, std dev, variety, majority, minority, median)  3. Type in the output raster name, either as a temporary file (default - will be erased the next time the project is closed) or as a TIFF, IMG, or Arc GRID. 1 2 3

62 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers62 Neighborhood Statistics  A function that calculates a statistic on a raster using a user- specified “neighborhood”, which implies an extent from individual cells. The extent can be a annulus, circle, rectangle, or wedge.  The user specifies statistics type, neighborhood extent (e.g., circle with a radius of 4 km), and out output cell size (default-input cell size)  For example, the user could find the range and maximum value of albedo from multiple overlapping images acquired in different seasons “Using Neighborhood Statistics, a user could create a range of filter types. For example, a median high pass filter can be produced by using a median neighborhood statistic and then subtracting the raster value.”

63 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers63  1. Determine the input dataset and field that will be the basis of the stats  2. Set the statistic (minimum, maximum, range, sum, mean, std dev, variety, majority, minority, median) and the neighborhood (annulus, circle, rectangle, wedge)  3. Set the neighborhood size  Set the output cell size, raster name, and location 1 2 3 4

64 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers64 Zonal Statistics  A function that summarizes values in a raster within the zones of another layer  The user specifies the “zone dataset” (e.g., geologic units) the value raster dataset (e.g., slope)  Output is a Table that summarizes zone statistics  For example, the user could find the range and mean value of slope for geologic units “The Zonal Statistics function allows the user to produce a simplified graph of the statistics. Note the check box in the dialog box.”

65 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers65  1. Set the Zone dataset (the feature that contains the region upon which statistics need to be created)  2. Set the Value raster (the raster dataset that will be the base of the statistics)  3. Set the statistic that is required (can be minimum, maximum, range, sum, mean, std dev, variety, majority, minority, median) 1 2 3

66 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers66 Break  Hands on (Spatial Statistics)  Next: Custom Tools

67 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers 67 Customizing ArcMap 4 Methods for adding functionality to ArcMap  Install downloaded programs  Add built in buttons to menus  Create buttons for custom tools  Use Easy Calculate scripts

68 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers68 Install downloaded programs  Many add-ons available for ArcMap (e.g. X-Tools, Hawth Tools, ArcHydro, etc.)  These install like other programs in the windows environment  After the program is installed, right click on a blank space in the menu and select the toolbar to add  Save the project

69 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers69 Add buttons for built in functions  Right click on a blank space in the toolbars  Select “Customize” from the drop down menu  Click the “Commands” tab  Search for commands or select a Category  Drag and drop the command to an existing toolbar of your choice  Save the project

70 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers70 Create buttons for custom tools  Download files from the ESRI website: (  Search ArcScripts for the tool of interest  Be sure that the tool is built for your version of ArcGIS  Download the zip file to your computer

71 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers71 Create buttons for custom tools – cont’d  Decompress the Zip-File to a folder with a descriptive name  Open the “readme.txt” for instructions  The instructions are different for different file-types  Visual Basic,.DLLs, and Python  Avoid Avenue (Old) and AML (Older) scripts

72 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers72 Use the Easy Calculate Scripts  Easy Calculate is a set of expressions (currently 110) for the ArcGIS Field Calculator.  Calculate some spatial characteristics of the features, edit the shapes, add records to a target layer, draw graphics etc. 

73 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers73 3D Visualization  3D Analyst

74 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers74 Worldfile  Most simple image registration 5.0(size of pixel in x direction) – A 0.0(rotation term for row) - D 0.0(rotation term for column) - B -5.0 (size of pixel in y direction) - E 492169.690 (x coordinate of center of upper left pixel in map units) - C 54523.3180(y coordinate of center of upper left pixel in map units) - F *

75 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers75 Worldfile  Algebraic Form (six parameter affine transformation) x’ = Ax + By + C x’ = Ax + By + C y’ = Dx + Ey + F y’ = Dx + Ey + Fwhere x’ = calculated x-coordinate of the pixel on the map x’ = calculated x-coordinate of the pixel on the map y’ = calculated y-coordinate of the pixel on the map y’ = calculated y-coordinate of the pixel on the map x = column number of a pixel in the image x = column number of a pixel in the image y = row number of a pixel in the image y = row number of a pixel in the image A = x-scale; dimension of a pixel in map units in x direction A = x-scale; dimension of a pixel in map units in x direction B,D = rotation terms (assumed to be zero) B,D = rotation terms (assumed to be zero) C,F = translation terms; x,y map coordinates of the center of the upper-left pixel C,F = translation terms; x,y map coordinates of the center of the upper-left pixel E = negative of y-scale; dimension of a pixel in map units in y direction E = negative of y-scale; dimension of a pixel in map units in y direction


77 Oct 2008 GIS for Planetary Geologic Mappers77 Questions?

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