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Published byPrudence Holmes Modified over 9 years ago
Workshop on Academic Credit Courses Course Additions, Deletions and Changes PPS 2.01
Introduction Michael Supancic Chair, University Curriculum Committee School of Criminal Justice 245-3587 Micky Autrey Director, Curriculum Services 245-8122 Kim May Coordinator, Curriculum Services 245-8857 Kristin McDaniel Administrative Assistant III, Curriculum Services 245-8313
The purpose of this workshop is to: Discuss the course cycles and calendars (PPS 2.01, Attachments A & B) UCC Calendar for Course Additions and Deletions CCC Calendar for Course Changes – Fall semester CCC Calendar for Course Changes – Spring semester Introduce the new Course Request Form (PPS 2.01, Attachment C)
PPS 2.01 Courses: Additions, Changes, and Deletions This PPS provides guidance for adding, changing, or deleting courses and is intended to help ensure the academic integrity of curricular development. Course actions are initiated by faculty and go through a review process according to the type of action. The PPS website can be found at
UCC Course Cycle For Additions and Deletions The Addition and Deletion Cycle has UCC in the name because these course actions route through the University Curriculum Committee (UCC) for approval. 18 month cycle – for additions and deletions only Additions and deletions will be effective two fall semesters after they are submitted –Example: If you submit a course addition form in February 2013, that course will become effective for the fall 2014 semester Additions and Deletions include: –New courses (Add) –Courses no longer taught (Delete) –Topics courses that need to become permanent courses (Add and Delete) –Prefix and/or Number change (Add and Delete)
Course Additions and Deletions Flowchart and Calendar
UCC Detail Calendar MonthReview GroupAction NovemberCurriculum Coordinator Distributes addition and deletion instructions, course reports and due dates to College Deans November through December Faculty Prepare and submit course addition and deletion proposals to Department Chairs/Program Directors/School Directors (varies by College) January Department Chairs/Program Directors/School Directors Review course addition and deletion proposals February Department Chairs/Program Directors/School Directors Submit course addition and deletion proposals to College Deans College Deans' StaffSubmit course addition and deletion proposals to CCC College Curriculum CommitteesReview course addition and deletion proposals Deans' Staff Prepare UCC Preliminary Summary and submit to College Councils College CouncilsReview UCC Preliminary Summary College Deans Review course addition and deletion proposals and UCC Preliminary Summaries MarchCollege Deans Submit UCC Preliminary Summary to the Curriculum Coordinator, other College Deans, and the Dean of The Graduate College College Deans Distribute other college preliminary summaries to Department Chairs/Program Directors/School Directors Curriculum Coordinator Combines UCC preliminary summaries from all colleges and submits to the AVPAA, Provost, and Chair of the UCC, and Chair of the Faculty Senate Chair of Faculty Senate Post combined UCC Preliminary Summary on Faculty Senate website and notify all faculty Department Chairs/Program Directors/School Directors Submit other college preliminary summaries to department/school faculty FacultyReview UCC Preliminary Summary College Deans and Dean of The Graduate College Review UCC Preliminary Summaries from other College Deans
MonthReview GroupAction AprilCollege Deans' Staff Prepare UCC Final Summary and submit to the Curriculum Coordinator and to other Deans College Deans' Staff Submit course addition and deletion proposals to Curriculum Coordinator Curriculum Coordinator Combines the UCC Final Summaries from all colleges and submits to AVPAA, Provost, and Dean of The Graduate College MayCurriculum CoordinatorReviews the course addition and deletion proposals and works with College Deans and Department Chairs/Program Directors/School Directors for necessary revisions JuneCurriculum CoordinatorFinalize revisions on course addition and deletion proposals JulyFaculty SenateAppoints University Curriculum Committee members AugustCurriculum Coordinator Posts the course addition and deletion proposals and the UCC Final Summary on the curriculum services website and notifies the University Curriculum Committee on the 1st class day in August SeptemberCurriculum Coordinator Publishes and distributes the meeting agenda to the UCC, Faculty Senate, Department Chairs/Program Chairs/School Directors, and College Deans University Curriculum Committee Reviews the UCC Final Summary and course addition and deletion proposals Curriculum Coordinator Submits the meeting minutes to the UCC, Faculty Senate, Department Chairs/Program Directors/School Directors and College Deans UCC Chair Reports to the Faculty Senate Curriculum Coordinator Submits the completed UCC Final Summary to the AVPAA and Provost Curriculum CoordinatorSubmits the completed UCC Final Summary to the VPFSS for BOR review
OctoberCurriculum CoordinatorEnters course additions and deletions in SIS course catalog Department Chairs/Program Directors/School Directors Enter course additions and deletions in fall schedule of classes NovemberBoard of RegentsReview the course additions and deletions MonthReview GroupAction DecemberCurriculum Coordinator Prepares the 1 st edit of undergraduate catalog or addendum with course additions and deletions Graduate College Staff Prepares the 1 st edit of the graduate catalog or addendum with course additions and deletions FebruaryCurriculum Coordinator Prepares the 2 nd edit of undergraduate catalog or addendum with course additions and deletions Graduate College Staff Prepares the 2nd edit of the graduate catalog or addendum with course additions and deletions Undergraduate Academic AdvisorsAdvising for fall semester begins MarchStudentsRegistration for fall semester begins AprilCurriculum CoordinatorPrepare the CBM003 course additions and deletions May Curriculum Coordinator Submits CBM003 to the Office of Institutional Research Institutional ResearchSubmits course additions and deletions to the Coordinating Board in the CBM003 JuneCurriculum CoordinatorReview addition and deletion proposals with final CBM003
Topics Courses Topics courses are temporary courses that live outside of the course cycle and can be offered quickly. Topics courses have 2 parts: –The Header Record (Ex: RDG 5370) Also called a placeholder. This course is never taught. It is reported to the THECB in the annual report of courses. –The Topics “Suffix” Courses that fall under the Header Record (Ex: RDG 5370A) Always indicated with a letter suffix behind the course number. These courses are taught, but not reported to the THECB. Intended to be temporary organized courses with an instruction type of 1=lecture or 4=seminar.
Topics Courses To create a new topics Header Record: –A course form must be submitted as an ADD. Supplementary information (sections 13-18 on course form) is not required because the course will never be taught. –There must be at least two topics (A & B) submitted at that same time. These will be submitted on separate course forms as ADDs and must include supplementary information (sections 13-18 on course form). –All signatures are necessary. –Must be submitted during the UCC Course Additions and Deletions Cycle and will follow that calendar. To create a new topics “Suffix” Course: –Must use an existing header record number. –A course form must be submitted as an ADD, supplementary information must be included (sections 13-18 on course form). –Must use the same CIP code as the Header Record. –Necessary signatures are: Chair/Director of Dept/School, Dean of College, and Graduate College Dean (when applicable). –May be submitted any time throughout the year and entered immediately into the Banner SIS.
CCC Course Cycle For Changes The Change Cycle has CCC in the name because course changes route only as far as the College Curriculum Committees (CCC) for approval. 6 month cycle – for changes only Changes are on existing courses that can be implemented the following semester Changes include: Title Description Prerequisites/Co-Requisites Restrictions Contact Hours CIP Code Repeatability Equivalency Valid Grade Mode Instruction Type Writing Intensive Designation (Prefix and Number are NOT course changes)
Course Changes Calendar Course changes can be made twice a year fall and spring semesters Fall Change Flowchart Spring Change Flowchart
Fall Calendar JuneCurriculum CoordinatorReview addition and deletion proposals with final CBM003 MonthReview GroupAction DecemberCurriculum Coordinator Distributes Fall course change instructions and due dates to College Deans JanuaryFaculty Submit course change proposals to Department Chairs/Program Directors/School Directors Department Chairs/Program Directors/School Directors Review course change proposals and submit to College Deans Deans' Staff Prepare CCC Summary of course change proposals for CCC FebruaryCollege Curriculum Committees Review course change proposals and CCC Summaries College Councils Review course change proposals and CCC Summaries College Deans Review course change proposals and CCC Summaries Deans' Staff Submit course change proposals and summaries to the Curriculum Coordinator Curriculum CoordinatorReviews course change proposals and summaries Curriculum Coordinator Combines all CCC summaries and submits to the Dean of the Graduate College, AVPAA, and Provost Dean of The Graduate CollegeReviews the CCC Summary and proposals AVPAA and ProvostReviews the CCC Summary Undergraduate Academic AdvisorsAdvising for fall semester begins MarchCurriculum CoordinatorSubmits course change board order to VPFSS Curriculum CoordinatorEnters course changes into the SIS course catalog StudentsRegistration for fall semester begins MayBoard of RegentsReviews course changes Curriculum CoordinatorNotifies Deans of BOR approvals Curriculum Coordinator Submits course changes to the Office of Institutional Research Institutional ResearchSubmits course changes in CBM003 to the Coordinating Board
Spring Calendar MonthReview GroupAction MayCurriculum Coordinator Distributes Spring course change instructions and due dates to College Deans AugustCurriculum Coordinator Distribute a reminder of the Spring course change instructions and due dates to College Deans SeptemberFaculty Submit course change proposals to Department Chairs/Program Directors/School Directors Department Chairs/Program Directors/School Directors Review course change proposals and submit to College Deans Deans' Staff Prepare CCC Summary of course change proposals for CCC College Curriculum Committees Review course change proposals and CCC Summaries College Councils Review course change proposals and CCC Summaries College Deans Review course change proposals and CCC Summaries Deans' Staff Submit course change proposals and summaries to the Curriculum Coordinator Curriculum CoordinatorReviews course change proposals and summaries Curriculum Coordinator Combines all CCC Summaries and submits to the Dean of the Graduate College, the AVPAA, and Provost Dean of The Graduate CollegeReviews the CCC Summary and proposals AVPAA and ProvostReviews the CCC Summary Undergraduate Academic AdvisorsAdvising for spring semester begins OctoberCurriculum CoordinatorSubmits course change board order to VPFSS Curriculum CoordinatorEnters course changes into the SIS course catalog StudentsRegistration for spring semester begins NovemberBoard of RegentsReviews course changes Curriculum CoordinatorNotifies Deans of BOR approvals Curriculum Coordinator Submits course changes to the Office of Institutional Research Institutional ResearchSubmits course changes in CBM003 to the Coordinating Board
Important Deadlines To Remember February –CCC meets to review course proposals for Additions, Deletions, and Fall Changes March 1 st –CCC Summary of Changes and Course Change Forms for Fall –UCC Preliminary Summary of Additions and Deletions April 1 st –UCC Course Addition and Deletion forms –UCC Final Summary of Additions and Deletions September 1 st –CCC meets to review course proposals for Spring changes –CCC Course Change Forms and Summary Please note that these are Curriculum Services deadlines. Each college will have its own internal deadlines, prior to these, of when items will be due to the Chairs/Directors and Deans.
Course Request Form Page 1
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Course Request Form Information Course Additions must have all sections complete. Course Changes must have sections 1-5, 12, and 19 completed. In addition, anything else that is changing about the course. Course Deletions must have sections 1-5, 12, and 19 completed. o Titles Long title appears in the catalog. Abbreviated title appears on transcripts. Must be no longer than 18 characters and must include spaces between words. o Description 50 words or less, written in complete sentences. Must include repeatability, grade mode if CR/PR, and if the course will NOT course towards degree credit. o Pre or Co Requisites Includes courses and GPA requirements. Course prereqs must include a minimum GPA. o Restrictions o Can include Department, Major, Minor, Concentration, Classification, Level, Degree, Program, Campus, College, Student Attribute or Cohort.
Course Request Form Information o CIP Code Must be 10 digits, no spaces, no periods. o Instruction Type Should match the description and instructional methodology. o Repeatable for Credit Can the student take the course multiple times for credit? o Maximum Credit Hours Allowed How many credit hours total can the student receive for the course? EX: 9 hours of credit (2 repeats); unlimited credit (unlimited repeats); etc. o Workload Credit For information contact Faculty Records at 245-2786 or refer to PPS 7.05 o Justification Which program will this course be used in. Explanation should include how the course will be used in the degree plan. Will it replace or be cross referenced with another course? If the request is a course change, the justification should include what fields are changing.
Common Errors Effective Semester incorrect College/School/Department Name missing or incorrect Instruction Type incorrect Course Description written in partial sentences or too long Course equivalencies missing or incorrect Justification incomplete
Course Summaries Course Summaries are required in each of the course cycles. –UCC Summary is a compilation of all Course Additions and Deletions. –CCC Summary is a compilation of all Course Changes. Course Summaries must be submitted in a specific format that is required by the Board of Regents. –Arial Font, 12 point –Listed in order alphabetically by: College School/Department –Additions, then Deletions Prefix Number –Can not include bold, highlights, color, etc. –The Justification should be written in italics, to distinguish it from the course information. The information in the Course Summaries is transferred directly to the catalog and into Banner SIS. For this reason, it is imperative that the summary match exactly what is on the Course Request Form.
UCC Summary - Example
CCC Summary - Example
Curriculum Services Website Annual Course Cycle Information Graduate and Undergraduate Catalog links Committee and Council Information Academic Program Information –Academic Program Codes –Program Proposals Tracking –CIP Code Information Announcements
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