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Facilitators of School Improvement Lisa Guzzardo Asaro Deane Spencer October 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitators of School Improvement Lisa Guzzardo Asaro Deane Spencer October 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitators of School Improvement Lisa Guzzardo Asaro Deane Spencer October 2014

2 Keys to Student Engagement and The 7 C’s Student Motivation Scavenger Hunt



5 4 (Secret) Keys to Student Engagement At your table designate each participant as Reader A, B, C or D. Each participant will read: the introduction (pg.1 through table on pg. 2) the summary (pg. 5 beginning with “The Four Keys”) And one of the four Reader A: Key 1 (pg.2) Reader B: Key 2 (pg.3) Reader C: Key 3 (pg.4) Reader D: Key 4 (pg.5)

6 4 (Secret) Keys to Student Engagement Scavenger Hunt Use the Seven C’s of Effective Teaching table to make connections to the Four (Secret) Keys to Student Engagement. Using the Four Keys as categories, sort the ‘Dimensions’ from the 7 C’s table into the categories. Use the ‘Example Items’ in the 7 C’s table as well as the information in the Reading to guide your work. Record your thoughts on the handout.

7 Today’s Outcomes Ex 7 Read Four Keys to Student Engagement, by Robyn Jackson and Allison Zmuda Receive Important Updates Examine the NEW SI and DI Frameworks Deconstruct your Program Evaluation Strategy Receive MDE Assessment and Accountability Updates for 2014-15 Explore MI School Data, Data Director, and

8 8 Today’s Roadmap Welcome and Review Connector: Four Keys to Student Engagement, article Updates: Changes and What’s New? Professional Learning Save the Dates MDE and AdvancED At-Risk 31A ASSIST Program Evaluation Diagnostic Assessment and Accountability Update MI School Data, Data Director, and Program Evaluation Team Work

9 9 Key Working Agreements A Facilitation Tool Respect all Points of View Be Present and Engaged Honor Time Agreements Get All Voices in the Room These breathe life into our Core Values

10 10 Parking Lot A Facilitation Tool Rest questions that do not benefit the whole group Place questions that do not pertain to content at this time Place questions that pertain, but participants do not want to ask at this time

11 Action Required Chart Any request by you that I need to respond to must be placed on the Action Required Chart You need to PRINT your complete name, school, and email address 11

12 FSI Materials New to FSI Notebook Plastic Folder FSI Bag All Participants Journal with removable tabs Visible Learning for Teachers, John Hattie Flashdrive FSI website will hold all templates and resources for this series 12

13 FSI Journal Assembly Place your name in the Book Count off three pages and place one removable tab labeled Stage One Step 1 Get Ready Count 8 pages and place a same colored tab, labeled Stage One Step 2 Collect Data Count 8 pages and place a same colored tab, labeled Stage One Step 3 Build Profile Count 8 pages and place a DIFFERENT colored tab, labeled Stage Two, Step 4 Analyze Data Follow the pattern and label each step (11). Remember to CHANGE the color of the tabs when you begin STAGE THREE and STAGE FOUR. 13

14 Principal Resource Packet OFS District Monthly Activity Organizer Spring 2015 Testing Schedule (latest) AdvancED eleot (classroom observations) AdvancED Team Member Invitation for MI Guided Reading Strategy Implementation Guide Education Leadership: How to Drive Motivation 14

15 FSI Website Facilitators of School Improvement FSI Series: PPTS, Agendas and Calendar MDE School Reporting Requirements MDE District Reporting Requirements FSI Series Handouts by Stage and Step School Data Resources: MI School Data and Data Director School Improvement Timelines District Office Corner Principal’s Corner 15

16 16

17 MI-CSI Process Cycle

18 Making Connections Annual Education Report How did we do? School Improvement Plan Where do we want to go and how are we going to get there? Comprehensive Needs Assessment Where are we now?

19 The Big Picture

20 Process and Products StageProcessesProducts GATHER Get Ready Collect Data Build Profile School Process Profile* School Data Profile STUDY Analyze Data Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practices School Data Analysis (SDA)* School Process Profile Analysis PLAN Develop improvement plan Develop strategies Develop activities School Improvement Plan DO Implement the Plan Monitor the Plan Evaluate the Plan Program Evaluation Tool* Annual Education Report *Diagnostic in ASSIST

21 Important Updates Priority, Focus, and Reward Schools Professional Learning Opportunities MDE ‘Save the Dates’ and Due Dates SI and DI Frameworks AdvancED and ASSIST At-Risk Pupils 21

22 Priority, Focus & Reward Schools Support to Priority and Focus Schools Top to Bottom List 2015-16 No new schools named 2015-16 22

23 Professional Learning Opportunities MISD Sponsored Recommended by MISD Flyers and Brochures The Macomb ISD has a plethora of professional learning opportunities listed in courseware. Search by month or content. Flyers and brochures will be placed on the shelving in the back of the room to my left. 23

24 Save the Dates AdvancED Conference (2-days) November 6 and 7, 2014 Suburban Collection Showplace, NOVI OEII School Improvement Conference November 17 and 18, 2014 Lansing Center, LANSING NEW School Improvement Framework (26 quality indicators) NEW District Improvement Framework (10 quality indicators) 4 Models of Educator Effectiveness Student Learning Outcomes School Culture and Climate Special Education 24

25 District Improvement Framework District Systems Review (DSR) 10 Indicators 25

26 School Improvement Framework School Systems Review (SSR) 26 Indicators 26



29 2014-15External Review At a Glance Index of Educational Quality IEQ - 3 Domains Effective Learning Environment Observation Tool eleot 29

30 AdvancED Updates Team Member Invitation 30

31 External Review Structure 2014-15 31

32 The IEQ is Real! 32

33 The IEQ is Real! 33

34 eleot 34

35 2014-15 Accreditation Labels AdvancED 35 INOUT Accredited Accredited on Review Probation Warned Advisement AdvancEd takes all the IEQ index scores in the nation and rank orders them. If your school falls in the bottom 5% for the NATION, additional reviewing will be conducted by AdvancED.

36 36 In This Issue: Program Evaluation Tool (task has arrived)Program Evaluation Tool ASSIST 6.0ASSIST 6.0 New Administrators (make sure EEM is updated)New Administrators

37 Scroll Down to find TABS


39 At-Risk Populations: 31-A Funding Changes Legislation FAQ’s Worksheets K-3 4-12

40 At-Risk Populations: 31-A Funding Changes Legislation

41 At-Risk Populations: 31-A Funding Changes Legislation

42 At-Risk Populations: 31-A Funding Changes Unallowable Uses of Funds

43 At-Risk Populations: 31-A Funding Changes Companion Document/Notes

44 44 Stage Three: Plan Stage Four: Do DO Implement Plan Monitor Plan Evaluate Plan PLAN Develop Improvement Plan Develop Strategies Develop Activities

45 Stage Four Step 11

46 Program Evaluation Timeline 46

47 One, Evaluating the Fidelity of Implementation  implemented as intended?  implemented consistently and with fidelity?  enough time and resources available and used for implementation? Did the strategy work?

48 Two, Evaluating Impact: Student Achievement  increased student achievement?  unintended consequences (good and bad)?  be continued? discontinued? modified? Demographics Student Outcomes Perception School Processes

49 Deconstruct a STRATEGY at the ACTIVITY Level 49

50 Program Evaluation STRATEGY Open your envelop and ONLY take out the colored blank cards labeled Getting Ready Readiness, Getting Ready Knowledge and Skills 50 Getting Ready 1. Readiness Getting Ready 2. Knowledge & Skills Getting Ready 3. Opportunity ImplementMonitorEvaluate

51 Deconstructing Directions 51

52 Creating the BOARD Use the headers and descriptor cards in your envelop to create a LIVE BOARD. 52 Continue

53 Step Three Divide the cards among the team and provide time for each person to read the activity to the team. In round robin fashion, each person places their activity under the header/descriptor THEY BELIEVE it best fits and share out the rationale for placement. At this time, the team does not provide assistance or input. Once the last activity card has been placed begin a dialogue if a participants believes a card is better placed under a different header/descriptor. Once the dialogue is complete and consensus is reached the team is ready for the next step. HINT: 1-4 activity cards (5-10 minute dialogue, 5-10 activity cards 10-15 minute dialogue and so on) 53 Deconstruct a STRATEGY at the ACTIVITY Level

54 54

55 Stage Four Step 11

56 What Worked Well?  impact on student achievement and what is the evidence?  Impact on subgroups and what is the evidence?  strategy was or wasn’t implemented with fidelity?  implementation adhered to strategies, timelines and responsibilities?

57 Look at your ACTIVITY CARDS and answer this question: do these activities create a blue print for staff to follow?  Readiness?  Knowledge and skill?  Opportunity?  Implemented as intended?

58 Blue Print Make Decisions about ACTIVITIES Add Additional ACTIVITIES Cont inue Keep as is Revise Discontinue

59 59 DO Implement Plan Monitor Plan Evaluate Plan Identify the additional activities needed to conduct Program Evaluation Create a PE Strategy addendum in ASSIST Label: June 2015 Program Evaluation Strategy Addendum Complete page one of the Program Evaluation Diagnostic in ASSIST

60 60 Accountability and Assessment Update Presenter Dr. Jim Gullen


62 Storyboard Tool 62

63 63 Presenter: Dr. Jennifer Parker-Moore Data Director GATHER Get Ready Collect Data Build Profile STUDY Analyze Data Set Goals Set Measurable Objectives Research Best Practice

64 Team Work Time Identify the additional activities needed to conduct Program Evaluation Create an addendum PE Goal Complete page one of the Program Evaluation Diagnostic in ASSIST Network with Colleagues 64

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