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Cancer. Cancer Facts: 1 in 3 will get cancer 1 in 3 will survive it 3 out of 4 families have a family member with cancer 50% of cancer could have been.

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Presentation on theme: "Cancer. Cancer Facts: 1 in 3 will get cancer 1 in 3 will survive it 3 out of 4 families have a family member with cancer 50% of cancer could have been."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cancer

2 Cancer Facts: 1 in 3 will get cancer 1 in 3 will survive it 3 out of 4 families have a family member with cancer 50% of cancer could have been prevented 50% of deaths could have been prevented with early treatment

3 Key Question Why do so many people WAIT TOO LONG to be treated for cancer?

4 Answer: The symptoms of cancer are very similar to the symptoms of other, less dangerous diseases. Pain is rarely a symptom of early stage cancer.


6 Normal cells resist “piling up” when grown in cell cultures.

7 Henrietta Lacks “HeLa” cells originated in her cancer tumor


9 Cancer cells (stained blue) have: 1.Larger “mitotic” nuclei-abnormal amounts of division 2.Less cytoplasm- an indication of how they DON’T function anymore Normal cells

10 Loss of Normal Growth Control Cancer cell division Fourth or later mutation Third mutation Second mutation First mutation Uncontrolled growth Cell Suicide or Apoptosis Cell damage— no repair Normal cell division Apoptosis, or “cell suicide,” is the mechanism by which old or damaged cells normally self- destruct

11 Malignant versus Benign Tumors Malignant (cancer) cells invade neighboring tissues, enter blood vessels, and metastasize to different sites Time Benign (not cancer) tumor cells grow only locally and cannot spread by invasion or metastasis

12 Key Question Why do so many people WAIT TOO LONG to be treated for cancer?

13 Normal blood Leukemia

14 Early: Fatigue Anemia, paleness Late: Easy bruising Weight loss

15 Normal LiverLiver Cancer

16 Early: Loss of appetite Weight loss Late: Tenderness Low fever

17 Normal ColonColon polyp

18 Early colon cancerLate colon cancer

19 Colon Cancer Early: None Late: Blood in stools “tarry” Feeling of fullness Change in bowel habits; narrow caliber stools

20 Normal LungLung with Cancer

21 Lung Cancer Early: Persistent cough Blood in sputum Late: Wheezing Fatigue and weakness Weight loss and maybe pain

22 Normal KidneyKidney cancer

23 Kidney Cancer Early: Appetite and weight loss Low grade fever Late: Vomiting Mild low back pain Headache, bad breath

24 Normal testicleTesticular cancer

25 Testicular Cancer Early: None Late: Sense of fullness in the scrotum Noticeable enlargement

26 A man with breast cancer… Rare but not impossible

27 Normal mammogramBreast cancer

28 Breast Cancer Early: None Late: Noticeable enlargement, asymmetry, vague discomfort,

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