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October 4-5, 2010 1 Status of ARRA funded AIPs Electron Lens Scope, Cost, and Schedule Wolfram Fischer October 4, 2010 Electron Lens.

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Presentation on theme: "October 4-5, 2010 1 Status of ARRA funded AIPs Electron Lens Scope, Cost, and Schedule Wolfram Fischer October 4, 2010 Electron Lens."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 4-5, 2010 1 Status of ARRA funded AIPs Electron Lens Scope, Cost, and Schedule Wolfram Fischer October 4, 2010 Electron Lens

2 October 4-5, 2010 2 Outline 1.Scope of Electron Lens ARRA AIP 2.History of superconducting solenoid procurement 3.Organization, safety, and reporting 4.Funding profile, WBS, and Costs (budgeted, incurred so far) 5.Milestones and major manufacturing and procurement items 6.Cost and scheduling risks

3 October 4-5, 2010 3 Scope of Electron Lens ARRA AIP “Engineer, design, procure and install one electron lens ready for beam.” [read for beam: all subsystems installed in Interaction Region 10, electron beam has been transported from gun to collector ] Major fabrications include: –Superconducting solenoid (including correctors) in SMD –Electron gun and collector in C-AD Major procurements include: –6 warm solenoids and 4 warm orbit correctors –Power supplies for gun, transport, and collector Installation in Interaction Region 10

4 October 4-5, 2010 4 Superconducting solenoid procurement Had planned to buy superconducting solenoid from industry but received only 1 bid from 9 bidders contacted, even after relaxing tolerances Various reasons for no bids: no production capacity, no tooling ready, exchange rate and preference for American bids, technical risk Sole bid was about 3x budgeted value Budget for sc solenoid guided by 2 benchmarks: EBIS spare solenoid, and solenoids for Tevatron electron lens (both are 6 T sc solenoids) The failed sc solenoid procurement also delayed project Superconducting solenoid now being built in BNL Superconducting Magnet Division Allows for technically better magnet and better risk control, (presentation by M. Anerella)

5 October 4-5, 2010 5 Organization

6 October 4-5, 2010 6 Safety ARRA AIPs are fully integrated into the C-AD Safety organization –ESSH&Q Division –Safety Committees –Procedures –Trained supervisors and employees –Safe practices All work has been done safely, no safety occurrences on the project

7 October 4-5, 2010 7 ESSH&Q As part of the Collider-Accelerator Department (C-AD) complex, all AIPs are subject to the same standards as RHIC. Procedures for operation of the AIP equipment will become part of the Operations Procedure Manual (OPM). Completed Safety milestones (on Indico) –NEPA review –Design Review questionnaire –Preliminary Hazard Screening Report Planned Safety milestones: –Add Electron Lens to the C-AD Safety Analysis Document

8 October 4-5, 2010 8 ESSH&Q Planned Reviews: –Accelerator Systems Safety Review Committee (ASSRC) –Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) –BNL Cryogenic and Pressure Safety committee (for superconducting magnet) –BNL Lifting Safety committee – to approve critical lift for solenoids

9 October 4-5, 2010 9 Engineering and management meetings Weekly –Electron lens engineering meeting (Thu 9:30am) [gun, electron transport, collector, power supplies, instrumentation, …] –Beam-beam physics meeting (Fri 3:00pm) [simulations, lattice changes, beam experiments, bench marking] Bi-weekly –Superconducting solenoid engineering meeting (Tue 4:00pm) [sc solenoid design] Monthly –Financial [Cost, schedule, and procurement status. Next meeting will focus on measurable milestones for the sc solenoid]

10 October 4-5, 2010 10 AIP Management and Reporting Internally: –Weekly and Monthly Budget and Expense reports –Monthly labor reports (hours charged by individuals) –Open purchase orders/purchase requisitions report (available daily) Reporting to DOE: –Execution Plan –Monthly ARRA milestone progress reports –Monthly teleconferences –Quarterly reports –Quarterly teleconferences

11 October 4-5, 2010 11 Funding profile With initial financial plan FY2011 CAD AIPs require $700k reprogramming from operations. In addition, Magnet Division will receive a total of $652K in BNL Program Development funds.

12 October 4-5, 2010 12 Work Breakdown Structure

13 October 4-5, 2010 13 Budgeted Costs ($K)

14 October 4-5, 2010 14 Costs to date

15 October 4-5, 2010 15 Schedule Schedule (so far about 700 task lines) developed by the system experts and the scheduler.

16 October 4-5, 2010 16 Major Procurements

17 October 4-5, 2010 17 Major Milestones

18 October 4-5, 2010 18 Jobs created Jobs created by ARRA AIPs (14 months ago) Stochastic cooling: - 1 technician hired Electron lenses: - 1 mechanical engineer hired - 1 post-doc position open

19 October 4-5, 2010 19 The next 6 months… 1.Superconducting solenoid Receive superconductor for main solenoid Wind correctors an main solenoid … Yoke assembly complete 2.Completed electron gun assembly 3.Completed electron collector assembly 4.Delivery of warm solenoids

20 October 4-5, 2010 20 Risk management – financial Financial risk (= actual costs higher than estimated cost) Estimates for items to be purchased are based on historical cost of comparable items Estimates for labor are based on experience with comparable work Risk has materialized for cost of largest component (superconducting solenoid), sole bid 3x larger than estimate

21 October 4-5, 2010 21 Risk management – financial Mitigation measures taken: Relaxed field quality specifications for 2 nd bidding round accepted some performance degradation Found alternative acquisition method in-house manufacturing Value engineering sc solenoid contains parts from ISABELLE and RHIC, field correction system and angle corrector included in SMD concept Additional funding sources BNL Program Development funds for innovative part of design, 2 nd AIP for 2 nd lens (regular, not ARRA) Went through detailed cost estimate for all systems Continue to evaluate more cost effective solutions if possible Track cost of all large items closely

22 October 4-5, 2010 22 Risk management – schedule Scheduling risk (= time to completion longer than estimated) Overriding concern: If lens is not installed in summer shut-down 2012 (for RHIC Run-13) a 1 year delay would result.

23 October 4-5, 2010 23 Risk management – schedule Mitigation measures In-house production of superconducting solenoid (pacing item) allows for better control of schedule, re-allocation of resources is possible (EBIS sc solenoid and EBIS spare sc solenoid both late, also problem with sc solenoids at GSI ECR source) Reallocation of C-AD resources is also possible for manufacturing of gun, collector, parts of vacuum system, instrumentation, and installation (can compete with RHIC run requirements)

24 October 4-5, 2010 24 Summary Scope of the $4M Electron Lens ARRA AIP is to engineer, design, procure and install one electron lens ready for beam. Currently on schedule for completion in December 2012. Organization, controls, and reporting are established. Main cost risk is superconducting solenoid mitigated by manufacturing onsite at SMD, allowing frequent face-to-face status meetings, and re-allocation of resources Main schedule concern is installation in 2012 pacing hardware item is sc solenoid (for mitigation see above); IR10 has been cleared in 2010 and a detailed installation schedule will be created this quarter to determine how much further preparation can be accomplished in FY2011 The 2 ARRA projects have the highest priority in the Accelerator Division after the RHIC operation.

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