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1 New Zealand United World College Concept Development Plan 7 February 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "1 New Zealand United World College Concept Development Plan 7 February 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 New Zealand United World College Concept Development Plan 7 February 2006

2 2 Overview Stage 1: Set-up and seeding Stage 2: Feasibility study Stage 3: UWC Preliminary accreditation Stage 4: Foundation funding Stage 5: Property and programme build Stage 6: College operation

3 3 Stage 1: Set up and seeding Develop concept Introduce local patrons Liaise with UWC NZ and International Establish first-option on potential site Set up trust Obtain seed-funding Build NZ UWC web site

4 4 Trustees Manager (John) Peer Review Group Consultants Stage 2: Form Trust Legal Financial Architectural Educational Communications 1 local key player 1 technical adviser Seed-funders Regional charities Beneficiary NZ UWC Trust (to be formed)

5 5 Stage 2: Feasibility study Financial plan Legal issues Architectural and design issues Market analysis School operations plan Academic programme UWC accreditation requirements Paradise Trust requirements Fund-raising plan Communications plan

6 6 Stage 3: UWC Accreditation Presentation to UWC Task Force UWC Task Force review Address concerns or issues from review Preliminary accreditation and right to use UWC brand

7 7 Stage 4: Foundation fund-raising Establish strategic and marketing plans Build ‘bridge’ to potential funders –Engage network of key international patrons, government agencies, corporate supporters and NGOs Raise funds – presentations + promotions to NZ and overseas donors – philanthropic foundations, corporates, NGOs, individuals –Capital funding ($50m) –Scholarship funding for at least 5 years ($60m)

8 8 Facitilities Build Stage 5 Structure: Build Trust Construction Design RMA Architectural Trustees (5) CEO Major Patrons Beneficiaries Prospective UWC students ‘College’ Build Key staff positions Cirriculum advisers Marketing programme Paradise Trust Contract

9 9 Stage 5: Property + programme build With required minimum funding level achieved: Complete UWC accreditation Finalise component plans Enter contracts to build facitilities Begin preliminary human development/recruitment Manage build programme

10 10 Stage 6: College operations – Possible structure Facitilities Management Trustees (5) Manager Major Patrons Staff Board of Govenors Principal Paradise Trust Funding/ Investments Property SchoolTreasury National UWC Committee

11 11 How is NZ UWC different from other UWCs? Global leadership in sustainable environmental management Integration with Outward Bound programme A model in indigenous and multicultural relations Warmth and openess of NZ character and culture ‘Safe haven’ setting for bringing disparate peoples together New excellence in college governance and programmes Providing UWC with an Australiasian/Pacific presence Close involvement of ‘village NZ’

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