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Sugar. You can divide sugars (simple carbs) into 2 categories: Naturally occurring sugars, such as lactose in milk and fructose in fruits. Naturally occurring.

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Presentation on theme: "Sugar. You can divide sugars (simple carbs) into 2 categories: Naturally occurring sugars, such as lactose in milk and fructose in fruits. Naturally occurring."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sugar

2 You can divide sugars (simple carbs) into 2 categories: Naturally occurring sugars, such as lactose in milk and fructose in fruits. Naturally occurring sugars are usually accompanied by other nutrients so they are not of great concern to nutritionists. The second category are refined sugars, those that are added to food for sweetening, browning, or to increase bulk. There are 4 grams of sugar in 1 teaspoon*

3 FYI: Reduced-fat and Fat-free food products often contain a lot of added sugar. Manufacturers often add sugar when they remove fat, so even though you are not eating fat, you may be consuming the same number of calories by eating sugar instead!


5 Sugar in DrinksTsp.Correct order: 1. (best )1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (worst)5.

6 Rank these drinks in order of lowest to highest in teaspoons of SUGAR: (best for you to worst)

7 Sugar in FoodsTsp.Correct order: 1. (best )1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (worst)5.

8 Rank these food items in order of healthiest to least healthy in SUGAR: (best for you to worst)

9 Sugars: 16 grams x 3 = ______ divided by 4 = ______ tsp. (to transfer into teaspoons) There are 4 grams in 1 tsp.

10 Your Turn  Each group of students is going to be responsible for finding out how much sugar is in each food product.  Remember to find out how many servings are in the entire container, we want to know how much the whole container holds.  4 grams of sugar = 1 teaspoon.  Write the number of teaspoons on the paper towel that the mis cup is sitting on.

11 Sugar Tsp.Correct order: in Foods 6.35Pop Tart 2. 6.5Power Bar 3.8.25Ice-cream 4.11.5Skittles 5.29Choc. raisins SugarTsp.Correct order: in4.51. Tree Top Drinks8.52. Gatorade 9.53. Sprite 12.754. Green Tea 13.55. Monster How many did you get right???? ____ / 10

12 Limiting Added Sugar in Your Diet Take out your “How Much Should I Be Eating” worksheet. Calculate how many added sugars you should limit yourself to. Looking back on the experiment we just finished, how do those foods stack up against your added sugar limits?

13 8TQ

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