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Ares I-X INDUSTRY DAY Scott Graham William Foster Monica Hoffmann

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1 Ares I-X INDUSTRY DAY Scott Graham William Foster Monica Hoffmann
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ares I-X INDUSTRY DAY Scott Graham William Foster Monica Hoffmann Timothy Gaydos 14 November 2007

2 AGENDA 8AM Badging and Manufacturing Facilities Tour Sign Up
8:30AM Welcome 8:35AM Ares Program Overview 8:45 AM Ares 1-X Program Overview 9AM Ares1-X Statement of Work 9:50AM Quality Assurance Plan 10AM Open Forum Questions and Answers 10:30AM Tours of Ares1-X Manufacturing Facilities 11:30AM- 1PM – LUNCH - Break Independently for Lunch 1PM Continue One on One Private Conversations as needed (20 minutes each) National Aeronautics and Space Administration

3 Ares Program Overview Scott Graham November 14, 2007
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Scott Graham November 14, 2007

4 The Vision for Space Exploration
Complete the International Space Station. Safely fly the Space Shuttle until 2010. Develop and fly the Crew Exploration Vehicle no later than 2014 (goal of 2012). Return to the Moon no later than 2020. Extend human presence across the solar system and beyond. Implement a sustained and affordable human and robotic program. Develop supporting innovative technologies, knowledge, and infrastructures. Promote international and commercial participation in exploration. “The next steps in returning to the Moon and moving onward to Mars, the near-Earth asteroids, and beyond, are crucial in deciding the course of future space exploration. We must understand that these steps are incremental, cumulative, and – incredibly powerful in their ultimate effect.” – NASA Administrator Michael Griffin October 24, 2006 NASA’s call to action was the Vision for Space Exploration, announced in The primary goals of the Vision are to finish the work NASA began on the International Space Station, retire the Space Shuttle, and build the new spacecraft needed to return people to the Moon and go on to Mars. The importance of the Vision is that it commits NASA and the nation to an agenda of exploration. Alongside this effort, we will continue developing a vigorous program of robotic exploration and technological development to meet the challenges ahead. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

5 Our Exploration Fleet Earth Departure Stage Orion Crew Exploration
Vehicle Ares V Cargo Launch Vehicle The journeys to the Moon and Mars will require a variety of vehicles, including the Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle, the Ares V Cargo Launch Vehicle, the Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle, and the Lunar Surface Access Module (LSAM). The architecture for lunar missions will use two launches, with the crew going up on one vehicle, and the lunar lander and the Earth Departure Stage going up on another. The crew launch vehicle has been named Ares I—the ancient Greek name for Mars—anticipating one of its future destinations, while the cargo launch vehicle has been named Ares V. The “I” and “V” designations pay homage to the Apollo Saturn I and Saturn V launch vehicles. Ares I is a “single stick” vehicle stack designed to carry the human crew into orbit. It is being designed to carry crew or cargo to the International Space Station (ISS) and to carry the crew to rendezvous with the Ares V Earth Departure Stage and LSAM. The Ares V Cargo Launch Vehicle carries the LSAM into orbit and provides the propulsion to push Orion and LSAM toward the Moon. The Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle carries the crew into orbit, where it docks with the LSAM before heading for the Moon. It is the same shape as the Apollo capsule, but has enough space to carry up to six astronauts for an ISS mission or four astronauts to the Moon. Along with more advanced electronics, Orion also has more than two-and-a-half times the interior space of the original Apollo Command Module. When Orion and LSAM reach the Moon, Orion remains in orbit on “automatic pilot” while the crew descends to the surface in the LSAM. The LSAM will take the four crew members to the surface, where it will serve as the crew’s habitat for up to a week on a lunar sortie mission. Once the mission is over, the upper portion of the LSAM launches the crew into lunar orbit and then docks with Orion. Once crew and cargo have been transferred back to the Orion, the LSAM is discarded and allowed to crash onto the Moon’s surface while the crew returns to Earth in Orion. Lunar Lander Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle ELO Ambassador Briefing – 5 National Aeronautics and Space Administration

6 Building on a Foundation of Proven Technologies - Launch Vehicle Comparisons -
Crew Lunar Lander Lander Orion CEV Earth Departure Stage (EDS) (1 J–2X) 499k lb LOx/LH2 S–IVB (1 J–2 engine) 240k lb LOx/LH2 Upper Stage (1 J–2X) 280k lb LOx/LH2 S–II (5 J–2 engines) 1M lb LOx/LH2 5-Segment Reusable Solid Rocket Booster (RSRB) Core Stage (5 RS–68 Engines) 3.1M lb LOx/LH2 In order to reach the Moon and Mars within our planned timeline and also within our allowable budget, NASA is building upon the best of our known space transportation systems. The Ares I and Ares V launch vehicles use many technologies drawn from Apollo and the Space Shuttle. The five-segment RSRBs are bigger, more powerful versions of the four-segment RSRBs that the Shuttle uses today. While larger, much of the hardware on these engines will be identical. This is a cost and time savings, as we can use existing manufacturing techniques and personnel to build them. Proven hardware designs also increase vehicle reliability and safety. The J-2 engine was used for the upper stages of the Saturn V moon rocket and has undergone continual improvements over the years—most recently, the turbopumps for a version called the J-2S were used to test a linear aerospike engine on the X-33 program. Thanks to more advanced components and more powerful turbomachinery, the J-2X will have 60,000 pounds more thrust than the original J-2. And, again, because it is a proven, known design, the J-2X is less expensive than if we tried to modify the Space Shuttle Main Engine or build a new engine altogether. S–IC (5 F–1 engines) 3.9M lb LOx/RP Two 5-Segment RSRBs Space Shuttle Ares I Ares V Saturn V National Aeronautics and Space Administration

7 Ares I-X: The First Test Flight (April 2009)
Thrust < 40K lbs Separation begins Launch Booster Recovery Upper Stage and CEV/LAS Disposal Sep + 20 secs Chute deployment Sep + 10 secs Frustum/Interstage separation USS/CM/LAS data downlink National Aeronautics and Space Administration

8 Ares I-X Upper Stage Simulator Overview
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ares I-X Upper Stage Simulator Overview William Foster Industry Day November 14, 2007

9 Purpose & Content Purpose: Content:
Introduce the Ares I-X Flight Test Project and GRC’s Upper Stage Simulator (USS) Integrated Product Team (IPT). Content: USS IPT Organization Ares I-X Flight Test Overview USS Top Level Requirements Design Concept Operations Concept National Aeronautics and Space Administration

10 Safety & Mission Assurance (S&MA) Management Office (MMO)
Ares I-X Organization Safety & Mission Assurance (S&MA) Ares I-X Mission Management Office (MMO) Chief Engineers Joe Brunty/MSFC Dan Mullane/MSFC Bob Ess Mission Manager K. Robinson Project Integration Steve Sullivan/KSC Steve Davis Deputy, MSFC JSC/TBD Budget Analyst Carol Scott Deputy, KSC Support Staff Systems Engineering & Integration (SE&I) Marshall Smith SE&I Chief M. Smith/LaRC Chief K. Detweiler/LaRC LSE W. Pennington/LaRC Deputy Chief S. Richards/MSFC Deputy LSE Integrated Product Teams (IPTs) Ground Operations (GO) First Stage Avionics CM/LAS Simulator Scott Thurston/KSC Chris Calfee/MSFC Kevin Flynn/MSFC Brian Beaton/LaRC Ground Systems (GS) Upper Stage Simulator (USS) Roll Control System (RoCS) Vince Bilardo/GRC Ron Unger/MSFC Jon Cowart/KSC National Aeronautics and Space Administration

11 Launch Systems Projects Office Glenn Research Center
Chief: S. Graham Deputy Chief: J. Koudelka MSA: J. Van Horn Admin Support: C Schilens Flight & Integrated Test: MSFC Safety & Mission Assurance (S&MA) J. Rusick - Test Vehicle Integration -LaRC Struct, Envir & Vibration Test Lead: M. Tuma Program Planning & Control Manager: R. Speth Project Control Specialist: Vacant Test Vehicle Integration Deputy: P. Bartolotta Analyst: T. Halstead RAMO: C. Stofka Vehicle Integration Lead: G. Sadler Upper Stage Manager: D. Hoffman Upper Stage Engine Manager: C. Meyer Deputy: J. Rybak Ares I-1 GRC Elements Manager: V. Bilardo US Test Article Lead: W. Foster Interstage Element Lead: M. Hoffmann Ground Processing Lead: J. Lekan Chief Engineer: C. Cunningham Integrated Upper Stage: tbd Kurt Hack, IDA T. Krivanek, M. McNelis, D.K. Le, J. Cruz / IV&V CEV SA/SM Test Article Lead: F. Elliott A. Narvaez-Legeza, Lead Engr. S. Numbers, PA Lead Avionics Lead: A. Jankovsky Thrust Vector Control Lead: D. Frate Deputy: N. Pham Structures & Thermal Lead: C. Tolbert Direct A. Baez, EPS J. Thomas, DFI G. Hunter, Sensors R. Tornabene, IPT Lead C. Ensworth B. Frankenfield Matrix National Aeronautics and Space Administration

12 AIX USS IPT Organization
08 Aug 07

13 Ares I-1 Flight Test Profile
Thrust < 40K lbs Separation begins Launch Booster Recovery Upper Stage and CEV/LAS Disposal Sep + 20 secs Chute deployment Sep + 10 secs Frustum/Interstage separation USS/CM/LAS data downlink National Aeronautics and Space Administration

14 Flight Test Plan USS Constraints
Item USS Requirements and Constraints 1 USS shall be designed to allow all assembly and checkout with limited, internal access from Interstage area; No other access above Interstage will be provided. 2 Development Flight Instrumentation (DFI) will be installed and tested at GRC prior to shipping. Final integrated instrumentation checks will be performed at KSC with EGSE provided by FTV. 3 USS shall not be recovered and will free fall into the ocean. 4 USS shall simulate the Ares I Upper Stage OML and will have sufficient mass property (total mass, CG, and inertias) characteristics to meet primary objectives. 5 USS Flight Termination System shall not be required. 6 Unique GSE for USS transportation, assembly, and test will be fabricated at GRC. 7 Processing of USS hardware will be in accordance with Appendix E, Problem Reporting and Work Control Plan. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

15 Spacecraft Adapter and Service Module Simulators
USS Architecture USS Hardware Interstage (IS) Simulator Internal Access Service Panel Integration of other Elements: Roll Control System (RoCS) Separation event diagnostics and instrumentation system Upper Stage (US) Simulator Spacecraft Adapter (SA) Simulator Service Module (SM) Simulator Integration of avionics/DFI along the length of the USS USS External Interfaces First Stage (FS) RoCS Crew Module/Launch Abort System (CM/LAS) Avionics Ground Systems (GS) Simulated fifth segment CM/LAS Simulator Four-segment motor Upper Stage Simulator FS Frustum Avionics (internal) Forward Skirts Spacecraft Adapter and Service Module Simulators Upper Stage RoCS USS to RoCS Interface USS to CM\LAS Interface USS to FS Interface National Aeronautics and Space Administration

16 USS Internal Access Concept [USS-012, -013, -023, -024, -095, -103, -108, -110]
Provides human access from the FS Frustum to the CM/LAS via the Upper Stage Access Arm at the KSC launch pad 39B and VAB platform E scaffolding Door in the IS-1 Internal access platforms and ladders Provides ECS ductwork to maintain a safe work temp., air flow and controlled humidity Allows for installation and assembly of hardware Ladders are staggered 90 degrees between platforms Internal access door Ballast platform Access platforms with railings National Aeronautics and Space Administration

17 USS ECS & Ascent Venting [USS-108, -023, -024, & USS-014]
14” ECS Duct Avionics ducting not shown Typical Segment Typical Stack 8” Ascent Vents Backflow device not shown 8” Ascent Vents Backflow device not shown US-1 National Aeronautics and Space Administration

18 USS Adjustable Mass Ballast [USS-017, -075, -123]
USS is a mass simulator Provides majority of adjustable ballast for FTV’s mass, CG, moment of inertia distribution 2” Ballast Plates are ~ 7,500 lbs each US-1 ~ 17 plates +/- 2 plates US-7 ~ 5 plates +/- 2 plates Total adjustable ballast ~ TBD lbs Upper adjustable ballast (US–7) Lower adjustable ballast (US–1) National Aeronautics and Space Administration

19 NOTE: Under revision based on the DFI
DFI/OFI in USS [USS-057] 1 – Calorimeter; 31 – Pressure Transducers; 1 – Thermocouple; 3 – Accelerometers (HF); 8 – Accelerometers (LF); 8 – Strain Gauges SM Types of DFI Sensors: Calorimeter Medtherm 20850 Pressure Transducer Kulite XTL-190 Thermocouple Type K Strain Gage (Uniaxial) Vishay TBD or Equal Strain Gage (Triaxial) Vishay TBD or Equal Gas Temperature Probe Medtherm 10561K Accelerometer (LF) PCB 3741D4HB Accelerometer (HF) Endevco 7251 Accelerometer (Shock) PCB 350C31 Video Cameras TBD DFI Avionics Boxes: MDAU (Master Data Acquisition Unit) RDAU (Remote Data Acquisition Unit) Honeywell SIGI (Space Integrated GPS/INS) Systron-Donner MotionPaks (Qty = 2) OFI Avionics Boxes: FTINU – Fault Tolerant Inertial Navigation Unit RRGU – Redundant Rate Gyro Unit 18 – Pressure Transducers; 10 – Strain Gauges; 8 – Accelerometer (HF); 4 – Triaxial Strain Gauges; 1 – Microphone SA 1 – RRGU; 2- MDAUs 1 – Video Camera; 1 – SIGI ; 11 – Pressure Transducers; 1 – Calorimeter; 1 – Thermocouple; 3 – Accelerometers (HF) US-7 US-6 4 – Strain Gauges; 12 – Pressure Transducers US-5 NONE US-4 4 – Strain Gauges; 4 – Pressure Transducers US-3 2 – Pressure Transducers 2 – Calorimeter; 2 – Thermocouples; 8 – Pressure Transducers; 4 – Strain Gauges US-2 1 – FTINU; 6 – Pressure Transducers; 2 – Calorimeters; 2 – Thermocouples; 3 – Accelerometers (Shock) US-1 IS-2, IS-1 NOTE: Under revision based on the DFI List Version 3.05 3 – Video Cameras; 28 – Pressure Transducers; 13 – Calorimeters; 18 – Thermocouples; 11 – Accelerometers (LF); 12 – Triaxial Strain Gauges; 3 – Accelerometers (Shock) National Aeronautics and Space Administration

20 US-6 Common Segment Description
Design is identical to CDR Charge 1 Segments (US-2,3,4,5) Steel Grade A70, ½” thick skin, 18’ dia. Avionics located in segment: Ext. Video Camera (1) ECS National Aeronautics and Space Administration

21 US-7 Ballast Segment - Description
Provides adjustable ballast for FTV’s mass, CG, moment of inertia distribution 2” Ballast Plates are ~ 7,500 lbs each US-7 ~ 5 plates (37,677 lbs) +/- 2 plates : Avionics located in US-7 includes: RRGU (1), MDAUs (2) , Ext. Video Camera (1) Bolt On Lifting Lug ECS US-7- Ballast Segment Mass Properties Primary Structure: ,662.00 Ballast Support Structure: ,295.90 Ballast Plates (5): ,677.00 Ballast Fasteners: Super Lifting Lug (4): ,469.36 Top Ladder (2): Bottom Ladder (2): Up Alignment Tang (4): Down Alignment Tang (4): External Flange Ring (1): External Flange Ring (1): OML UHF Antenna (2): OML Camera (2): ECS Duct: Sub Total: ,719.81 Ballast Can Assembly Platform National Aeronautics and Space Administration

22 Spacecraft Adapter Segment Description
ECS Spacecraft Adapter Segment Conical Shape Segment-Provides the diameter reduction transition from 18 ft. (216.5”) to 16.5 ft (198 “). Steel Grade A70, ½” thick skin Provides similar internal access, ECS design as common segments Internal Access Bolt On Lifting Lug Spacecraft Adapter Mass Properties Primary Structure: ,012.76 Walkway: ,145.11 Platform Hangers: Lifting Lug (4): Up Alignment Tang (4): Down Alignment Tang: ECS Duct: Sub Total: ,631.26 National Aeronautics and Space Administration

23 Service Module Segment Description
ECS Flange I/F With CM/LAS Service Module Segment SM Simulator connects to the CM Separation Ring Simulator. NASA LaRC is responsible for the CM/LAS simulator. Design similar to common segment; except reduced diameter from 18 ft. (216.5”) to 16.5 ft (198 “) Provides Internal Access to allow access to CM instrumentation. Segment interfaces with CM/LAS. This interface includes mechanical bolting of the structural flanges, avionics and environmental interfaces. Segment Upper Flange is machined to meet the flatness requirements for CM/LAS interface. Gussets Bolt On Lifting Lugs Internal Access Service Module Mass Properties Primary Structure: ,259.76 Walkway: ,048.54 OML Thruster 2 Pack (2): OML Thruster 6 Pack (2): Up Alignment Tang (4): Down Alignment Tang (4): Lifting Lug (4): ECS: Sub Total: ,585.75 National Aeronautics and Space Administration

24 Interstage 1 Segment Internal Access Entry RoCS interface
Services USS and CM/LAS ECS services 1st stage entry RoCS interface Interface to 1st Stage Last segment to be built National Aeronautics and Space Administration

25 USS Element Concept of Operations Overview
-USS Segments to be transported On the Delta Mariner Vessel National Aeronautics and Space Administration

26 USS IPT Concept of Operations Processing Flow
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

27 USS IPT Concept of Operations Super Segments at GRC
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

28 USS IPT Concept of Operations Super Segments at KSC
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

29 USS Element Concept of Operations Flow Post Manufacturing at GRC
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

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