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Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities Brodovskaya Elena, Russian Federation SOCIO-POLITICAL PROFILES OF YOUNG RUNET’S USERS.

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Presentation on theme: "Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities Brodovskaya Elena, Russian Federation SOCIO-POLITICAL PROFILES OF YOUNG RUNET’S USERS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities Brodovskaya Elena, Russian Federation SOCIO-POLITICAL PROFILES OF YOUNG RUNET’S USERS The results of cluster analysis

2 Do you use the Internet? 67,6 99,5 32,4 0,5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 All age categories Young people aged from 15 to 30 years No Yes

3 Typology of Russian youth, who took part in the mass poll (2013. N=1100), was carried out by the method of K-means cluster SPSS for Windows 17.0.

4 Socio-political profiles of young uses of Runet, % ClustersPolitical profileSocial profile% IApolitical«Micro social»43,5 IIOnline CentristsIndividualists-pragmatics32,7 III Online and offline centrists «Macro social»6,2 IV and VOnline oppositionists Individualists-mediators (12,7%) 17,6 Precariat potential (4.9%). Total100

5 Cluster 1 “Apolitical Micro social” (43,5%) IndicatorsMeanings Political orientation Not interested in the political content of the Internet and does not use the Internet as a tool of political participation Life values, life goal Family and the care of relatives’, professional self- realization Social roles Micro society: mother/father, son/daughter; comrade; valuable specialist for their workforce Information behavior Television, the press (print media) and offline communication as sources of information GenderMost female group DistrictSouthern and far Eastern Federal district of Russia

6 Cluster 2 “Online centrists - pragmatic individualists” (32,7%) IndicatorsMeanings Political orientation Declarative support the government Life values, life goal Individualistic values: utilitarian properties: career, material wealth, popularity and social recognition Social rolesBusinessmen or heads of municipal public organization Information behavior They recognize the Internet as a tool of political participation; a source of reliable information; the main source of necessary information. GenderMost masculine group DistrictNorth - Western and Central Federal districts of Russia

7 Cluster 3 “Macro social” (6,2%) IndicatorsMeanings Political orientation Online and offline centrists (real support the government) Life values, life goal Social values: social responsibility, social well-being Social rolesHeads of municipal and regional administration Information behavior They recognize the Internet as a tool of political participation; a source of reliable information; the main source of necessary information. Able to create a political Internet-content! GenderMost masculine group DistrictVolga and Central Federal districts of Russia

8 Cluster 4. Individualists –mediators (12,7%) IndicatorsMeanings Political orientation Online oppositionists (passive nihilists) Life values, life goal Self-reflection, self-improvement and knowledge of the world, focus on thinking more than action Social rolesstatus of specialists of high rank Information behavior The "global wide web" for this type of youth – rather an important source of information. Able to create a critical political Internet-content! GenderMost masculine group DistrictSiberian, Ural and North-Caucasian districts of Russia

9 Cluster 5. Precariat potential (4.9%) IndicatorsMeanings Political orientation Online oppositionists (passive nihilists and some-times tend to protest) Life values, life goal Absolute freedom and no social or personal responsibility Social roles Not a values-based social stability and not associated with employers contracts of employment, this community is the greatest threat to social peace, as should a life position "nothing to lose" Information behavior The "global wide web" for this type of youth – rather an important source of information. Able to create an extremist Internet-content! GenderMost masculine group DistrictMost Central Federal district of Russia

10 Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities Thanks. Financial support of the research was provided by the grant ''Influence of the Internet communication on the development of value orientations of young people in Russia' MD- 7540.2013.6 '' (Grants Council under the President of RF).

11 Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities Thank you for attention! Brodovskaya Elena, Science Head of Institute for High-Hume Technologies in Social Computing

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