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Presenter: Markus Hofmann Co-Author: Matt Smith Institute of Technology Blanchardstown EdTech 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Presenter: Markus Hofmann Co-Author: Matt Smith Institute of Technology Blanchardstown EdTech 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presenter: Markus Hofmann Co-Author: Matt Smith Institute of Technology Blanchardstown EdTech 2009

2  Motivation  iPhone/iPod Touch  Moodle as VLE  Learning Objects should be platform independent

3  Design for mobility  Design for widespread population  Design for limited input/output facilities  Ideal for learning outside formal environment

4  36 files evaluated  9 different application type categories  Evaluated interactivity, functionality, readability, usability and various iPhone features.  Moodle as delivery method (iPhone browser)  3G iPhone (version 2.2.1)

5  Supported Files: .doc,.docx,.pdf  Unsupported Files .odt,.pages,.txt  Very readable through automated customisation (even with font size 10)  Active external links  Zooming & rotation  No index in pdf files  Cannot be edited

6  Supported Files: .xls,.xlsx  Unsupported Files .ods,.numbers  Limited formulae support  No Macro support  Rotate and zoom features  Cannot be edited

7  Supported Files: .ppt,.pptx  Unsupported Files .odp,.keynote  Loss of transitions  Loss of animations  One continuous page  Rotate and zoom features

8  Supports XHTML  JavaScript  Interactive  No Flash support  Possible platform for mobile social learning  Editable (limited)  Fully input/output compatible

9  Fully supports  jpg, gif, tiff, bmp, png  Zoom and rotation  Can be saved to local device

10  Supported Files: .gif (animated)  Unsupported Files .swf  Flash Files can be converted  No interactivity

11  Supported Files: .mp4,  Unsupported Files .mov,.mpg,.wmv,.avi and flv.  Zoom and rotate feature supported  support

12  Supported Files: .wav  Unsupported Files  mp3, mid, m4a, wma and flac  Podcasts through iTunes

13  MS Publisher and Visio files are not supported.

14  Limitations due to physical size  Differences in expectations  Incompatibility with ‘legacy’ learning objects  No plug-in support by browser

15  Only 2 nd Generation  OS 3.0  Main issue lies with plug-in limitations  Web pages are best supported and most suited to develop learning objects

16  Supported files work great  Conversion to supported file types is often possible  Push towards web based interactive learning apps  Future growth of new generation mobile device.

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