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Podcasting. Why make a podcast? PROS Fast Distribution: Relatively Inexpensive: Simple: Added Modality: Accessibility: Facilitates “On the Go” Learning:

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Presentation on theme: "Podcasting. Why make a podcast? PROS Fast Distribution: Relatively Inexpensive: Simple: Added Modality: Accessibility: Facilitates “On the Go” Learning:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Podcasting

2 Why make a podcast?

3 PROS Fast Distribution: Relatively Inexpensive: Simple: Added Modality: Accessibility: Facilitates “On the Go” Learning: Easy: 1) Create audio/video 2) Make it into mp4 or mp3 3) Publish

4 CONS Content Control: Content will reside on users computers (not streamed). Malicious use is always a possibility. Misaligned Course Pedagogy: Organization of content is limited to how end user receives podcasts (RSS Feeder). End user can now receive content whenever it is published as opposed to regularly returning to course website Takes time and effort: no matter how easy and fast it is to make, a podcast still takes consideration and application to make it effective.

5 Levels of Technology Implementation Level 0 - Non-Use Level 1 - Awareness Level 2 - Exploration Level 3 - Infusion Level 4a - Integration: Mechanical Level 4b - Integration: Routine Level 5 - Expansion Level 6 - Refinement Extreme Technology Makeover

6 Lesson Plan Bio Title: And They Came to the Streets That Were Paved With Gold LoTi Level: Level 2 Summary: Middle school social studies WebQuest that introduces students to Chinese immigrants in California during the 19 th Century Culminating Task: Students record their research summaries into a Powerpoint or HyperStudio presentation

7 Lesson Plan Bio Title:Podcasting LoTi Level:Level 3-6 SummaryRecorded narration and complimentary audio, assembled in digital form. Culminating Task:Use of recorded audio to convey complex messages

8 Extreme Technology Makeover Makeover Resource Suggestions Provide differentiated professional development to staff

9 How are other universities using podcasts? Lectures Supplemental Material Promotion/Advertisement Sick day/Instructor is Away Student Projects Additional Resources Clarifications/Correction

10 A wiki is an easy-to-use web page that multiple people can edit. No HTML experience required. Password: Butler

11 Students Debate Pros and Cons of Lecture Podcasts "I can't pay attention for an hour and 15 minutes," NYU freshman Amanda Allen said. "It would make my life better if I could go back and reference parts of the lecture." Allen also said the classroom podcasts should not affect attendance. "The ones who would use this as an excuse probably wouldn't go to class anyway.” By Thomas Garry Washington Square News 02/01/06 10:50 AM PT

12 University of Wisconsin-Madison Foreign Language Students: Review films from other countries, review scenario based conversations and answer oral questions Biology Students: use podcasts to find content in microscopes Communicative Disorders Students: listen to audio clinical cases studies and rate the severity of speech disorders

13 How does one make an Audio podcast? Record audio (and making any necessary edits) Place it online and into RSS feed

14 Audacity A free, open source software for recording and editing sounds in Linux, Mac OS X, and other operating systems.

15 Before you begin recording you will need to configure (set up) Audacity. File > Preferences Audio I/O Tab > Recording Device Audio I/O Tab > Recording Device chosen Audio I/O Tab > Channels > 1 (Mono) Quality > Default Sample Rate: 44100 Hz Quality > Default Sample Format: 32-bit float Save your preferences by clicking OK

16 Convert the file to MP3 format. Audacity is a great program as is, but it is not natively capable of exporting files compatible with MP3 Players. Instead, you must configure Audacity to use the LAME MP3 encoder which will be installed separately from the main Audacity Application. MP3 is the defacto standard format for podcasts. Use the minimum bit rate that provide good results. Here are some suggested settings: * 48 - 56k Mono - sermons, audio books, talk radio * 64k+ Stereo - music, music & talk combinations * 128k Stereo - good quality music

17 Configure the LAME encoder, to export mp3 Download Lame encoder from Start Audacity Edit > Preferences File Formats Tab > MP3 Export Setup Select Find Library browse to where you installed the file lame_enc.dll Select the file, and click the OK button Choose 128 from the drop down menu

18 Copyright and Intellectual Property? As with any content, getting permission is the only 100% reliable way to avoid violating copyright law. Copying the work to include it into a podcast; Adapting or changing the work to include it into the podcast; Making a work available as part of a podcast for transmission to members of the public; Authorizing members of the public to make a copy of the podcast and use it according to the terms you apply to the podcast.

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