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CS Capstone Project – Fall 2013 University of Pittsburgh 1 NetApp Confidential - Internal Use Only.

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Presentation on theme: "CS Capstone Project – Fall 2013 University of Pittsburgh 1 NetApp Confidential - Internal Use Only."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS Capstone Project – Fall 2013 University of Pittsburgh 1 NetApp Confidential - Internal Use Only

2 Who is NetApp?  $6.2B (2012), Fortune 500 storage and data management company.  Founded in 1992.  12,000 employees, 150+ worldwide offices, HQ: Sunnyvale, CA, Pittsburgh: 275.  Customers include energy, pharmaceutical, sports, entertainment, technology, cloud and many more.  96% of Fortune 100 companies are customers of NetApp.  Data ONTAP – Storage OS 2 NetApp Confidential - Internal Use Only

3 Uses of NetApp  Energy companies like Chevron and Shell use NetApp innovations to explore for oil that will fuel your car.  Movies such as "Avatar" and "The Lord of the Rings" were created using NetApp products.  Pharmaceutical companies like Genentech use NetApp storage to develop the medications on which many of us depend.  Technology giants like SAP, Cisco, and TI develop their products and run their businesses on NetApp.  Popular e-mail services, telephone companies, and Internet sites run on NetApp. 3 NetApp Confidential - Internal Use Only

4 The Project  “Automated CIT selection on Code Change”  CIT = Continuous Integration Test  Code Coverage = Amount of code exercised by CITs  GCOV = Gnu source code coverage analysis tool 4 NetApp Confidential - Internal Use Only

5 Project Details  Obtain a code base (Perhaps Open SSL code, some other open source, or other.)  Write a set of 20 CITs to test the code  Measure coverage with GCOV for those 20 tests on that code base.  Modify several lines of the code being tested.  Generate an algorithm to suggest a relevant CIT to run based on the code changes.  Install and run in NetApp environment. 5 NetApp Confidential - Internal Use Only

6 Project Details  Four flavors of the algorithm –Simple: Suggest tests based on the files that have been touched. –Moderate: Suggest tests based on the functions that have been touched. –Moderate: Suggest tests based on the lines that have been touched. –Advanced: Automatically adjust tests to handle moved lines and check update into version control. 6 NetApp Confidential - Internal Use Only

7 Project Deliverables  Plan –Specification (to be started at beginning of project and updated as project proceeds)  Weekly Updates –Progress discussion –Next steps discussion –Working demo after first couple of weeks  Presentations / Demonstrations –Project kick-off presentation (2 weeks into the project) –Pre mid-point presentation. –Post mid-point presentation (for NetApp Employees) –Pre-final presentation and demonstration (few weeks before final presentation… to be used to coach final presentation.) –Final presentation and demonstration (week prior to finals weeks) 7 NetApp Confidential - Internal Use Only

8 Mentor / Mentee Interaction  Mentors on campus for initial presentation to class.  Mentors / mentees 1 hour meeting weekly on campus.  Email, instant messenger, and telephone communication can be used between scheduled meetings.  Mentors on campus for final presentation. 8 NetApp Confidential - Internal Use Only

9 Questions?  Tony DeLuca: –University of Pittsburgh CS -- 1995  Naitik Dani: –Syracuse University CS – 2006 9

10 10 NetApp Confidential - Internal Use Only

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