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Equal Opportunity Program News Fort Leonard Wood, MO Working together to achieve more Volume 1-07 EO HOTLINE 596-0601/EEO HOTLINE 596-0602 1 Jan 2007 POSH.

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Presentation on theme: "Equal Opportunity Program News Fort Leonard Wood, MO Working together to achieve more Volume 1-07 EO HOTLINE 596-0601/EEO HOTLINE 596-0602 1 Jan 2007 POSH."— Presentation transcript:

1 Equal Opportunity Program News Fort Leonard Wood, MO Working together to achieve more Volume 1-07 EO HOTLINE 596-0601/EEO HOTLINE 596-0602 1 Jan 2007 POSH starting January 07, All training will be held each Wednesday PVT-SSG 0900-1000, SFC & Above 1000-1100hrs. Located in Bldg 315, Room 227. Equal Opportunity Representative Course Training for the 2nd quarter, FY 07 will be held 5 th thru 23rd March 2007. Contact your Brigade S3 schools or your branch specific EO representative for more information. Consideration of Others (CO2) training for the 2nd quarter, FY 07 will be held 16 th thru 18 th January 2007. Contact your Brigade S3 schools or your branch specific detachment EO representative for more information. Questions or recommendations regarding the EO portion of this newsletter can be directed to: MSG Kibler 6-2610 or MSG Thompson 6-1013 Equal Opportunity Training and Education Equal Opportunity On behalf of the FLW & MANSCEN EOP, we would like to welcome everyone back from the Holiday season. We hope that your time spent with family and friends was everything you had hoped for. As we enter a new year, we would ask that those of you who plan on making new years resolutions, keep the EOP in your minds. For the ones who support aspects of the program, we hope that you decide to continue. Those of you whom have never offered your talents or commitment please re-consider. What you bring to the program could make the difference for the multitude or that one individual. Again, welcome back we look forward to working with you in the year to come. Martin Luther King Birthday: January 2007, 3 rd Monday. Committee, will be held each Monday at 1500hrs in Bldg 832. Contact 1 st Engineer Bde EOA SFC Calvetti for more details @ 6-1486 National African-American/Black History Month 1-28/29 Feb. Committee meetings began on the 15 th August, meetings are held at Building 315, RM 227. Contact 3 rd Chem Bde EOA SFC Custard for dates and times @ 6-3083 Days of Remembrance (Victims of the Holocaust) 15-22 Apr. Committee meetings will begin on the 4 th of January at 1300hrs. Meetings will be conducted in Bldg 315, Room 227. Details for future meetings will be determined. Contact Garrison EOA MSG Thompson for details @ 6-1013 Across 1. Nods off5. Al-Jazeera viewer, probably9. Crockett's last stand14. Border on15. Tree trunk16. 1998 Pulitzer winner Paula17. Hammered designs19. Garlic sauce20. Santa... town22. Catch some rays23. Powder source24. Ret. plan27. Word on a Yankee dollar30. French sailor and writer, Pierre __34. Marie Edmé Patrice de __, French president 1873-7937. Red dye used in cosmetics38. I'm dreaming of...41. Gaggle contents42. Hardy breed from Scotland43. At a previous time44. Fall bloomer46. Felix or Garfield, e.g.47. Name-serial number connector49. Part of the Treasury Dept.52. It's...a lot like Christmas60. Beelike61. Suspensions of ongoing activities62. Beautiful in Bologna63. e.e.cummings, e.g.64. __-Mall65. Beer maker?66. The largest of the Inner Hebrides67. Ultimatum wordDown1. 'Keep off the grass!' sayer, perhapsAcross 1. Nods off5. Al-Jazeera viewer, probably9. Crockett's last stand14. Border on15. Tree trunk16. 1998 Pulitzer winner Paula17. Hammered designs19. Garlic sauce20. Santa... town22. Catch some rays23. Powder source24. Ret. plan27. Word on a Yankee dollar30. French sailor and writer, Pierre __34. Marie Edmé Patrice de __, French president 1873-7937. Red dye used in cosmetics38. I'm dreaming of...41. Gaggle contents42. Hardy breed from Scotland43. At a previous time44. Fall bloomer46. Felix or Garfield, e.g.47. Name-serial number connector49. Part of the Treasury Dept.52. It's...a lot like Christmas60. Beelike61. Suspensions of ongoing activities62. Beautiful in Bologna63. e.e.cummings, e.g.64. __-Mall65. Beer maker?66. The largest of the Inner Hebrides67. Ultimatum wordDown1. 'Keep off the grass!' sayer, perhaps ©Dave Fisher 2004 - May be freely printed and distributed as long as authorship and copyright are acknowledged. BackBack | SolutionSolution 2. Cain's victim3. Coccoon occupant4. Rex of mystery5. Wormwood6. Seamstress Betsy7. Smart __ (wise guy)8. Gets drunk9. Take or use10. Tarzan's cover11. Highly excited12. Thaw13. Mixture18. Can.'s neighbor21. It's often at the door24. GIF or JPEG, e.g.25. Less refined26. Throbs28. Letters Taiwan can't use29. Knock off a bowler31. Containing the heaviest known metal32. Princesses headwear2. Cain's victim3. Coccoon occupant4. Rex of mystery5. Wormwood6. Seamstress Betsy7. Smart __ (wise guy)8. Gets drunk9. Take or use10. Tarzan's cover11. Highly excited12. Thaw13. Mixture18. Can.'s neighbor21. It's often at the door24. GIF or JPEG, e.g.25. Less refined26. Throbs28. Letters Taiwan can't use29. Knock off a bowler31. Containing the heaviest known metal32. Princesses headwear 33. Map feature35. Hung-jury results36. Stopped fasting37. Tee preceder39. Canadian whisky40. Bother44. __ Arbor, Mich.45. Supplies sparingly48. Certain stipend50. It makes a cavity51. Hillside52. Nursery dweller53. Pointless weapon54. __ monster (lizard)55. Cranny's partner56. Color for Lee's army57. Not written58. Squirts a squeak59. Chard relative33. Map feature35. Hung-jury results36. Stopped fasting37. Tee preceder39. Canadian whisky40. Bother44. __ Arbor, Mich.45. Supplies sparingly48. Certain stipend50. It makes a cavity51. Hillside52. Nursery dweller53. Pointless weapon54. __ monster (lizard)55. Cranny's partner56. Color for Lee's army57. Not written58. Squirts a squeak59. Chard relative Near term Observance information 2007 Dear Miss Millie, I've heard a lot of talk about "reasonable accommodation." I understand what it is, but how can a person with a disability start the reasonable accommodation process? And, too, when may an agency ask for medical information in connection with a request for reasonable accommodation? Curious in a Cubicle Dear Curious, A person with a disability may start the process by making an oral or written request for a reasonable accommodation. Agencies must consider an individual's request if it is made to any of the following: his/her supervisor; a supervisor or manager in his/her immediate chain of command; the EEO office; any other office designated by the agency; or, in connection with the application process, any agency employee with whom the applicant has contact. An agency may not require people with disabilities to use particular words in their requests; nor may it wait to begin processing a request until a written form is submitted. An agency is entitled to know that an individual has a covered disability that requires a reasonable accommodation. Therefore, the agency may ask for information about the disability, the activities it limits, and the need for accommodation -- but only if the disability and/or need for accommodation is not obvious, or if information already submitted by the individual is insufficient for the agency to make these determinations. An agency may not otherwise ask for medical information based on a person's request for a reasonable accommodation. Miss Millie

2 Equal Opportunity Program News Fort Leonard Wood, MO Working together to achieve more Volume 1-07 EO HOTLINE 596-0601/EEO HOTLINE 596-0602 1 Jan 2007 EO Food for thought The MANSCEN and FLW Equal Opportunity office would like to discuss Ethics. As we enter the New Year and make resolutions for positive change, please consider the following. Terms associated with Ethics: Values: Socially shared conceptions of what is good, desirable, and proper or bad, undesirable, and improper. Morality: Collective body of beliefs about right or wrong conduct accumulated by social consensus over a period of time. Personal Moral values: Persons concept of right and wrong, formed through the influence of family, culture, and society. There are generally five ways to test for wrong doing. 1.The legal test: Although you may break a law on purpose or by mistake, in our society, we say it is wrong to break the law. 2.The standards of conduct test: If you were to make this choice in the presents of your colleagues, what they say or do? 3.The Gut feeling test: Often our intuition can select right from wrong even before our brains can think it through. If a decision causes you to have a bad gut reaction, then perhaps you should re-think before taking action. 4.The front page test: How would you feel if your decision were headlined on the news or the local newspaper? What would your family & friends think? 5.The role model test: How would the most ethical person you know and respect solve this problem? How would those whom respect you perceive your actions? And what could the impact be on your family and unit? Sources of Command support available: 1.Commander/ Directorate head 2.Command Senior enlisted advisor/First Sergeant 3.Judge Advocate General (JAG) 4.Your unit EOA Remember your Service core values and apply them What you do today may impact many for years…. EEO Advanced Mediation: Skills, Techniques and Approaches, being conducted by the Justice Center of Atlanta. The training is for those mediators who have completed the Basic Mediation Skills course. Dates of the training have not yet been determined. Reasonable Accommodation: This training will be conducted by an Administrative Judge from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The target audience for this training will be managers and supervisors. Dates of the training have not yet been determined. The first Special Emphasis Program Committee The first Special Emphasis Program Committee (SEPC) meeting for the new year will convene on 24 January 2007, at Building 315 in Room 227; 2pm. Please make every effort to be there, even if you're not a member. If you have questions regarding the SEPC, please give Geoff Garner a call at 6-0602

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