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EWLE Elementary World Language Experience Training Session Troxell Library Elementary World Language Experience Training Session Troxell Library.

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Presentation on theme: "EWLE Elementary World Language Experience Training Session Troxell Library Elementary World Language Experience Training Session Troxell Library."— Presentation transcript:

1 EWLE Elementary World Language Experience Training Session Troxell Library Elementary World Language Experience Training Session Troxell Library

2 Welcome –Introduction of staff –Overview of EWLE –Contact information exchange Role of Supervisors –Room 103 Role of Student Instructors –Comments from former Student instructors Classroom Management –Discipline Role Play –Teacher strategies to use In Language Groups –Explanation of Curricula –Model 1st lesson Welcome –Introduction of staff –Overview of EWLE –Contact information exchange Role of Supervisors –Room 103 Role of Student Instructors –Comments from former Student instructors Classroom Management –Discipline Role Play –Teacher strategies to use In Language Groups –Explanation of Curricula –Model 1st lesson Lunch In Language Groups –Review supplies –Hand-on Planning time –Prepare Lessons –Group Share Wrap-up 1:00 Departure 1:10

3 10 Classes: 3:45-4:45 Choice of 10 hours community service/or $10/class The goal of the program is to get young students excited about language learning. Be enthusiastic and they will follow your lead! You are a tremendous role model for them. Choice of 10 hours community service/or $10/class The goal of the program is to get young students excited about language learning. Be enthusiastic and they will follow your lead! You are a tremendous role model for them. 2 nd Grade Program 2 languages! (this semester they are German and Spanish) 4 classes of each- organize this with your partner- pretend to the students you also know the other language.

4 Absence from class Contact information for elementary supervisor(exchange phone numbers and emails) and World Language teacher. French= Mr. Moran Sign Language= Mrs. Fuller Spanish=Ms. Holbrook, Ms. Roth-Nesley German=Ms. Szabo If you are going to be absent (give as much advance notice as possible). Your World Language contact teacher will arrange for a substitute if you haven’t already. Commitment is 10 classes. Contact information for elementary supervisor(exchange phone numbers and emails) and World Language teacher. French= Mr. Moran Sign Language= Mrs. Fuller Spanish=Ms. Holbrook, Ms. Roth-Nesley German=Ms. Szabo If you are going to be absent (give as much advance notice as possible). Your World Language contact teacher will arrange for a substitute if you haven’t already. Commitment is 10 classes.

5 Comments from –former EWLE students –former EWLE student teachers Comments from –former EWLE students –former EWLE student teachers

6 Materials Box of supplies- inform your contact World Language Teacher or Elementary Supervisor if you are running out of any item Instructor made materials- you may want to create some of your own materials, i.e., arts and crafts, copy of lyrics to songs, power point of photos in other countries, etc. Any materials you create, have your language teacher to check it. KEEP ORGANIZED All your printed materials. Box of supplies- inform your contact World Language Teacher or Elementary Supervisor if you are running out of any item Instructor made materials- you may want to create some of your own materials, i.e., arts and crafts, copy of lyrics to songs, power point of photos in other countries, etc. Any materials you create, have your language teacher to check it. KEEP ORGANIZED All your printed materials.

7 Preparation is essential divide tasks and organize your materials make sure you have materials for all your students prepare your lesson, which includes practice/rehearsal. Follow designated curriculum; enrichment materials should be added only after the set curriculum has been presented. divide tasks and organize your materials make sure you have materials for all your students prepare your lesson, which includes practice/rehearsal. Follow designated curriculum; enrichment materials should be added only after the set curriculum has been presented.

8 Behavior Be prompt Keep the room clean and in order Be courteous and a role model Be politically correct in your responses to comments/questions made by the children. Be prompt Keep the room clean and in order Be courteous and a role model Be politically correct in your responses to comments/questions made by the children.

9 Dress professionally no exposed midriff, shoulder or undergarments no ripped pants or inappropriate T-shirts if you question the appropriateness of your dress do not wear it. wear your ID. no exposed midriff, shoulder or undergarments no ripped pants or inappropriate T-shirts if you question the appropriateness of your dress do not wear it. wear your ID.

10 Evaluation You should reflect and act on all suggestions made by your Elementary supervisor You will be evaluated at the end of the program. Lean on your Supervisor or World Language teacher, they are the experts. You should reflect and act on all suggestions made by your Elementary supervisor You will be evaluated at the end of the program. Lean on your Supervisor or World Language teacher, they are the experts.

11 Reimbursement A total of $25 will be reimbursed to a pair of student instructors for the Week 10 party. Turn the receipt in to the supervisor It is easier if 1 person does all the purchasing so 1 student receives the reimbursement check. A total of $25 will be reimbursed to a pair of student instructors for the Week 10 party. Turn the receipt in to the supervisor It is easier if 1 person does all the purchasing so 1 student receives the reimbursement check.

12 Break –5 minute

13 Manage Your Class in Three Steps: Before-During-After

14 Before Know your lesson plan- practice with your partner, have the room ready. If you need a pass to practice in the Library ask your language teacher. Know how to greet the students and introduce yourselves Explain on the first day procedures and use your rules poster –How to enter –Where to sit –What to have on desk –How to ask and answer questions Each school maybe different find out how to line up and leave for dismissal Know your lesson plan- practice with your partner, have the room ready. If you need a pass to practice in the Library ask your language teacher. Know how to greet the students and introduce yourselves Explain on the first day procedures and use your rules poster –How to enter –Where to sit –What to have on desk –How to ask and answer questions Each school maybe different find out how to line up and leave for dismissal

15 During Use a quiet signal –talking is a good thing as long as it is in the language Move to the area where students are off task Separate students if disruptions continue –Ask the supervising teacher to help You model the language as much as possible- Use Fantastic! Wonderful! Excellent! Keep up the pace of the lesson/Quick transitions between activities Keep everyone involved by using partners or groups to practice Reinforce good behavior- stickers, games for review, other rewards Repetition is super important! Repeat words in different ways. Use a quiet signal –talking is a good thing as long as it is in the language Move to the area where students are off task Separate students if disruptions continue –Ask the supervising teacher to help You model the language as much as possible- Use Fantastic! Wonderful! Excellent! Keep up the pace of the lesson/Quick transitions between activities Keep everyone involved by using partners or groups to practice Reinforce good behavior- stickers, games for review, other rewards Repetition is super important! Repeat words in different ways.

16 After No homework for the elementary students –EXCEPT Practice the Language- share vocabulary with the parents The supervisor is responsible to take the students to their parents. Ask students to repeat phrases before lining up Make sure the classroom you borrowed is clean. Have extra activities ready- games, music, arts and crafts Review how the lesson went with your supervisor No homework for the elementary students –EXCEPT Practice the Language- share vocabulary with the parents The supervisor is responsible to take the students to their parents. Ask students to repeat phrases before lining up Make sure the classroom you borrowed is clean. Have extra activities ready- games, music, arts and crafts Review how the lesson went with your supervisor

17 Teach the Lesson and reinforce the correct behaviors Have fun, and the students will mirror your enthusiasm

18 Online Student/Parent Information sheet World Language Attendance sheet Final Instructor Evaluation sheet EWLE Reimbursement Form Self-Assessment Checklist Volunteer Form/to be handed in before you leave today Student/Parent Information sheet World Language Attendance sheet Final Instructor Evaluation sheet EWLE Reimbursement Form Self-Assessment Checklist Volunteer Form/to be handed in before you leave today

19 HS Teacher contact numbers FrenchMr. Moran72203B203 German Ms. Szabo 72126 B126 Sign Language Mrs. Fuller 72213 B213 Spanish Miss Holbrook 74111 D111 Ms. Roth-Nesley 74123 D123 FrenchMr. Moran72203B203 German Ms. Szabo 72126 B126 Sign Language Mrs. Fuller 72213 B213 Spanish Miss Holbrook 74111 D111 Ms. Roth-Nesley 74123 D123

20 Break out French German Sign Language Spanish 2 nd Grade French German Sign Language Spanish 2 nd Grade

21 Welcome –Introduction of staff –Overview of EWLE –Contact information exchange Role of Supervisors –Room 103 Role of Student Instructors –Comments from former Student instructors Classroom Management –Discipline Role Play –Teacher strategies to use In Language Groups –Explanation of Curricula –Planning time Welcome –Introduction of staff –Overview of EWLE –Contact information exchange Role of Supervisors –Room 103 Role of Student Instructors –Comments from former Student instructors Classroom Management –Discipline Role Play –Teacher strategies to use In Language Groups –Explanation of Curricula –Planning time Lunch In Language Groups –Review supplies –Hand-on Planning time –Prepare Lessons –Group Share Wrap-up 1:00 Departure 1:10

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