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DCHS American Sign Language Club 1 st Meeting August 20, 2012 Mrs. Alexander.

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Presentation on theme: "DCHS American Sign Language Club 1 st Meeting August 20, 2012 Mrs. Alexander."— Presentation transcript:

1 DCHS American Sign Language Club 1 st Meeting August 20, 2012 Mrs. Alexander

2 What’s Up Today  Business  Vote for officers  Review From Last week  Lesson 2  New vocabulary  Practice  Review Game: Sign Language Bingo  Next Time…

3 Business  T-Shirt Designs  Video/Picture Permission Forms  Field Trip ideas  Last minute nominations

4 Possible Field Trips  Interpreted show  Zorro – but would run late  Charlotte’s Web

5 Vote for Officers  Get voting slip  Choose ONE person for each office  You can vote for the same person more than once, but remember that it could hurt their chances of getting something  Fold it in half and put in box  They MUST be here to be voted for

6 Nominations President  Mare Heflin  Rena Park  D’Angelo  Karla Vazquez Vice President  Nton McClure  Ayanna Garnett  Jessica Hundley  Rena Park Secretary  D’Angelo  Khadija  Aliya Strong Treasurer  Janee’ McGowan  Danielle Bernard

7 Review!  Alphabet  What do you remember?  Sign a phrase/question

8 Lesson 2: Family & People  Review Alphabet  New Vocabulary  Story  Practice

9 Alphabet


11 GIRL Place the tip of your thumb on your cheek. Slide the tip of the thumb forward and down along the cheek. Memory tip: Girls used to wear bonnets that they tied under their chin.

12 BOY  To do the sign for "boy," grab an imaginary baseball cap on your forehead

13 BROTHER  The sign for "brother" uses a modified "L"-hand that turns into a "1"-hand as it moves from the forehead down to make contact with the base hand (which is in a 1-handshape).

14 SISTER  The sign for "sister" uses a modified "L"-hand that turns into a "1"-hand as it moves from the jaw down to make contact with the base hand (which is in a 1-handshape).

15 CHILD  Move your hands like you are patting the child’s head. Two hands for multiple children, or one hand for only one child.

16 DAD  Make the sign for "father" by the thumb of your "5- hand" against your forehead.

17 MOM  Make the sign for "Mother" by placing the thumb of your hand against your chin. Your hand should be open (a "5" shape).

18 MARRIAGE  The sign for "marriage" is made by clasping both hands comfortably together. For right-handed people the right hand should be on top of the left hand.

19 DIVORCE  The sign for "divorce" is made by first forming the letter "d" with both hands. Hold both hands together with the palms facing each other. With a twisting motion, move both hands outward and sideways so both palms face forward.

20 HAVE  Hold "bent" handshapes a few inches out from your upper chest. Move your hands back and touch your chest.

21 HEY  The sign "hey" is a good way to get someone's attention when you want to sign to them. Do NOT do this sign close to somebody's face. That would be rude. Do it from at least several feet away. The closer you are, the smaller the movement. The further away you are, the larger you can do the movement.

22 HOW  Form curved handshapes on both hands, palms down and/or slightly back. Place your hands together with the knuckles touching.

23 HOW-MANY  The sign "how many" is a "wh-q" sign. That means since it is a question that starts with the letters "wh" you should furrow your eyebrows a bit

24 LIVE  This version of "live" is "initialized" with an "L." It cannot be used to mean "address." Use a single movement, straight up.

25 SINGLE  This sign is made by holding the right arm in front of you, palm up. Your right index finger makes circular motions about the size of a quarter. The movement is in your shoulder and elbow, not in your wrist.

26 SPELL  Using your dominate hand palm down, wiggle your fingers

27 SLOW  To sign "slow," slide the dominant hand (right hand if you are right handed) up the non-dominant forearm a short distance--starting at the back of the base (left) hand. You only need to go a few inches

28 WORK  The sign for "work" is made by shaping both hands into "fist shapes" (the letter "s.") With your palms facing downward, use your dominant fist to tap the wrist or the side of your non-dominant fist a few times.

29 FAMILY  To sign "family" form "F" hands and use the hands to trace the shape of a circle. As if representing a family sitting around a dinner table.

30 TALL (height)  A good general sign is made by placing your right index finger on the palm of your left hand (if you are right handed) and moving the finger upward a few inches.

31 SHORT (height)  To sign SHORT show the height with your hand

32 FAT  This is not a mean sign!  The sign for "FAT" (as in "a fat person) uses "claw" hands near the face to show chubby cheeks. Start with a relatively normal face and then puff out your cheeks as you move your hands out a couple inches

33 AGE/OLD  The sign for "old" starts as a "C" hand and turns into an "S" hand as you pull it down from your chin.

34 FUNNY  The sign "funny" just uses one hand and is done near the nose and/or brushes off the nose twice. (You don't actually have to touch the nose.)

35 SWEET  The sign "SWEET" is also used to mean "diabetes." The handshape, location, and movement are all done the same. The difference is in the context and the rest of the sentence in which you use the sign.



38 FRIENDLY  The fingers wiggle as you move both hands backward. The sign starts a few inches in front of your head and moves backward until the hands are even with, or a little-bit behind your face.

39 CRAZY  Point an index finger at the side of your head and draw a circle a couple of times

40 Story  MINE: Hi! My name is Mrs. Alexander. I am hard of hearing. My husband is Thierry George, he is hearing. We have one daughter named Mailys. We live in Marietta.  Your Turn: Turn to your neighbor and tell your own story…

41 Video  Watch this video and see how much you can understand.  Family Story Family Story

42 Practice  Phrases to go over:  Grab a partner and a slip and start signing!

43 GAME!!!!  Sign Language BINGO  You wont know all of the signs, so just try your best!

44 Next Time…  More games  Home Signs  Final T Shirt Designs

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