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By: Celeste Dart 11-6-12 5 period.  Between the year 1818 and 1912 deaf schools were established across the United State.  Gallaudet was established.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Celeste Dart 11-6-12 5 period.  Between the year 1818 and 1912 deaf schools were established across the United State.  Gallaudet was established."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Celeste Dart 11-6-12 5 period

2  Between the year 1818 and 1912 deaf schools were established across the United State.  Gallaudet was established in Washington D.C. in 1864 and is the only deaf college in the world.  Abraham Lincoln help established Gallaudet.  The years 1840 and 1912 America Sign language flourished across the U.S.

3  Dark age start when the Milan congress got rid of signing  Used Oralism to teach, which is lip-reading and speech.  Many deaf school change to oralism.  State pass law that got rid of sign language.  When deaf student were caught signing they were punished.  One form of punishment was wearing white mitten that tie the hand together.

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